apmat Member


  • If you are not losing you need to cut calories. More accurate logging and weighing may help wirh accuracy but if you consistantly under estimate your consumption than setting a lower goal may work just as well as being more accurate in your calculations. I would slowly lower your target calories by 75 or 100 daily calories…
  • I was a vegetarian for two years and had very low dietary cholesterol but high blood cholesterol and triglycerides. I went off the vegetarian diet but kept losing weight. After 50 lbs lost my cholesterol and triglycerides dropped to normal levels for the first time in my life. I still eat mostly vegetarian for health and…
  • I eat ground turkey breast usually. It is cheaper than beef and I believe healthier for reasons not on the label. Sometimes I just eat them on a plate with mustard after a quick pan fry with a few drops of olive oil.
  • Kale chips, sugar free jello, low sodium chicken broth, baked potato. Wait til midnight and count it for the next day or sleep.
  • I have lost 50 lbs in 18 months. I fail all the time. I track everything, even the bad days, forgive myself and try again. I succeed maybe 60% of the days and that works in the long run.
    in Struggling Comment by apmat July 2015
  • I have been losing 1/2 lb per week for 18 months. My weekly weight fluctuates up and down 5 lbs so it sometimes seems I am gaining weight for weeks before the scale shows results. Calories are more accurate for me than the scale in the short run.
  • Potassium chloride as a salt substitute. 625 mg per 1/4 tsp.
    in Potassium Comment by apmat July 2015
  • I use nosalt salt substitute which is potassium chloride. It has loads of potassium. Most items in the database don't have potassium listed correctly so you would need to check listings or enter amounts carefully.
  • Sometimes I go for a liquid diet to help get me back on track. Right now I am mixing protein powder, brown sugar, dark cocoa, powdered peanut butter, and flaxseed meal with unsweetened coconut milk. Pretty balanced nutritionally, filling and tastes alright.
  • Pizza is heaven. I have managed on my diet by cutting out the bad pizza and only going for the top quality when I need a fix.
  • Good work. I've gone from 237 (start of diet, 260 before that) to 193 but it has taken me almost 18 months.