sbaire74 Posts: 9 Member
So I am trying to come up with a daily schedule to stick to. I NEED HELP! Please share you daily time line... start to finish. What time do you wake up? What time do you workout? What time do you eat? Work? Etc! In what order do you do these things?


  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    You do it in the order that works for YOU, and if its exercise, you do it at a time that will work for you....Nobody can give you a schedule for life.....
    My schedule will not work for someone who works in an office, or a nurse, or a student, or a bus driver so why not start your own schedule and see what works for YOU?
    I sometimes exercise early, sometimes at night, eat more or less three meals a day, work whenever I have to (I'm a Realtor) and adapt my eating, exercise, cleaning, shopping and family life to whatever happens in my day.....so not a lot of help for someone with a different life.....
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,519 Member
    It doesn't matter what order we do all those things in. Some of us are morning people, some of us are night people. We all work in different places or go to school or both.

    My schedule changes from day to day ... Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are quite similar, but the other 4 days are all different, and in a couple months, that will all change again.

    As for some of your questions:

    What time do you workout? All day. I walk as part of my commute to and from work (morning and evening). I walk at lunch for about 30 min on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. On Mondays and Tuesdays, I walk between university and work. Saturdays and Sundays I spend most of the afternoon out being active. Sometimes the morning too. Then I often walk or cycle or something in the evenings on weekdays.

    What time do I eat? Again, that varies depending on the day. I try for lunch around 1 pm or maybe 2 pm ... but sometimes when I'm back and forth between work and university, it might be 3 pm.

    If you're a schedule person, you've got to set something up that works for you.
  • alyci
    alyci Posts: 50 Member
    My schedule is pretty planned because a toddler requires routine. But a toddler also means my workout can happen whenever I can fit in an hour in between playing, reading and cleaning the house. If that means I am waking up early to work out in the morning or putting it off until an hour before my husband comes home.

    I have found that having a schedule is nice. I would write down everything you need to do in a day and sort it out in a way that makes sense to you.
  • Nyappykim
    Nyappykim Posts: 57 Member
    I wake up at 6:20 during the week to shower, eat breakfast, and pack all my things for the day. I work 8-4:30 in an office. During that time, I eat 2 snacks (first snack is fruit and second snack is whatever I feel like bringing that day which can be chips or chocolate) and my lunch about 2-3 hours apart. Since I'm sitting at a desk all day, I try to make myself get up every hour and either use the restroom, fill my water bottle... anything to walk around for a bit. When I leave work, I head to the gym for about an hour and then come home and prepare/eat dinner. I pack my food for the next day and eat another light snack and enjoy the rest of the night before I head to bed.

    During the weekends... it varies. I still go to the gym first thing in the morning after I've eaten. Since I'm drained during the week, I usually do all the cleaning, laundry, and stuff that I have to do during the weekend. I still eat about 5-6 times a day every couple hours, and I will usually go to a restaurant with the family - I make it a once in a week thing.
  • Nerruse
    Nerruse Posts: 40 Member
    I'm not sure mine will help you much given that I'm between jobs, single and no kids, but here goes:

    Alarm is set for 7:00 but if I wake up earlier I just get up. Bathroom, weigh in, brush teeth, shower, coffee and breakfast and I'm usually ready by 8.

    Lunch is on the early side, usually between 11 and noon.

    Coffee/snack break at 2-ish. If I'm running that day I don't bother with a snack, just coffee.

    Workouts. On Sun, Tues and Thurs I workout from 4:30 - 6, circuit and cross training. Mon, Wed and Fri are 5-6, those are my run days. Sat same time, only a recovery walk instead of a run.

    Shower right after. Usually this is when I wash my hair so I don't have to do it in the morning.

    Dinner usually between 6 and 7, sometimes later if I'm cooking and not just reheating leftovers.

    Coffee/"dessert" between 7 and 8. Dessert is usually something to round out my macros, at least until I'm off this cut.

    Then I just do whatever until I get tired. Lately I've been getting tired early so sometimes I'm in bed as early as 10, though my normal 'go to sleep' time is around 11:30/midnight. I think I'm just waking up earlier because of that glorious spring sun these days.

    The biggest thing that's helped me is to take mental notes about things that have an effect on my goals. I know I can run fasted in the morning, I just don't like to. I also know if I run within 2 hours of eating I get cramps, hence why I don't have a snack on those days. Sunday is the most common day for family gatherings so by doing my recovery on Saturday, I can move my Sunday workout to the morning if I have to without any ill effects, and it's a cardio/strength workout so I can eat more at parties. :P

    It's all about figuring out what works for you. I've made fitness a priority in my life so whenever I run into an issue that hampers my goals I simply adjust other parts of my schedule until I have a solution. It's easy for me; as I mentioned, right now I have few obligations to anyone but myself so I can afford to do this. I'm sure it's a lot tougher for those with far busier lives. If it seems overwhelming try only changing one thing at a time until you make it work, then change something else, etc.
  • 89Madeline
    89Madeline Posts: 205 Member
    I wake up at 8am, work from 9-17/18. I'm usually hungry around that hour, so I snack on a banana or a piece of (gluten free) toast with a bit of butter. I change into my gym gear and do running or strength workout. usually somewhere between 45-90 minutes. I'm back around 19, shower and have dinner. Next, I work some more or chill :)
  • Foursthemagicnumber
    Foursthemagicnumber Posts: 32 Member
    Mine includes four kids two 3 and under lol so my routine not a model one . My exercise is about cleaning mainly but being awake earlier and baby awake in night means i have more time to crave food rrrrrrr