Who else has a calorie goal of 1200? Or anywhere close!

RahaLiyla Posts: 15 Member
I'm sure if we have the same goals, there's tons we can do to support each other! I'm looking for friends who are in a similar situation so that we can work together towards our goals!


  • fornowiamwinter
    fornowiamwinter Posts: 79 Member
    I do! Hello again! :)
  • Colt1835
    Colt1835 Posts: 447 Member
    I'm doing 1200 at the moment, but I usually go for 1500 cause I'm 6'1" and I'm a guy.
  • RahaLiyla
    RahaLiyla Posts: 15 Member
    I do! Hello again! :)

    Hahah it was meant to be!
  • sunshines4nate
    sunshines4nate Posts: 22 Member
    Me! I am just not loosing weight on 1200 though!! Ergh!
  • AshleyKP87
    AshleyKP87 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello! I try to keep my calories between 1200 and 1400. :)
  • Amrik10
    Amrik10 Posts: 93 Member
    My cal count was 1500 but I hardly hit 1200 most days. But with exercising I lose weight otherwise it remains constant. Do you work out at all?
  • NeverGiveUpKMV
    NeverGiveUpKMV Posts: 36 Member
    Hi there! Some support would be great, my goal is 1,500, but I'm quite a tall girl :)
  • sunshines4nate
    sunshines4nate Posts: 22 Member
    asgill666 wrote: »
    My cal count was 1500 but I hardly hit 1200 most days. But with exercising I lose weight otherwise it remains constant. Do you work out at all?

    Hey, i only started about a month ago. I abso love food and eating so its been a challenge! Defo doing wasy better and mostly staying in percentages on fitness pal app! Started walking/running most days burning 300/500 cals and then joined a gym which has been about the same.. since then i have probably been under 1200! My weight has increased by a couple of lbs!! Im 5'5 and weigh about 136lb at present!
  • Colt1835
    Colt1835 Posts: 447 Member
    Colt1835 wrote: »
    I'm doing 1200 at the moment, but I usually go for 1500 cause I'm 6'1" and I'm a guy.

    Why did I get flagged for abuse??
  • RahaLiyla
    RahaLiyla Posts: 15 Member
    asgill666 wrote: »
    My cal count was 1500 but I hardly hit 1200 most days. But with exercising I lose weight otherwise it remains constant. Do you work out at all?

    I've just started taking up running! But not that I've finally gotten the hang of this cal count thing, I'd like to eat under 1200 regardless :blush:
  • RahaLiyla
    RahaLiyla Posts: 15 Member
    Hi there! Some support would be great, my goal is 1,500, but I'm quite a tall girl :)

    Tall and proud! The fact that we weigh more works to our advantage with cardio eh? I'm 5'10 so quite myself! :smiley:
  • RahaLiyla
    RahaLiyla Posts: 15 Member
    asgill666 wrote: »
    My cal count was 1500 but I hardly hit 1200 most days. But with exercising I lose weight otherwise it remains constant. Do you work out at all?

    Hey, i only started about a month ago. I abso love food and eating so its been a challenge! Defo doing wasy better and mostly staying in percentages on fitness pal app! Started walking/running most days burning 300/500 cals and then joined a gym which has been about the same.. since then i have probably been under 1200! My weight has increased by a couple of lbs!! Im 5'5 and weigh about 136lb at present!

    Awesome! 130lbs is my goal :blush: I hope to start burning as many calories as you at the gym cos holey moley!
  • chassp8pooh
    chassp8pooh Posts: 131 Member
    ME and I'm 5'2. I'll hit my first weight goal in 25 lbs. Just recently started the Couch to 5 k plan. Finished week one day three. I try to stay under calorie goal without dipping into exercise calories....so Hi1
  • sunshines4nate
    sunshines4nate Posts: 22 Member
    I think 400 is a happy cal number atm in gym.. it isnt really too bad to get too, usually 60/80 mins workout then do a little strength. I cant grasp why im gaining weight not loosing though! Must be my eating haha! Some days im 200 over next day im 400 under but it all equates over the week to Verage of 1100 a day! Xx running outdoor is good but i find i feel like i have worked much harder in gym because i push myself more with people around etc! X
  • LisaKay91
    LisaKay91 Posts: 211 Member
    Colt1835 wrote: »
    Colt1835 wrote: »
    I'm doing 1200 at the moment, but I usually go for 1500 cause I'm 6'1" and I'm a guy.

    Why did I get flagged for abuse??

    People go BSFC when a male goes under 1500 calories a day whether it's doctor ordered or not.

    They likely consider it a very low calorie diet which is against the rules/can be seen as harmful on this site.
  • LisaKay91
    LisaKay91 Posts: 211 Member
    Feel free to add me.. I am on 1250 calories per day. I have lost 33lbs and have another 100+ to lose.
  • LisaKay91
    LisaKay91 Posts: 211 Member
    NatalieLJ wrote: »
    My diary is set to 1200, because I spend most of my day either in the car or at my desk and I just don't feel the need to eat more than that. I try to get as many steps in as I can on the days I can, and do 3 workout classes a week - sometimes I'll eat back up a third of those calories, sometimes not. Started two months ago and I'm 19lb down, still got about 15lb to go.

    That's why I'm so low right now. I work 40 hours a week sitting at a desk.. no real lunch breaks. Can't get up and walk, limited bathroom breaks due to coverage so 4 days a week I am glued to a chair. I average maybe 3k steps on my days I work.

    Off work I try to work out 2 hours of cardio per day to make up for any miscalculation in my diary for the week. Exercise knocks my appetite right out so I don't eat the calories back.
  • dubnut71
    dubnut71 Posts: 2 Member
    I am on 1200 daily however I sit slightly below 1200 as I only eat once a day. This is due to intermittent fasting where I fast 19 hrs and have a 5 hr eating window following the fast five ideals.
    I ate like this very successfully about 5 yrs ago and it took me down from an obese state to 75kgs however I fell back into my old ways and the weight slowly crept back on.
    I find the 19hr fast very easy with black coffee and fruit tea being a good way to keep going, I have also discovered the joys (!) of hot water instead of coffee when the caffeine intake is too high.
    My balanced evening meal is very well awaited when I get home and it's nearly impossible to get up to 1200!
  • Crlion43
    Crlion43 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm also on 1200 cals a day. I find that it is plenty of food. Only just started the program and my initial goal is to lose 22 kgms. I'll be tracking at 5kgm increments so it doesn't feel like so much. Small wins for me is good. I'm also doing dry July this month so that should make an impact on how much I lose. Can anyone share what they eat on the 1200 calorie plan
    I'm aiming for lower carb since I'm insulin resistant and high carbs are harder to metabolise with insulin resistance.
    I've only been overweight in the last 3 years so my fat body is a bit foreign to me.
    I am also trying to cut out coffee and only drink herbal tea but will do it slowly since I don't want the withdrawal headache.
    thanks for reading and any support would be great.