Mary_Anastasia Member


  • I feel ya, I was getting up at 3:30, leave for work at 4;15, get to work at 6, leave work at 5::00, get home at 7:30-8:00, in bed at 8:30...long work days paired with a hellish commute, always longer coming home. My doctors agreed I had no time to work out other than walks at lunch.
  • I tried a tiny bit and it didn't taste bad, but I'm still wary. Maybe make a hair mask from it?
  • I have lost over 40lbs doing D- none of the above :) It's time for me to start some sort of exercise other than the hiking I do on weekends. I have to figure out what I want to shuffle my job/studies/volunteering around. And I've narrowed it down to those 3 due to my recent shoulder injury. I can have either up to an hour…
  • I have VERY weak arms, and I had a shoulder injury in January- I can't do a single knee-based pushup, or even pick up a grocery bag with my right arm without it hurting. I want to start off with something that will get me moving and flexible before building muscle back.
  • Hi Jordan! I am stuck around 219 and have been for many months! I haven't been below 200 since I was 14 :o Hoping to get there this summer. Friending you :)
  • I've had osteoarthritis since age 28. I knew I had it, but never could get an appt with a rheumatologist. I finally got one and he said "you don't have arthritis" without doing anything. I blocked the door and demanded tests for rheumatoid arthritis, since I have 2 other autoimmune diseases, and if you have one it's easier…
  • Walking is a great way to ease into a more active lifestyle. If you are a body-builder, walking won't help you, other than to give you a nice relaxing peace of mind stroll. If you are out of shape, walking will do wonders. It's not only about the activity, it's about the commitment. Even if you only walk 1 mile, if you do…
  • Cheese and grains. I get about 70g a day this way, but I don't work out, so it meets my macro. I eat tofu about 1x a week, too, though I'm not supposed to :persevere:
  • I like this stuff! 150calories, 23g protein, and it tastes alright, too :) I like it a lot better than other protein shakes I've tried (including other pea protein, and whey proteins). I use almond milk with it to keep the calories low.
  • I think it's a lot more than just one thing, but one reason I couldn't stand a guy I've turned down (countless times over the last 12 years) is the way he says "Mhm!" after ever few words I say.
  • Y'all talking about Thyroid levels in the .02 range-- yeesh, mine is normal at 3.5, and it feels fine compared to what it is off meds..I've never seen it below 3.0 - makes me wonder if there is a whole new world of possibilities :P
  • That a lot of big words. But I got the gist of it- super interesting, it does sound like me haha, thanks, I will put this on my list of things to bring up next time I see my endocrinologist
  • Thank you! Def trying this one :) I went to a friends party 2 weeks ago, and she made some salty vinegary potatoes. It was all I ate. :9
  • Reaaaaaaallly, well, I'm definitely not hypertensive, yeah. Pressure is usually 107/65-ish, and pulse stays around 55-60. Interesting he said 5,000, because I'm always dismayed at seeing my sodium macro in red every time I log my meals here :/
  • Haha, a grain of salt-- I'LL TAKE ANYTHING WITH A GRAIN OF SALT :P Candida eh, I don't think I've ever had that- unless it can maybe live in the stomach and is eating all my salt away? :v And excellent point about the teeth- they are fine, no cavities for a few years, enamel is good, though I have some gum recession- yuck.…
  • Pretty sure it's not. I love, for example, balsamic dressing on my salad- but if there is a bottle of straight vinegar I will put that on instead. I never normally eat chips, I don't buy them, but if I have the choice between them or sweets it'll be them every time. I try to avoid adding salt to too much, but at the same…
  • Nope, never - not a bad thought, though
  • Yeah, and I was then, too, my TSH and T3 and T4 were all normal during my test. I take Naturthroid now. I was taking Armour at the time of my test, I was on that for about 10 years- not a big fan, but better than the synthetics.
  • I've lost over 40lbs so far without going to the gym at all (this took 6 months). I also did not up my activity (just my normal walks and hikes). I also have rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, in many places, including my knees. This has pained me for 3 years, since I was 28. It DOES get better when you lose weight. The pain…
  • I lived off of $75/month in groceries during college :p that was back in 2008-09, but it was also in Southern CA, with inflated prices.
  • I don't have any insight, but can I just say how jealous I am of your metabolism?? I also am hypothyroid, and my metabolism test resulted in my maintenance calories being 1,340. With how overweight I am/was at the time, losing 2lbs a week should have been easy, but not with that kind of metabolism :/
  • I've never considered giving myself a motivation is to feel attractive, my ex hammered it into my head that I would never be attractive unless I lost weight (I was a size 14), and considering I'm 31 and haven't dated in 5 years, I think he may be right. So, maybe my reward will be a husband :P
  • Eating around 1,300 calories. I've lost 40lbs so far but hit a plateau so now I'm ramping up to start at the gym. For the diet, I've not cut anything out, just eating less, and truly appreciating my food and drink when I know it is high calorie (apple juice is like candy now, and candy is like Christmas LOL). I've also…
  • I'm not sure I understand what your aim is: you are wanting to be vegan for 30 days, or raw for 30 days? They are different. Oreos and spaghetti are vegan, for example, but not raw. For cheese flavor, use nutritional yeast. To substitute eggs in baking use vinegar (no baking in raw diet). You can make your own mayonnaise…
  • I absolutely can't stand my job, but I've been doing it about 7 years and now I'm considered a professional and am shockingly at the top of my career ladder. It was worst in 2012, I quit, I threw out all my materials I said I don't care if my house burns down, I'd rather lose everything I own than work here another day…
  • My endocrinologist told me (at 245lbs) that my body would just not let me lose weight, she said sometimes our bodies decide what's best for us, and that as far as she could tell I was as healthy as a horse, and that I should just maintain my weight because my body decided it is comfortable where it is and that I would…
  • It had no effect on me. I was 259# and Rx'd the 37.5 pill. I took it for a month before throwing it into the back of my cupboard. I had no dry mouth, no increased heart rate, no thirst, nothing, and no added energy in fact it made me rather tired. I even tried taking it on an empty stomach a few hours before bed and I…
  • I became depressed because I hated my job and my abusive boss, then my grad school shut down in the middle of my program, then the man I loved (boyfriend/and one of my best friends) kept saying how unattractive I was and he tried to hide our relationship, then I tried to lose weight and it didn't work, and I quit my career…
  • OK, I have been to nearly every US state and many other places. Let me tell you where you would like to go :p Healdsburg, CA - this is near Sonoma wine country and is a darling pedestrian-friendly town. Paired with Sonoma, you not only have Italian landscaping, but the delicious wine cellars, cheese plates, and outdoor…
  • Hey, welcome! I started at 259 and haven't strayed far from a size 18 since before puberty, so I get how hard it is, I feel like I've been dieting all my life. I'm currently 217.5 and trying to get to 159. I recommend: 1) Start by visiting your doctor! They will give you information and resources about your newfound…