clover157 Member


  • I really don't get American cereal... Marshmallows? It seems so weird to me. We have sweet cereal here in Australia - Fruit Loops, Coco Puffs, Frosties....- but Americans have such a range of random cereals!!
  • Soooo tasty. Probably a dangerous recipe to discover, you've been warned ;)
  • Wooow... 2000 new comments when I finally get a chance to have a looksie!! Wish I could binge read them all!! I confess, I feel like an idiot. I started the C25K last week and made it through the first week easily, pushed myself too hard even when it hurt and now my knees are so freaking sore I haven't run in 5 days. I've…
  • I have an alarm app that makes me get up and do 30 steps before it will turn off, with DP and our little ones sleeping I'm out of that room quick smart, works really well :smiley:
  • We all love eggs! Family of 4, we go through 5 dozen most weeks. Thank goodness we have chickens! Confession, I'm starting the C25K on Tuesday and I'm kind of terrified!! Never been a runner, hoping I'll love it, we'll see how it goes I guess! I'm equally excited as terrified at least :)
  • I tried a new butter chicken recipe tonight.... Wow it was delicious!! So delicious I had two bowls with rice, 1600cal total, just for dinner :/ I'd be OK staying fat if I could eat that every day :D
  • This is the worst!! I hate wasting calories on food I don't enjoy. Big big congrats to Tubbs and peleroja!! Beautiful pics. Today's confession, my partner made a whole batch of shortbread and I ate 5 :( I'm really annoyed at myself, lucky I ended the day with 10 cals to spare. I resent him when he does this, him baking is…
  • Thank you for your perspective! I've found this process very difficult mentally, but reading this thread I'm inspired to try changing my mindset. For the first time in my life I'm enjoying exercise so that's a good start :)
  • Oh yes, I'll join you in the dip love. I love all dip. I love flavoured hummus, like roasted carrot or spicy pumpkin. I had a spiced French lentil dip awhile back that was the best but I haven't found it since :(
  • My 10 month old is obsessed with cat biscuits. They're only out for 20 minutes twice a day and he manages to eat some most days, even though we try and keep him away. Sometimes I won't even hear him, he'll just come give me kisses and his breath smells like cat food! He loves the water bowl also, dips his hand in there and…
  • I have mega binge eating issues. I made a chocolate cake two weeks ago and ate the lot on one sitting. As if this wasn't bad enough, I put butter all over it, everything's better with butter :D We have no sweets in the house so I just ate a few of my kid's gummy vitamins lol
  • I don't have time to reply to the many posts I want to reply to, but just wanted to say this is probably the nicest thread on the internet! Amazingly low on drama for such a long one, and full of kind, encouraging and funny people :)
  • Hi! Sending you hugs. Sometimes I think we're our own worst enemy, high expectations lead to guilt. As for Facebook, its everyone's highlight reel. I try and keep it real. Plus people can be a lot more harsh sitting behind a computer. Mmmmm noodles. I loooooove noodles. I rarely buy them as I have no control. If I could…
  • Sending you hugs, sorry to hear you had such a hard day yesterday. Its always something so seemingly random that can set it off.
  • Big Sister is a great idea! All the fun stuff, none of the responsibilities :) Do you have siblings? Fun aunts are always in high demand, they do lots of fun stuff for which the parents don't have the energy. Aunts and uncles, Big Sisters too, can be a great source of confidence and wisdom apart from the parents, someone…
  • :o Kit Kat Chunky peanut butter? Sounds amazing!! I don't think we get them here, though that's probably a good thing...
  • Thanks berlynnwall, you're very kind :) Its all very intense and all consuming, Mr 10 months still nurses heaps overnight so I'm betting chronic sleep deprivation doesn't help It is hard to be honest with people because yes, you are seen as the devil incarnate by some lol It felt good to get that off my chest though! And…
  • Here's something I've never confessed IRL before... I don't enjoy parenting. I don't think I was meant to be a mum. Don't get me wrong, I love my boys with all my heart. I give all of myself to them to ensure they feel loved, are happy and healthy. But I just don't think I was cut out for it. I've had pretty severe…
  • Today is the first day in two weeks I've stayed under my calories :/ Really having trouble getting my binge eating under control. But today was a win! Hopefully tomorrow will be too :)
  • Ugh its so frustrating!! Both my partner's parents have diabetes, he doesn't really exercise and he eats like he's actively encouraging it... We've got a 3yo and 10mo. Nothing works with him either!
  • Confession #1: Lol I was ignoring my children too much trying to catch up whoops!! Confession #2: Our cat passed two weeks ago and I've been riding the grief train to cake town. I'm not grieving anymore, I just like cake! Confession #3: I've finally been reading other threads and its scary out there!!
  • Confession: This was the first thread I opened when I joined MFP, it was at 9.5K and I've been lurking for weeks! Got up to page 397 before giving up and skipping to the end. It's been most entertaining, though I feel like a bit of a stalker knowing all this stuff about people without contributing heh