beachlandia Member


  • For me it's anything very calorically dense including peanut butter and Nutella (which I used to eat straight out of the jar with a spoon). I also just use a light non-stick cooking spray instead of oil because I think that my food tastes fine without it and usually one tablespoon has over 100 calories. Also, pasta. The…
  • On my last birthday I ate a GIGANTIC piece of cheesecake, it was one of the best things I've ever eaten and I have no regrets
  • I tried giving up dairy, eggs and wheat for about a month last year because I have problems with fatigue and chronic pain and I thought, why not, I'll give it a try. I didn't feel any better after that month though and I was miserable because I LOVE dairy and egg products. And I gained about five pounds during that time…
  • I have tried to fall into the category of people who say "I don't eat until lunch because breakfast turns on my hunger for the day" but it's just too hard for me not to eat breakfast, when I wake up my stomach is growling and I feel ravenous. Maybe I should eat a bigger dinner to keep me full until lunch the next day? I…
  • I like having two large eggs with turkey sausage and maybe a serving of fruit, it has enough protein and substance to keep me filled up and is around 320 calories depending on the fruit.
  • These are my favorite things ever (not just mint chocolate chip but every flavor although the ones with chocolate chips and probably the best in my opinion)! Now I eat them pretty much every day as dessert.
  • I do the same exact thing, I think the problem for me might be that I'm eating too little so I'm planning on upping my calories. When I was eating 1800 calories a day I only thought about food when I was hungry or about to eat, now I'm at 1200 and for the past few months I can hardly think about anything but my next meal.…
  • I don't really use condiments but when I do I use very little and usually don't bother to add calories. I mean (and this isn't really a condiment but whatever), there are a few calories in the two pickle slices I add to my sandwich but not enough to really throw me off. But if you're adding large amounts of sauce to your…
  • I don't really like them because I feel like they have a lot of calories for being so tiny. I only eat them when I'm in a hurry and hungry or something. I like the Detour Simple bars that I get from Costco the best because they have 150-170 calories instead of 200+.
  • I really like Trader Joe's generic brand products because they're usually cheaper than some of the other name-brand things you can find at those health food stores. I remember I bought some generic 100-calorie rice krispie bars there that were pretty large and tasted really good.
  • Well, the health problems started long before I lost this weight, but it's true that they probably would improve if I ate more. I am actually seeing a therapist and psychiatrist in real life and we are working on my food anxiety issues (I have not been diagnosed with an eating disorder) but thank you for your concern.