rkufeke Member


  • Magnesium Citrate, a good brand is Natural Calm. It's a powder you mix into water, they make different flavor a too. The way to tell you're taking enough is that your bathroom trips will be comfortably loose, it causes excessively loose stools when you take too much. My daughter's got malrotation too (her whole small/large…
  • So I just did my measurements for this month, and I am down 5.25" overall! I cleaned my closet the other day and found that either I fit or am REALLY close to fitting a ton of things that used to be way too small too. Pretty happy with these results :)
  • Starting weight: 167.8 Current: 162.8 So I was super excited when I jumped on the scale today and it was that low! The last time I weighed I was 165.something, I think that is the biggest drop I've had at once since way back in the beginning of keto when I lost 12 lbs in 2 weeks! I haven't weighed this little in at least a…
  • I started keto on 2/28/15 around 185 lbs, currently around 165. NSV's would be that I feel much better (was having major gallbladder pain before I started, also have had chronic pain/inflammation for probably 8+ years...), I've only had maybe 2-3 headaches/migraines in the almost 3 months when I usually would have at least…
  • I was in the ER for suspected gallbladder issues back in December, had an ultrasound that came back ok... Still had the same pain (under my ribs on the right, and about 15-30 mins after eating, along with heartburn-type pain at the bottom of my sternum), so they sent me for a HIDA scan, which also came back normal. After…
  • Oh, and I went swimsuit shopping yesterday because we are going away for a weekend at a B & B at the end of the month, and my old one is REALLY old... Even having lost almost 20 lbs at this point it still SUCKED! They just do not make swimsuits for women with my proportions... and the sizing is so messed up, I had to buy a…
  • So I haven't been tracking food for the past week or so, and forgot to come check in! My husband and I are still doing the ZC thing, but the issue we are starting to run into is boredom/lack of variety. I got some wild salmon fillets to cook for dinner tonight, expensive as it was, because we are both getting to the point…
  • Current weight: 166 lbs, down 1.6 lbs this week! Awesome thing I noticed this morning: I am comfortably wearing a pair of jeans that last time I used a rubber band to button... And a new shirt that I thought I wouldn't be able to wear until the fall because it was too tight when I got it! And my back fat is WAY less than…
  • 1.3, woohoo!
  • I made meatloaf tonight, stuffed with cheddar cheese, wrapped in bacon. 1 1/2 slices and I am stuffed! Hubby ate 2 1/2, plus some green beans with cheese. He's starting Meativore May tomorrow!
  • Fried egg over carnitas for breakfast, tuna & egg salad with pepperjack cheese crisps for lunch, jalapeno beef stick & pork rinds for snack, and more carnitas for dinner. Today's "meal planning" was easy, since I threw the pork for the carnitas in the slow cooker last night and have had it on the keep warm setting all day-…
  • Thanks, that's what I thought. He's gone playing army man for the weekend, but I worked out an eating plan for him that's a good 600+ calories over his TDEE, but uses eggs and dairy. I told him I think he should try it for 2 weeks, and if his skin doesn't get better then we will cut out the dairy and/or eggs...
  • Day 1 I had the same struggle as ChairmanWow with wanting something sweet... I gave up my BPC because I don't like it unsweetened so I had two cups of ginger tea instead. Had 2 eggs & 2 slices of bfast sausage for breakfast, ended up eating a whole bag of pork rinds for lunch, and then had a pork steak baked with chopped…
  • Starting measurements: Weight: 167.8 Waist: 37.5 Hips: 43 My goals from doing this are to hopefully further help with inflammation, eliminate cravings, increase energy, and lose more weight without having to obsess over tracking everything I eat (although I'm sure I'll still be tracking somewhat). I'm going to cut way back…
  • Well, I've had the test for RA and it came back negative (but so has almost every other test they've done), so hopefully it's not that kind... But I guess if I started it and it got worse maybe that would be a clue for the drs who don't take me seriously! For the most part since going LCHF my inflammation is much better,…
  • I miss yogurt. Even plain yogurt is high in carbs, because of the carbs from the milk. I used to make my own and strain it to make it Greek style, and I've heard you can make it with half & half or even cream to make it less carbs but haven't tried it yet...
  • I used to get migraines at least 2-3x/month; since doing this way of eating I've had one migraine (in almost 9 weeks)! And that was after a weekend of majorly over exerting myself and a HUGE weather change (like 50 degree temp drop overnight!) all at the same time. Dragonwolf- I would love to know more about the…
  • Yes, this. I've seen case reports of people who used lemon essential oil internally and had things like esophageal erosion and ulcers... Quite honestly the citrus oils are super potent, I have personally seen them melt a hole in a plastic cup, so I don't think I would drink them. Plus, they aren't water-soluble, so they…
  • Mayo packets don't have to be refrigerated... Here you can find them in the deli section at grocery stores... (For free, by where you get silverware and stuff for the prepared foods you can buy)
  • Burgers without a bun are a pretty easy thing to get while out... Supposedly some of the small independent coffee shops offer BPC... But otherwise maybe you could pick up some butter and coconut oil when you get there and take a stick blender or magic bullet with you? Mostly when eating out I stay away from anything with…
  • I have always loved the fat on steaks... #1 reason ribeyes are my favorite! Not as huge a fan of fat on pork chops... And on chicken I tend to not eat it except the skin. But if I cut it off, like from a chicken breast or a whole chicken, I throw it in the bag with the bones & whatnot I use to make broth...
  • Hopefully this isn't a dumb question... Is it ok to eat meat we are cooking together with veggies, say for example the pot roast I have going in my crock pot right now with beef broth, a carrot, a couple of celery stalks, and some dehydrated onion flakes (and I plan to add cauliflower to later)? If we just eat the meat is…
  • 1- to prevent the diabetes that runs in both sides of my family 2- to fit my clothes again 3- to help my chronic pain/inflammation 4- to be a good example for my kids 5- to feel better about how I look
  • I agree with packing stuff you'd take on a picnic, and freezing a part-full water bottle to keep stuff cold. Lunch meats/pepperoni/cooked bacon, hard boiled eggs, cheeses, broccoli, cucumbers, and celery with ranch... Lettuce wraps (basically put the same toppings you'd put on a sub in a leaf of romaine)... Tuna or egg…
  • Ok, next question. What are your macros when you are zero carb? Do you still aim to have 70+% fat, and the rest protein? I have to admit, I'm a little obsessed with making my little pie chart look right by the end of the day...
  • I'm gradually moving my husband and kids to a primal diet. They eat keto dinners because that's what I cook (and my husband typically then eats keto for lunch too since he takes leftovers). My husband has actually gained weight, and so has my son (they both needed to, my son has always been underweight and my husband is…
  • Yep, Zevia, and I got some Blue Sky Zero soda that is stevia sweetened... Sprouts (a natural grocery chain here) has a good number of options...
  • I increased my calories by 200/day last week, and have lost more this week than I did in the 4 weeks before!
  • The avocado oil I have (Chosen Foods brand, I got it at Costco) says it can safely be heated to 500 degrees... It has a little chart on the side showing different oils and temps, with it at the top at 500, canola at 435, virgin avocado at 400, evoo and virgin coconut at 375. Is this true?
  • A lot of times if I want something sweet, I'll drink a diet soda (preferably one of the stevia-sweetened varieties), or flavored sparkling water. It almost always works. (I have, however, also discovered an insane amount of willpower that I didn't know I had before!)