


  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Your body does not want low carbohydrates instead choose better quality carb foods such as bake potatoes, stop eating confectionary foods, consuming these simple carb foods means the body only uses what it needs for normal functions (that is a small amount), if your not active enough, it turns it into fat. some fats are good but not loads of it.

    Not sure when you had time to run bloodwork on everyone on earth?
  • Elkroawolfan
    Carbohydrates are the main source of nutrients that is turned into glucose or stored as glycogen (small amounts), if the energy is their to be used and the body is not doing some sort of sweat inducing exercise to draw on it then it is turned into fat, hence weight gain.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Carbohydrates are the main source of nutrients that is turned into glucose or stored as glycogen (small amounts), if the energy is their to be used and the body is not doing some sort of sweat inducing exercise to draw on it then it is turned into fat, hence weight gain.

    Apparently my body hasn't had any nutrients for the past 15 years. Who knew?
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Carbohydrates are the main source of nutrients that is turned into glucose or stored as glycogen (small amounts), if the energy is their to be used and the body is not doing some sort of sweat inducing exercise to draw on it then it is turned into fat, hence weight gain.

    Apparently my body hasn't had any nutrients for the past 15 years. Who knew?

    Good thing we have MFP to set us strait. Or I should say those who aren't low carb on MFP.
  • whataj1
    whataj1 Posts: 4 Member

    BMR is not a food intake requirement.[/quote]

    Sorry RDI is recommended daily intake and BMR basal metabolic is energy expended while resting both need food they all have ties TEE total energy expenditure. Eat to survive right ?

    yarwell wrote: »
    Dr Atkins devised a weight loss diet for overweight people attending his clinic, based on science and information that has been around for many many years. He did not focus in Type 2 diabetics.

    Yes Atkins did come up with this 'plan' which also lowered cholesterol that related to type 2 diabetics he did not specialise in diabetics but related the plan to them after 'experiments'. Patients with overweight or high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes issues. The Atkins plan diet what have you, almost eliminated the use of drugs towards diabetics. Some say it is not recommended and some recommend the approach.

    He found a method which im pretty sure was the ketogenic diet and created a hybrid version if you will over years and used the programme for himself which is now called the the Atkins Nutritional Approach. The original paper he studied from was rearranged but the concept of the paper remain the same. To use fat as energy with a low carb intake which lowered weight cholesterol increased HDL

    If your in a deficit. Whether someone burns fat or carbs for fuel is moot really because fat loss is determined by a deficit. Been there, done that. I'm now at around 25% carbs or about 200g and have been for many years and my cut and bulk cycles are effortless, can't say it was that easy before. that's not to say that a vlcd can't be suitable for you, just didn't make much sense considering the restriction and effort comparatively speaking.
    I'm trying to make sure that what your saying is that you can only loose fat if you have a low, lower calorie intake than usual (deficit)? Are you at a maintenance gain or loss phase. you can have a high protein high carb low lipid plan gain weight and loose fat or even Atkins where you can gain weight loose fat? Daily consumption would just be increased and calculated with exercise involved of course

    What I was trying to get at is that this lady asked a question originally trying to simplify it as much as possible with carbs are lowered that they are the first source of energy the body uses. Withy that being said fat will burn next. (This is using the Atkins diet)You can not burn fat with high amounts of carbs available for energy on Atkins diet. You can convert fat to muscle with a high protein low fat high carb diet.
    The extreme was developing to many ketones which may make the blood acidic which brings me to the term ketoacidosis.
    Was just a simple way of saying how it worked ?There's the good the bad and everything in between. Was not implying or saying that it happens to everyone which brings me to @JPW1990 who hasn't yet described much but kind of poked at people's comments.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    edited March 2015
    whataj1 wrote: »

    I'm trying to make sure that what your saying is that you can only loose fat if you have a low, lower calorie intake than usual (deficit)? Are you at a maintenance gain or loss phase. you can have a high protein high carb low lipid plan gain weight and loose fat or even Atkins where you can gain weight loose fat? Daily consumption would just be increased and calculated with exercise involved of course

    What I was trying to get at is that this lady asked a question originally trying to simplify it as much as possible with carbs are lowered that they are the first source of energy the body uses. Withy that being said fat will burn next. (This is using the Atkins diet)You can not burn fat with high amounts of carbs available for energy on Atkins diet. You can convert fat to muscle with a high protein low fat high carb diet.
    The extreme was developing to many ketones which may make the blood acidic which brings me to the term ketoacidosis.
    Was just a simple way of saying how it worked ?There's the good the bad and everything in between. Was not implying or saying that it happens to everyone which brings me to @JPW1990 who hasn't yet described much but kind of poked at people's comments.

    Which is another incorrect term. You are confusing it with ketogenesis. Ketoacidosis is a complication from diabetes and has nothing to do with eating keto. I've not "poked" at anyone's comments, only pointed out the mistakes in yours. You clearly don't really understand how keto works, yet you keep trying to explain it. Ketogenesis is the process where the body acquires brain fuel by converting fats to BHB, among other things. Stopping keto every 3 days for a "carb day" impedes this process, and is more likely to do more damage to your body than eating long term keto - it can be done, but you're working with a much smaller margin. The less someone understands how it works, the more likely they're going to damage themselves.

    That's all irrelevant to someone asking about Atkins, where the goal is long term low carb above keto levels. The OP asked how something worked in general, and you tried to give an inaccurate scientific explanation (which she didn't really ask for) to a completely different version of LC. Me or anyone else spending 10 minutes typing up a real description of the chemical process behind keto (which she's not eating) doesn't offer her nearly as much help as directing her to the Low Carb group, where she can read all she wants about any aspect of LC.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    whataj1 wrote: »
    BMR is not a food intake requirement.

    Sorry RDI is recommended daily intake and BMR basal metabolic is energy expended while resting both need food

    BMR doesn't necessarily need food. If you're overweight part (or in extreme all) of your BMR can be met from your onboard fat reserves.
  • echmainfit619
    echmainfit619 Posts: 333 Member
    Dr. Atkins himself weighed 258 pounds when he died. Yeah, great diet.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Dr. Atkins himself weighed 258 pounds when he died. Yeah, great diet.

    Internet myths are fun. Atkins gained weight due to side effects of medication and health problems unrelated to diet in the year before he died. He also suffered from a congenital heart defect, which caused a heart attack also unrelated to his diet, but died from head trauma after a fall.