

  • Treadmills are easy to me, i run outside all year round in all kinds of weather. I do hill running/fell running. I think maybe people prefer the treadmill because they don`t get wet or feel the cold.
  • Do you actually need to pee or is it feeling like you the need?
  • Hemp is plant based and the rest of it is science fact.
  • Carbohydrates are the main source of nutrients that is turned into glucose or stored as glycogen (small amounts), if the energy is their to be used and the body is not doing some sort of sweat inducing exercise to draw on it then it is turned into fat, hence weight gain.
  • What is not true?, If i put someone who drinks alcohol every week through some really serious cardiovascular exercise, they would fatigue quickly, muscle cramping would occur, and their hearts ability to cope with the increased work load on it would be too much for it to take.
  • before you run do a 5 minute very slow jog or combine it with a walk, then do some running orientated exercises such A-skips, do something such as forward lunges but very slowly (helps balance and coordination as well as flexibility with the large muscles in the legs). If you push a little bit harder each time you run then…
  • I think the trainer is putting that mark on it to account for what your(energy amount) going to use in the various exercise activities/ depends how intense they are of course. you see for me i need on my training days about 4300kcal due to the high level of cardio and weight-restistance training. Also during training i…
  • Is this for static weight lifters?
  • You have to know that your average person does need the RDA of kcal because their body functions do not require all of that. If your doing a 5 mile cycle ride at a pretty fast pace then your going to need anyway from 600-1000 kcal so you consume this as an extra amount. Good quality nutrients lowers your calorie intake so…
  • A glass of wine is about 70-100 kcal, it is fine in low amounts weekly for your sedentary person, your casual gym person but it has has a bad effect on fitness levels. If i drank wine each week my ability to cycle 6 miles at a fast pace would not be possible, i would struggle, my oxygen levels would be low and their would…
  • Your body does not want low carbohydrates instead choose better quality carb foods such as bake potatoes, stop eating confectionary foods, consuming these simple carb foods means the body only uses what it needs for normal functions (that is a small amount), if your not active enough, it turns it into fat. some fats are…
  • Alcohol is still kcal`s, still puts weight on you.
  • Hi Patty, Your heart will thank you so much for you holding back from eating nutritionally bad foods.
  • Cut out alcohol, it is the biggest weight gainer of all. If you want to carry on eating junk foods then you can as long as you do a lot of exercise (this exercise has to me you sweat!) due to the glucose energy being used up at a high rate but junk food is poor nutritionally and for energy production so you will feel tired…
  • Steam your vegetables or if it black cabbage consume it raw (chop it up into small pieces) mixed with some rice and cheese. Cooking kills a lot of the B-vitamins so basically a lot of people do not know they are killing the nutrients in the food so they are killing the key part of a food.
  • Hemp is plant based protein, i think it is better, i don`t do protein powders because i don`t think they work that much. protein repairs muscle tissue after exercising, repairs and regenerates cells and there growth, provides the body structure through cells, replaces tissues in the body, protein is required for the…
  • Whatever you eat is turned into glucose, now you have the normal energy needs of your bodily function such as cell repair etc so if you consume a lot of kcal and your not doing activties that are going to use a lot of that glucose energy then the body turns it into fat and stores it. if your going by the daily recommended…
  • If your exercising in a warmer climate it means your body is requiring more kcal`s to use as energy as well as for normal body function, when it is warm your body works harder when exercising and during normal body functions in a warmer climate will require it to use more kcal. Food quantity does not mean anything, it is…