Nyappykim Member


  • I've been seeing this brand of ice cream online lately - I haven't tried them out myself, but I plan to the next time I head to Whole Foods. They're called HaloTop and they range from like 240-280 calories per pint!
  • You are so close! Amazing! :smiley:
  • Are you, uh, weighing and logging every single thing you eat?
  • You don't need to stay away from any foods unless there's a medical reason for you to avoid that certain food group. You can't spot reduce - fat will reduce everywhere equally or reduce from one area more than the others.
  • It really would depend on your hips. The wider the hips, the higher chance of having a thigh gap. You could still be thin and not have a thigh gap because you have small hips.
  • Throughout all my life, I've always gained weight, and would try to lose it. Since I was 12, my weight ranged from 120 to 145 lbs. 145 was my highest weight and that's when I decided to lose the weight for real. Before I made that decision, I was a binge eater and would always buy bags of chips and tons of candy bars and…
  • I posted this in another thread, but I'll paste it here as well :)
  • I think it might be difficult to find healthy variations of Chicago foods. I was on vacation for a week and a half with my boyfriend just this past month in Florida. We ate out every single day and most of my choices weren't healthy especially because I love fried food. I let myself enjoy food that I normally wouldn't eat…
  • As I've seen almost a bajillion times on these forums, you gotta start off with baby steps. Don't push yourself to the point your chest is going to burst or that you're aching for days. Start off slow, and as the days go by, add in more duration or effort and soon enough, you'll see your endurance during workouts improving.
  • I love to eat, so I try to eat as many times a day as I can in little portions (I'm eating 1200 cals a day) Usually 50g of cereal and unsweetened almond milk for breakfast. A serving of fruit as my first snack like grapes, strawberries, or bananas. Either a peanut butter & fluff sandwich, chicken caesar salad wrap, or…
  • I find prelogging the weekend to help me keep within my goals. (: If I'm going out for dinner, I just look at the menu and nutrition info online so I can work the rest of my meals around that.
  • This was back before I really wanted to lose weight and had a very bad problem with binging. I went out to one of my favorite restaurants with my boyfriend one time. In preparation for the meal, I didn't eat anything all day which I now know is a terrible decision. When we got to the restaurant, I was starving and wanted…
  • It's most likely water weight and not fat/muscle.
  • 5'3" Starting weight was 145. Currently 120 lbs. Goal weight is 115 atm but I'm thinking of pushing it to 110.
  • I've recommended the app to my mom. Although she doesn't log at all, she does like to use the database on an almost daily basis. It's been a little over a month and she has already lost 9 pounds :) I'm happy she found a good use of the app. I may try to persuade her to start logging once she gets closer to her goal.
  • Paying for a gym membership motivates me to go to the gym so my money doesn't go to waste, lol.
  • From 198 to 130 will be a huge weight loss. Congratulations for even hitting 172, that's awesome. (: The healthy weight range for someone your height is between 100-131 lbs. I'd say set your goal to 130 lbs for now and once you get there, or around that weight, then it'll be easier for you to know if you are comfortable at…
  • Taking measurements of your body and realizing the fit of your old clothes is the best way to notice changes. I've only lost a little under 2 lbs in the last 2 weeks, but my pants have become so loose, not even my belt can hold them up anymore! So no, you should not worry. As long as you are losing inches, the number on…
  • I started a new job recently and it's the first job I've ever had to wear business casual clothes. I didn't have any, so I spent a good amount of money on new clothes. When I went shopping, I focused on buying clothes that were a little small because I knew I would be losing more weight and it would be motivation as well,…
  • I have the complete opposite of that, lol. After a long run, my nostrils become so clear that inhaling hurts. It's so bad, I have to focus on breathing through my mouth for a bit.
  • I have about 6 pounds left to go and I'm actually increasing my calories while pushing myself further with exercise. I will always push myself during workouts because I want to be more fit and strong way after I've reached my goal weight. I'm going to eat more - not enough to stall my weight loss - because I want to start…
  • I wake up at 6:20 during the week to shower, eat breakfast, and pack all my things for the day. I work 8-4:30 in an office. During that time, I eat 2 snacks (first snack is fruit and second snack is whatever I feel like bringing that day which can be chips or chocolate) and my lunch about 2-3 hours apart. Since I'm sitting…
  • I can totally understand where you're coming from. Seems to be an Asian thing unfortunately. ): All my life, I've been at the top of the healthy BMI weight so I've always carried around some extra weight. My parents, relatives, and parents' friends would ALWAYS make comments about my weight. I understand now that they…
  • Hello! I'm sorry to hear that you are not losing any weight. The number one reason people stop losing weight is because they are consuming more calories than they burn. The only way anyone could maintain or gain weight at 800-1200 calories a day is if they are extremely, extremely short or severely underweight. At 160-165…
  • Remember that if you screw up, one day will not destroy all your progress if you are consistent with your calorie goals and exercise. Learn to forgive yourself and pull yourself back up. Don't let one bad day turn into a few bad days or a few bad weeks. After a few weeks, it WILL get better. (: Good luck on your journey!
    in 5 days in Comment by Nyappykim May 2015
  • You have to go into your goals and change it to gain 1 or 2 lbs a week.
  • Pigged out today with some Dominos pizza with the family and just had some Breyer's Blast Snickers ice cream :D
  • Are you measuring/weighing everything you eat on a food scale? Your logging may be inaccurate and you are actually eating more than you think. Also, 2000 calories burnt a day seems like a lot..
  • When I first started using the treadmill, I'd take turns running on one day and walking with an incline on the next day. For running days, I started off walking at a comfortable speed, and then kick up the speed and run for 2-3 minutes and repeat for 30 minutes. On walking with incline days, I'd just walk at a pace a…
    in Cardio Comment by Nyappykim April 2015