NeverGiveUpKMV Member


  • Hi there! Some support would be great, my goal is 1,500, but I'm quite a tall girl :)
  • Go ahead and add me :) could use some buddies!
  • I'm Kasie :) 215 right now standing at a proud 6'1". I'm pretty good size for the sport I'm in but would like to drop another 30 pounds to become faster and more explosive. Been wanting to drop down for a while, but school and a surgery got the best of me. I'm ready to start now, and looking forward to hearing from you all
  • Can't get enough of Galantis lately :) I love working out to dance music and there's is so upbeat and had a great beat. They're new song "No Money" is pretty summertimey and fun to run/warm up to.
  • Go ahead and add me :) Email:
  • I have no friends, but would like some :) email is
  • Sunny side up! I love to put eggs on all sorts of dishes. From asparagus to pizza and salmon to potatoes they add a little protein boost with some heathy fat thrown in too. They also add an awesome, silky texture and give whatever you're eating a different flavor profile :)
  • I'm 20 and log in every day :) some more friends would be great!
  • Those are fairly standard macro goals. 30% fat might seems a lot, but just make sure you load up on healthy fats. If you're doing cardio exercise I would keep it how it is, but if that 3 days a week involves lifting you could afford to consume more protein :smile:
  • I would say after. MFP does give the values for both raw and uncooked food, so just make sure you're searching for the right version :)
  • I normally go every other day. Remember to do it at the same time every day, and in the same clothing- or lack of clothing :smile: I know every other day is a lot, but it helps to keep me accountable. You could go with once a week to start with :blush: Good luck!
  • These are some of the snacks I like: Almonds Fruit/Vegetables with PB2 Greek Yogurt Beef Jerky Protein Bars Hard Boiled Egg Hummus Hope some of these spark some snack-spriation for you :smile: Best of luck on your new life!
  • Some simple carbs in the morning are OK. They can give you energy- I like bananas :smile: As far as being low carb besides that, you could try doing chicken breasts or other meats. You could also try cooking your eggs differently. Sometime's when I'm in a rush I grab a protein shake (mine are very low carb and high…
  • 127 pounds in a year? Holy moly! Keep up the amazing work, you look great! :blush:
  • I feel your pain! Had a stress fracture in my foot for FIVE months! Just getting over it now. Remember if you elliptical to ice it after. It sucks, but you can get through it :wink:
  • About a month ago I started drinking a pre-made Premier Protein (I like the strawberries and cream the best, the chocolate isn't anything special). What I like most about them is that they're 30g of protein and just 4g of carbs. At Costco I can buy 18 for 25 bucks, so around $1.40 for each... Not too bad I don't think.…
  • Well, I don't know what you feel about protein bars, but I like those if I'm craving sweets I like the Chocolate Deluxe by Pure Protein. It's 17g of carbs but also 21g of protein. :smile:
  • I've never had it for that reason in particular, but I used to get it done regularly before I left for college. I had horrible migraines, and since getting acupuncture I haven't had one. I've also had it done for aches and pains as well as injuries. Honestly, it's done wonders for me (I'm big into Eastern medicine.) I…
  • Good luck! Remember that it won't be easy at times, but just stick to your guns. You can do it! :smiley:
  • A tie between Lasagna and Rigatoni Bake :blush:
  • I'm not big with using them as a meal replacement, but I will grab one for breakfast every once and a while :smile: Right now I'm using a pre-made shake from Costco (because of the better deal), you can get this in other places though. I like it because it's 30g of protein with just 4g of carb. Here's a link to it if you'd…
  • I can handle music like Lil Wayne while I'm lifting, makes me feel stronger :smile: Metro Station, an oldie but goodie! An awesome, upbeat cardio song :smiley:
  • Update to everyone: Couldn't be more pleased with everyone's response! I got off my butt today and actually decided to give a treadmill a chance! Ended up running a 10 minute mile! That's the first time I've ever even ran a mile! So proud of myself, and plan to keep this up until the weather gets nicer. Thanks again to…
  • Ah yes, only one of the most motivational songs ever! Love it :smiley:
  • I motivated myself by writing a contract. Sounds a little cheesy, I know :wink: In the contract I wrote why I wanted to lose the weight and how I was going to do it. It helps to keep myself accountable :smile: The greatest motivation you can find is from within..
  • A couple years ago I had Achilles tendon issues, causing me to pull all of my calf muscles at once, OUCH! I remember getting taped for it, and it helping some. The best advice I can give you though is to heat/stretch it before your runs and ice it after. The tape might help some, but more importantly you should allow it to…
  • Good for you for giving that up! Just hang in there, I used to be in a similar boat. Drinking an energy drink every morning and caffeine throughout the day for around 2 years. I too, stopped cold turkey. The next day sucked and it was hard! It will feel better soon, and then you'll wonder why you even drank it! Best of…
  • I have to live in the dorms for one more year, but I'm counting down the days as it will make cooking so much easier! I just found out today at our on campus restaurant you can order a grilled chicken breast with roasted vegetables (Win!), so I'll probably hit that up a few times a week since I'm on a meal plan. :smile:…