ultra_violets Member


  • When I was diagnosed with type 2 in 2008 I blamed myself and my food addiction. I found out later that my father is diabetic (you would think he would have picked up a phone...). So you're right. It isn't always as simple as eating too much sugar.
  • I've been addicted to food since I was eleven years old. I've spent my entire life obsessed with food and dieting, losing weight and gaining it back. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at 38. I've tried every diet out there. The only thing that finally helped me get control and stop my compulsive eating was the keto…
  • That's a tough one. I imagine being at boarding school, it's harder to control what you eat and hard to find time for exercise when you have classes. Summer break is coming, right? So maybe that's an opportunity to do some walking, or find some other form of exercise you enjoy. Just remember you're still young and still…
  • 3 days? Whatever you decide to do, please talk to your doctor first. I'm a type 2 diabetic and I know I couldn't go 3 days and not eat. It sounds risky, to be honest.
  • I can't recommend Dr. Ken Berry's channel on youtube highly enough. It was a valuable resource for me when I started keto five months ago, and still is. He's a real M.D. practicing in Tennessee who has done keto successfully himself, and his videos are entertaining and informative. If you can think of a question, he's got…
  • 1. Fiorucci proscuitto and mozzarella panino 2. Pistachios 3. Bagged salad 4. Eggland's Best eggs 5. MFP
  • Welcome! First of all, you're beautiful. And you've been through a lot. Sometimes it's easy when we're under stress for our weight to go up. A little advice: Remember you're still young and your body is still growing and you need nutrients. Also remember your health is your wealth and you want it to last a lifetime, so you…
  • On keto since January 1 and lost 50 lb so far!
  • I found this great sauce called House of Tsang's Classic Stir Fry Sauce. It's a rich dark sauce and has one of the lowest carb counts/sugar content of any Asian sauce I've ever seen. I brush it on chicken thighs before I bake them and it's really delicious.
  • I eat a lot of chicken thighs and it's tough to calculate the weight. To be honest, I just take my best guess.
  • I'm not using any of that yet. To be honest I took one look at the eye-popping price tag on the MCT and kept on walking.
  • I know that horrible sluggish feeling. Oof. My mom swears by natural applesauce.
  • HUGE sweet tooth here. Dark chocolate does it for me. I was never a fan, but I really like it. You sort of have to eat it slowly and really savor it, you can't gobble it down. And it kills those chocolate cravings before they start. And there's a raft of health benefits you just don't get from milk chocolate. I recommend…
  • You know, that bothered me for years and I finally realized why. When I weigh at home, I weigh first thing in the morning, with no clothes on, after going to the bathroom and before eating or drinking. When I'm at the doctor, it's usually afternoon, I'm fully dressed including my shoes and have food in my stomach. That…
  • Strawberries! I've been under the weather and they're one of the few things I can tolerate eating lately. And it's the season, so they're delicious.
  • I don't like what I'm seeing lately either, which is why I rarely speak here and will never begin another thread. The snark, the sarcasm, the condescension, the eye rolling, the snickering, the giggling, the out and out blatant disrespect and rudeness is infantile and unacceptable. If I wanted to put up with that, I'd go…
  • I was in much the same boat as you in December. My A1C was 8.1, I'd been eating completely out of control for most of last year, I was addicted to carbs and scared. I spoke to my doctor and, with her approval, I started the keto diet on January 1st. Now it's June 1st and I've lost 50 lb. and dropped my A1C down to 6. You…
  • I'm on keto. I adapted to it pretty easily and it works well for me.
  • Pistachios, the love of my life. I cannot stop. Also it's strawberry season and I'm loving those fresh berries with lunch.
  • MFP is really a godsend. It's such a helpful tool for weight loss and overall health, whether you log every mouthful religiously or just now and then. Just seeing it in black and white, what I'm really consuming and what I'm getting out of it has been a huge help to me.
  • I usually turn to Miralax when I'm really in a bind. It dissolves easily in water, isn't too terrible tasting and is usually pretty dependable/fast/gentle.
  • You can have dark chocolate on keto! In fact, you should. It has a lot of health benefits. I like Green & Black's 85%. You can get it at Walmart for $2-$3, which is not cheap, but you won't need to eat more than 3 or 4 squares at a time. Lindt 90% is also good but I think the G & B has a better, richer mouth feel. I find…
  • That's a good point. Work-life balance isn't just for parents. Everyone needs it. The discrimination is blatant. If I refused to work overtime because I wanted ONE weekend for myself and my sanity, they'd demand a reason. Like...I don't have to give you a reason? They didn't ask the people with kids for a reason. I finally…
  • It's the Cult of the Family. The perks for parents just never end, from parking spaces to tax deductions to extras in the workplace. Nothing for the rest of us, who are usually getting by on one income. Sure, there's always FMLA for a real emergency but it's only really an option if you can afford to go up to 12 weeks with…
  • Oh god. Corporate Drone Speak. "We're gonna drill down." "Moving forward." "Reach out to (name) and cc me."
  • You probably burned twice the calories jogging. Besides, everyone needs a treat now and then. Tomorrow's a new day.
  • It's just my opinion, but I think Optavia is nothing but a scam. $400 a month! There is nothing Optavia can do for you that you can't do for yourself.
  • I've got another one (I know, big surprise). The blatant favoritism shown to parents in the workplace. Let me say at the outset that most parents are reasonable and don't abuse the system. But there's always that one who just has to milk it for all its worth. I'm not heartless. I've worked many a Christmas so a co-worker…
  • That comes out to about 2.85 pounds a month. A slow creep. It's easy when you're super stressed and exhausted to eat more than you think, or eat foods that aren't as healthy as they could be, not drink enough water, etc. It's tough when you really don't have the time to take care of you. Cutting out sugar is a huge step!…
  • I would get medieval on someone stealing my food. People are shameless. I also vividly remember a co-worker who was a struggling single mother, and she really lived paycheck to paycheck. I mean, this woman had a small child, a daughter, and she lived on next to nothing. And I remember one lunchtime she just broke down and…