Eating less and moving more no loss



  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    haiz99 wrote: »
    kriskrey wrote: »
    You may actually not be taking in enough calories for your activity level. If you are going under 1000/day, that can be dangerous from a health stand point and it puts your body in "starvation mode".
    This is correct and if you eat the same thing every day that's not healthy

    Starving people do not experience difficulty losing weight.

    Yes, eating 800 or 1000 calories is not healthy. But the OP is not only eating that amount so it's a moot point for this thread.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    haiz99 wrote: »
    kriskrey wrote: »
    You may actually not be taking in enough calories for your activity level. If you are going under 1000/day, that can be dangerous from a health stand point and it puts your body in "starvation mode".
    This is correct and if you eat the same thing every day that's not healthy

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    No I do not weigh my food. I just eat 6 or 7 eggs a day and add a chicken thigh ( skinned) to my breakfast or my dinner.

    That is A LOT of cholesterol...

    The good news is, dietary cholesterol =/= cholesterol found in the body. In fact, there has been some studies that would suggest low cholesterol diets can increase body cholesterol.
  • LovelyIvy466
    LovelyIvy466 Posts: 387 Member
    Sounds like OP did a flounce. Hopefully they can find a paleo forum somewhere that can give feedback more suited to her unorthodox diet, but they'll still probably tell them to do a better job weighing and measuring food. It's really a lot more likely OP is eating far more than they think.
  • FarmingCozy
    FarmingCozy Posts: 46 Member
    Sounds like OP did a flounce. Hopefully they can find a paleo forum somewhere that can give feedback more suited to her unorthodox diet, but they'll still probably tell them to do a better job weighing and measuring food. It's really a lot more likely OP is eating far more than they think.

    Or maybe I had other things to do? ????? Chores have to get done somehow? My word. What does paleo have to do with anything? Maybe I will check them out..folks there may are a bit more helpful. With less sarcastic remarks.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Weight loss = eating LESS calories then you burn
    Maintenance = eating the SAME amount of calories then you burn
    Weight gain = eating MORE calories then you burn


    The result depends on, weight, age, time, how tall your are, gender, and or medical conditions etc.
    But when you eat less than you burn you WILL lose weight.

    As long as you weigh ALL your solid food on a food scale and know how many calories you consume daily.
    Log EVERYTHING you eat here on MFP
    Be honest in your logging and patient.

    Here a short video about the miscalculation when you NOT weigh your food.

    And to be honest ( my personal opinion) i would choose for a more healthy ( read nutrition ) intake.

    i repeat my own words
    Nothing nasty, sarcastic there.

    Just simple and plain. Everybody loses when you eat less than you burn.

    You eat more then you think
    Start weighing ALL your solid food on a food scale!

  • LovelyIvy466
    LovelyIvy466 Posts: 387 Member
    Sounds like OP did a flounce. Hopefully they can find a paleo forum somewhere that can give feedback more suited to her unorthodox diet, but they'll still probably tell them to do a better job weighing and measuring food. It's really a lot more likely OP is eating far more than they think.

    Or maybe I had other things to do? ????? Chores have to get done somehow? My word. What does paleo have to do with anything? Maybe I will check them out..folks there may are a bit more helpful. With less sarcastic remarks.

    I wasn't being sarcastic, I saw on another discussion that you said you were done with MFP. Thought you flounced.

    People on a paleo diet focus primarily on meats, eggs, oils and seeds. They do also eat veggies, but emphasis is heavily on protein sources. A paleo forum might have more useful advice on how to maximize this way of eating, since MFP 'culture' is really not paleo-friendly.

    And measuring your foods is still important. If you want to lose weight you have to be sure of how much you're eating in the first place, so you can be sure you really are eating at a deficit.
  • FarmingCozy
    FarmingCozy Posts: 46 Member
    For those asking what I took away or learned from this. It's that not to ask questions here. Those that did try to help thank you I sincerely appreciate it.

    I only eat two meals a day usually, then some days I'll eat 3 meals. Yesterday was a good example. No breakfast, 4 farm fresh boiled eggs for lunch, dinner was 2 eggs with 3 strips of bacon. No salt added except for what the bacon or butter may have. Drank water most of the day then had a glass of milk. Followed by my usual chores. I eat the foods I like whole, fresh, no package foods. While it might be boring to some I'm satisfied with it. Always been that way even when i was younger just a plaine jane. The point is I'm trying to better myself and be healthy before I really reach a critical point in my weight. I never want to see 170 on the scale again. Been 150 my whole life now over the past year I've been rocking 165-160. Still not something I want to see on the scale nor feel in my clothes. I'm trying to be patient 2 months I feel is enough. ...I'll stop I don't even know why I'm writing this. I'm pretty sure it will get picked apart too.

  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Maybe your chickens are laying bigger eggs this year.
  • FarmingCozy
    FarmingCozy Posts: 46 Member
    Yeap just as expected.
  • terar21
    terar21 Posts: 523 Member
    The only real reason anyone was criticizing your diet is 1) they were concerned about you getting nutrients and 2) it doesn't appear to be working for you if you aren't losing.

    You cannot make a post about not losing and then get angry when people offer reasons why you may not be losing. And yes, people will suggest you are incorrectly estimating foods. That's not a personal attack. It's a suggestion for what is causing you to not lose weight.

    You're not eating the same thing every day by your own account. Some days there's a chicken thigh. Some days there's two. Some days there's more eggs. Some days there's less. Some days there's a glass of milk. Some days there's two. Nothing is measured. No, you aren't required to measure. But when you can't figure out why you aren't losing, it's a very easy way to address the problem.

    The fact is that you're not holding into weight because you're not eating enough. The issue is something else. Most common culprit would be you're eating more than you think. Nothing personal or rude about it.

    Most people don't start off accurately logging. They either over or under eat (for those losing excessively fast). It's hard to accept at first but once you do, it's eye opening and you start losing weight.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    All you eat all day long is 7 eggs and a chicken thigh?

    Yes. Every now and again I'll get "adventurous" and add 2 or three strips of bacon. Other than that its my meal. And as we speak I'm enjoying two farm fresh eggs. :)


    Why what?

    Why would you eat such a massively unvaried & restrictive diet?

    Not to mention complete lack of many nutrients, fiber, etc.

    Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. But I know that belief is prevalent.

    But the OP is most DEFINITELY under-eating. Been there, did that. Never effective or sustainable for the long term. MFP calorie defaults suck for anyone who doesn't lay motionless in a bed all day.

    Even though I'm not a fan of the Eat More 2 Weigh Less specific site, I have to agree "you need to eat more to weigh less, eventually" .

    Metabolism is far more complex that just calories in and calories out. I get so sick of seeing that over-simplified BS thrown at everyone. Ever notice how the people starving themselves have SLOWED weight loss and aren't just dropping dead, left, right, and centre? Cuz hormones/metabolism.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    All you eat all day long is 7 eggs and a chicken thigh?

    Yes. Every now and again I'll get "adventurous" and add 2 or three strips of bacon. Other than that its my meal. And as we speak I'm enjoying two farm fresh eggs. :)


    Why what?

    Why would you eat such a massively unvaried & restrictive diet?

    Not to mention complete lack of many nutrients, fiber, etc.

    Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. But I know that belief is prevalent.

    But the OP is most DEFINITELY under-eating. Been there, did that. Never effective or sustainable for the long term. MFP calorie defaults suck for anyone who doesn't lay motionless in a bed all day.

    Even though I'm not a fan of the Eat More 2 Weigh Less specific site, I have to agree "you need to eat more to weigh less, eventually" .

    Metabolism is far more complex that just calories in and calories out. I get so sick of seeing that over-simplified BS thrown at everyone. Ever notice how the people starving themselves have SLOWED weight loss and aren't just dropping dead, left, right, and centre? Cuz hormones/metabolism.

    so people don't die from starvation anymore? That might be useful information for people in Sudan and Somalia….
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    no fruit? no veg? just protein........ maybe u should speak with a dietician.

    I tried fruit but it just made me crave sugar I actually feel better without it. Veggies to me are rabbit food. The only veggie I've cooked has been Broccoli (sp) but it always causes inflammation. Plus I'm a carnivore at heart.

    This isn't the right place to be honest about your woe. I totally know where you are coming from and agree but you have to search out like-minded people and not post this in the general forums and expect any kind of support.

    There is nothing wrong with an all animal diet (though I wouldn't recommend just chicken) but why ARE you under-eating so drastically? On an all animal woe you need to eat what your body needs, not starve yourself.

  • Nyappykim
    Nyappykim Posts: 57 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hello! I'm sorry to hear that you are not losing any weight. The number one reason people stop losing weight is because they are consuming more calories than they burn. The only way anyone could maintain or gain weight at 800-1200 calories a day is if they are extremely, extremely short or severely underweight. At 160-165 pounds, there is absolutely no way you would not be losing weight if you were actually eating 800-1200 a day.

    I'm sorry to say, but you've been eating way more calories than you think! You will most likely have to cut back on your food. If you don't want to start measuring and weighing your food, you can try cutting out some things like a couple eggs everyday for one week, and then start using a little less butter the week after that. I know it might suck because that's what you like and are used to, but do that and see how that goes for a while and I assure you that you will see some weight dropping.

    If you ARE only eating 800-1200 calories a day while not losing any weight (although I highly doubt that), you may have to go see a doctor because it could be a medical condition. But I definitely suggest to cut out some food to lower your intake if you do not want to have to deal with measuring and weighing food for now.

    Good luck on your journey!

    EDIT: Also adding in that if you do start to cut out some of your meat, you can try to add veggies and fruits in. You don't have to do it all at one time (your body would react to all the drastic changes too, but don't worry because it's normal and will adjust). Not only are veggies low in calories, but they will also help keep you full since you will be eating less protein. Less calories -> More veggies adds more volume -> Fuller longer. Remember though that dressing and oils can add heaps of extra calories, so add with caution.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    All you eat all day long is 7 eggs and a chicken thigh?

    Yes. Every now and again I'll get "adventurous" and add 2 or three strips of bacon. Other than that its my meal. And as we speak I'm enjoying two farm fresh eggs. :)


    Why what?

    Why would you eat such a massively unvaried & restrictive diet?

    Not to mention complete lack of many nutrients, fiber, etc.

    Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. But I know that belief is prevalent.

    But the OP is most DEFINITELY under-eating. Been there, did that. Never effective or sustainable for the long term. MFP calorie defaults suck for anyone who doesn't lay motionless in a bed all day.

    Even though I'm not a fan of the Eat More 2 Weigh Less specific site, I have to agree "you need to eat more to weigh less, eventually" .

    Metabolism is far more complex that just calories in and calories out. I get so sick of seeing that over-simplified BS thrown at everyone. Ever notice how the people starving themselves have SLOWED weight loss and aren't just dropping dead, left, right, and centre? Cuz hormones/metabolism.

    How on earth can you say she is undereating when she does not measure amything? That is complete garbage. I don't even care what she is eating. It's how much that's the problem.

    My guess is that her "standard glass" is more like 20 oz than 8, meaning 240 calories more every time she drinks it. And the chicken is bigger than she thinks as well.

  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited May 2015
    For those asking what I took away or learned from this. It's that not to ask questions here. Those that did try to help thank you I sincerely appreciate it.

    I only eat two meals a day usually, then some days I'll eat 3 meals. Yesterday was a good example. No breakfast, 4 farm fresh boiled eggs for lunch, dinner was 2 eggs with 3 strips of bacon. No salt added except for what the bacon or butter may have. Drank water most of the day then had a glass of milk. Followed by my usual chores. I eat the foods I like whole, fresh, no package foods. While it might be boring to some I'm satisfied with it. Always been that way even when i was younger just a plaine jane. The point is I'm trying to better myself and be healthy before I really reach a critical point in my weight. I never want to see 170 on the scale again. Been 150 my whole life now over the past year I've been rocking 165-160. Still not something I want to see on the scale nor feel in my clothes. I'm trying to be patient 2 months I feel is enough. ...I'll stop I don't even know why I'm writing this. I'm pretty sure it will get picked apart too.

    Well to be honest i gave you the benefit of the doubt first.

    But now i think your bull-*kitten*

    When you eat that amount you said here you lose weight....everybody no exceptions.

    the thing is you can *kitten* us....most of the people here will know anyway.

    you eat too much to lose weight point!

  • Eudoxy
    Eudoxy Posts: 391 Member
    edited May 2015
    jemhh wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    All you eat all day long is 7 eggs and a chicken thigh?

    And raw milk too.

    Yeap love my raw milk. I'll have a glass in the morning and sometimes in the evening. But mostly water, I HATE soda's.

    How big is your glass?

    If you don't measure your food, there is no way of knowing how much you are really eating.

    Its just a standard glass cup.

    The chicken thighs come in a package I just take one skin it, cook it and eat it. The eggs I just take however many I'm going to use. I don't understand how I can measure that?

    A cup as in 8 ounces or a cup as in a drinking vessel, commonly called a glass? Glasses come in a variety of sizes, from shot glass up to omgthismargaritaisasbigasmyhead. Size matters.

    Same with the chicken thigh, the bigger it is the more calories it will be.

    How long have you been eating more and moving less with no loss? The one week since you downloaded the app and then didn't actually measure or log accurately?

    As someone mentioned its a standard glass now I know 8oz.

    Its the size of my hand. I leave bone in but skin the meat feed it to the dogs.

    I'm not exactly sure of when I've always been a light eater, but I really wanted to focus when I uploaded the app in March I believe.

    Please be careful giving chicken skin to the dogs, too much fat is very bad for them. I knew someone that gave their dog too much meat from the table and she got pancreatitis and died.
  • brendak76
    brendak76 Posts: 241 Member
    OP, are you open to weighing and measuring your foods and giving it a try? I think that's what people are encouraging you to do as tense as this thread has gotten. If you do not want to weigh or measure, what kind of advice are you looking for? Different foods to try? More exercise ideas? Just want some more info from you about what you are willing to do or try.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    btw you use butter too that has calories one tbs is about 100
    So lets say 5 egss a day is 350
    Two glasses of milk is around 280
    4 pieces of bacon 200 ( and that is being very kind)
    2 tbs of butter is 200

    1120 calories ( i am not worried about under eating)

    And that is all you eat every day for weeks? Dont believe it.

    no coffee no tea only water?
    no bread nothing????

    you must be the special snow flock we never saw before.
  • viclrstew
    viclrstew Posts: 15 Member
    For those asking what I took away or learned from this. It's that not to ask questions here. Those that did try to help thank you I sincerely appreciate it.

    I only eat two meals a day usually, then some days I'll eat 3 meals. Yesterday was a good example. No breakfast, 4 farm fresh boiled eggs for lunch, dinner was 2 eggs with 3 strips of bacon. No salt added except for what the bacon or butter may have. Drank water most of the day then had a glass of milk. Followed by my usual chores. I eat the foods I like whole, fresh, no package foods. While it might be boring to some I'm satisfied with it. Always been that way even when i was younger just a plaine jane. The point is I'm trying to better myself and be healthy before I really reach a critical point in my weight. I never want to see 170 on the scale again. Been 150 my whole life now over the past year I've been rocking 165-160. Still not something I want to see on the scale nor feel in my clothes. I'm trying to be patient 2 months I feel is enough. ...I'll stop I don't even know why I'm writing this. I'm pretty sure it will get picked apart too.

    Well to be honest i gave you the benefit of the doubt first.

    But now i think your bull-*kitten*

    When you eat that amount you said here you lose weight....everybody no exceptions.

    the thing is you can *kitten* us....most of the people here will know anyway.

    you eat too much to lose weight point!

    Yep, call *kitten*...
  • KingoftheLilies
    KingoftheLilies Posts: 71 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    All you eat all day long is 7 eggs and a chicken thigh?

    Yes. Every now and again I'll get "adventurous" and add 2 or three strips of bacon. Other than that its my meal. And as we speak I'm enjoying two farm fresh eggs. :)


    Why what?

    Why would you eat such a massively unvaried & restrictive diet?

    Not to mention complete lack of many nutrients, fiber, etc.

    Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. But I know that belief is prevalent.

    But the OP is most DEFINITELY under-eating. Been there, did that. Never effective or sustainable for the long term. MFP calorie defaults suck for anyone who doesn't lay motionless in a bed all day.

    Even though I'm not a fan of the Eat More 2 Weigh Less specific site, I have to agree "you need to eat more to weigh less, eventually" .

    Metabolism is far more complex that just calories in and calories out. I get so sick of seeing that over-simplified BS thrown at everyone. Ever notice how the people starving themselves have SLOWED weight loss and aren't just dropping dead, left, right, and centre? Cuz hormones/metabolism.

    Not sure I understand what any of that nonsense has to do with eating a varied diet for good health, which is what you were quoting.

    Far from "wrong, wrong, wrong". Unless of course you have evidence to suggest living on literally nothing but meat & raw milk is the secret elixir of life, and the bunged up experience the OP is having is not due to having literally nought fibre in her diet.

    It may come across as terse, but seriously how can you not know the benefits of a varied diet?
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,178 Member
    For those asking what I took away or learned from this. It's that not to ask questions here. Those that did try to help thank you I sincerely appreciate it.

    I only eat two meals a day usually, then some days I'll eat 3 meals. Yesterday was a good example. No breakfast, 4 farm fresh boiled eggs for lunch, dinner was 2 eggs with 3 strips of bacon. No salt added except for what the bacon or butter may have. Drank water most of the day then had a glass of milk. Followed by my usual chores. I eat the foods I like whole, fresh, no package foods. While it might be boring to some I'm satisfied with it. Always been that way even when i was younger just a plaine jane. The point is I'm trying to better myself and be healthy before I really reach a critical point in my weight. I never want to see 170 on the scale again. Been 150 my whole life now over the past year I've been rocking 165-160. Still not something I want to see on the scale nor feel in my clothes. I'm trying to be patient 2 months I feel is enough. ...I'll stop I don't even know why I'm writing this. I'm pretty sure it will get picked apart too.

    You are trying to better your health by eating basically milks, eggs and bacon and nothing else? Makes perfect sense. In the unlikely even you are for real, what you should be looking for is a dr. The kind of help you need, it is beyond anything an internet forum can provide.
  • astralpictures
    astralpictures Posts: 218 Member

    But the OP is most DEFINITELY under-eating.

    "Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. But I know that belief is prevalent." If the OP is not losing weight, and has actually had weight creep up, they are overeating. You don't gain weight from under-eating.

    And while there are many complex factors that effect a person's metabolism, it really is as easy as calories in and calories out in terms of weight loss. Whatever hormones, diseases, etc... play with your metabolism still don't break the simple formula that you have one TDEE number each day, and you either lose, gain, or maintain weight depending on how much energy you consume for each of those days compounded over time.

    Now if you said health and nutrition are more complex than calories in and calories out, I could definitely agree with that.