

  • Hi, love the post! Congrats to you! Do the Ninja Turtles (TMNT) count? I see them as super heroes, Lol.
  • Hi, that's funny, your outlook on carbs. It really does depend on what your goals are. This site helps with fat, protein and carbs, and others, which is such a help for all of us, even in my case where I am trying to gain muscle mass before cutting for a competition, so my carbs are high, along with protein and fat, and I…
  • Hi, cute name! Welcome! Does your profile mean you want to lose 20 pounds in 10 weeks? That's pretty fast, stay healthy along the way. This is an awesome support group! You're on your way!
  • We are all like that on different levels, but it really does help being here and chatting to friends on here! Welcome!
  • Hi! You can definitely do this! I am 51 now, have raised 5 children mostly on my own, youngest now 12, and I have decided to get to the gym everyday, the only time I have available is 4:30 a.m., so that is what it has to be! I am training lifting weights and bulking right now for bigger muscle mass, goal is to enter an…
  • Good for you! You will like this site, great members and I love logging my food in, it helps so much!
  • I use a Swiss ball. Lots of videos on that for abs, usually use it under feet in push up style, then with ball under your feet, bring your knees to your chest making the ball roll with your feet to your chest alternate with rolling ball with your feet and pike your butt and hips into the air for a pike position. You will…
  • Hi, when I have a question like this I usually look it up on, but I drink a whey protein isolate before workout, 20 to 30 minutes, and then right after workout in locker room I shake up a casein protein drink for faster recovery, it's faster acting and a casein protein shake before bed, since it will…
  • Hi, I agree, love BB for ideas. Also Oxygen has great ideas for lifting techniques. I find what I want to work on, like arms, and view all of the pictures of different arm lifting ideas and take pictures of their pictures with my phone, then categorize them in folders in my phone under Gallery, that way when I go to the…
  • Hi, interesting conversation, I am bulking now, 1 month in. It is so much easier with MFP to keep track of MACROS, I am 5'5", 147 pounds, at 2310 calories, with protein 140s, fat 70s and carbs 260s. Making nice gains, larger muscle size, not gaining on scale. I do lift 6 days a week and cardio 3 to 4 times a week. Does…
  • Hi, I have to agree, I lift 6 to 7 days a week and cardio with just a warm up on heavy leg lifting days. To gain lean muscle and bulk up, I changed the MFP to gain 0.5 a week to up the calories and my MACROS are more carbs right now, your protein is usually 1 gram protein per 1 pound of body weight to make it simple. It's…
  • Hi, no use fretting about yesterday, today is a new day, one step at a time. Walking a little today and a little more tomorrow, will make all the difference. How about a stationary bike? Stay positive.
  • Hi! I started working out seriously January, but started my goal of entering a competition beginning of March. What is your goal? It is fun and motivating to know others have similar thoughts about working out and how to use this site to help. More friends the better!
  • Hi, you can do it, don't dwell on the past or even yesterday, today is a new day and a new start. Follow along with entering what you eat and fill out the goals on this site, it will be with you showing you what you need to do. I love it!
  • Hi! I started working out seriously January, but started my goal of entering a competition beginning of March. What is your goal? It is fun and motivating to know others have similar thoughts about working out and how to use this site to help. More friends the better! Good advice above, the first couple of posts are how to…
  • Hi, using the tracker on here, you can set your goals up yourself, not the software recommended choice, and there is an option for 0.5 pounds a week or 1 pound a week, that way it will adjust your calories and so forth for you to keep track. Also any time you exercise add that into the exercise section and it will tell you…
  • Hi! I started working out seriously January, but started my goal of entering a competition beginning of March. What is your goal? It is fun and motivating to know others have similar thoughts about working out and how to use this site to help. More friends the better!
  • You can do it, I find using the calorie tracker on this site has helped a lot. Small steps and don't beat yourself up over mistakes, just do better the next day, stay positive!
  • Can I jump aboard? Lol, it really does help!
  • Hi Newbie! Actually I am also, started working out seriously January, but started my goal of entering a competition beginning of March. What is your goal? It is fun and motivating to know others have similar thoughts about working out and how to use this site to help. More friends the better!
  • Hi Newbie! Actually I am also, started working out seriously January, but started my goal of entering a competition beginning of March. What is your goal?
  • Hi Newbie! Actually I am also, started working out seriously January, but started my goal of entering a competition beginning of March. What is your goal? :)
  • Hi! Thank you for your service first of all. Second, I also go to Planet Fitness, I am near Pittsburgh. I belong to Planet and the YMCA, but I can only workout 4:30 a.m. to 7 and it's always open! They are missing a few pieces of equipment I would like to workout on, but in general, I use the free weights and Smith machine…
  • Thank you! What is your goal?
  • Hi! I would find the fasting days unbearable and then my kids would find me unbearable! I find it easier to stick to watching my proteins, carbs and good fats when I pre-plan for the week on Sunday. I weigh and prepackage everything, some in fridge and other in freezer, have it all written on paper and take with me what I…
  • Along with calories, have you tried counting MACROS, it's used in bodybuilding, weightlifting, etc. That might be something you like.
  • Hi, I am not Australian, but I am 45+!