RBracken34 Member


  • This is a little late, but I LOOOVE my Daily Harvest cups. We did Plated for a little while, which is similar to Blue Apron or Hello Fresh. It was awesome, but between all the other stuff keeping us busy we ended up not cooking everything we got or resented having to cook. Daily Harvest makes staying on track really easy…
  • I love these. Not too interested in the dessert cookies, lattes, or ice creams, but I love the soups, activated breakfasts, smoothies and harvest bowls. I love that they’re fresh frozen and mostly whole foods. Delicious!
  • I signed up a few weeks ago. I lost a bunch of weight here (nearly 100 pounds) and then over the last two years I put back 60 pounds (let’s call it grief weight because I ate through the death of my fiancé and brother for a year and then just kept eating for another year). Eloped last week with my new beau (sometimes…
  • For perimenopausal women too! I can definitely see the difference in my ability to cope with mood swings and hormonal shifts while fasting.
  • I take two multi-gummies and two chocolate calcium chews with my OMAD (23:1)... but I do just IF with "normal" macros 50/30/20 and no LCHF diet.
  • http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/761810/the-starvation-mode-myth-again
  • I'd start with a coffee and see where it goes from there. ;)
  • I've just started this, though honestly I've done it most of my life inadvertently. It works best with my natural habits, I just never knew there was a name for it. I do 20/4 and my window is 6-10pm. But I also eat at a deficit.
  • My doctor told me I wouldn't live to see my toddler son graduate from high school if I didn't lose weight.
  • Height 5'8" SW: 252 lbs. US Size 22 CW: 157 lbs. US Size 6
  • Biggest NSV so far... After losing almost a hundred pounds this last year... just over the past few weeks, I finally realized that I have met my own standard for health and beauty and stopped striving to meet someone else's. And in doing so, I set a new standard for how I am treated by others. I don't have to endure…
  • Down from a size 22 (US) to a size 8 (US). I'm in a SINGLE DIGIT PANT SIZE!!!! Woo Hoo!
  • Keep going! This is exactly how I've lost 85 lbs.
  • To run a 5K, to get to the top of my "normal weight" range (164 lbs. at 5'8"), and to fit into my size 8 (US) jeans (I am sooo close).
  • Good luck! I started 11 months ago at 252 lbs. and felt the same way... I'm down to 170 lbs. now and feel better every day. I wasn't perfect, but I just kept moving forward. You got this!
  • I'll second this. As a former yo-yo dieter who's spent the last year finally losing weight through a plain old healthy diet and moderate exercise, I took this years ago and it had horrible side effects and the weight came back.
  • Oh yes... I do this too! I'm just about ready to fit into my fourth pair of dream jeans!
  • I soak my feet in ACV twice a month. It's terrific for keeping athlete's foot away (or getting rid of toenail fungus) and for dissolving calluses. I suppose those might weigh something. :smiley:
  • I've lost 82 lbs in 10.5 months just from calorie counting alone on MFP, too. Just started running two weeks ago finally and it feels great! There's so much less weight to carry now and I already feel stronger and leaner... for me, I would never have been able to stick with exercise 82 lbs. ago... but now I actually look…
  • I'm in Week 1 (just finished Day 3) of C25K. I jog/walk pushing my 45lb. four year old in a 25lb. stroller. It's getting easier... but it's still hard. Anyone know how to calculate a calitie burn doing that? Or should I just break down and finally get a fitness tracker? If so, which one? Also, I'd love to have some other…
  • Yes, this! I got really lucky... my doctor basically said to me, "Look, you are your child's only parent, right? You're 42 and your son is three. If you want to live to see him graduate from high school, lose weight. Now." It's been this thought that's kept me going... but most doctors are afraid to say it.
  • SW - 5/1/2015: 252 lbs. Before Picture - 06/12/2015: 232 lbs. CW/After Picture - 01/19/2016: 178.6 lbs. Height: 5'8" Age; 42 GW: 143 lbs.
  • I just wanted to stop by this thread and say that six months later I'm down a sum total of 72 lbs with 38 lbs left to my goal weight. Like I said, screw the odds. I make my own future. Anyone else still here?
  • I have lost almost 70 lbs. and have 40 more to lose... I've gone from an 11 to a 10 very recently... it's weird, no?!! The weirdest part is that even when I was this thin before I was still a size 11... now, I'm just shrinking, I guess! LOL This is good news for me because a lot of shoemakers won't make size 11 or they're…
  • I find that my flubber gets more jiggly periodically as I lose... I've lost almost 70 lbs so far and at some points it's been more jiggly than others. Once you lose what you want, it will likely firm up. Drink a lot of water. That seems to help for me. :)
  • I started at 252 and am now down to 183. I have 40 lbs to go to my goal weight of 143. I'm 5'8". Profile photo shows me at 235 on the left, and at 195 on the right. I'm happy to make new friends!
  • Once I hit goal weight, I'm going to get professional pinup photos done.
  • 67 lbs down... with an extremely sedentary lifestyle and calorie counting only... I only recently started climbing the stairs and being a teeny bit more active overall, but only because I feel enough energy to do it.
  • For me, I started at 252 lbs. I'm 5'8" and I'm down to 185 now. It's been a gradual thing... the more I lose, the more significant 10 lbs. becomes. I'm estimating that since the last 15 lbs saw me losing a full dress size that this next 10 lbs. will yield the same. It will really depend on your height and body type. I…
  • I'm glad it's working for you. I have had a similar journey and this was a big part of it, but it was not enough for me. I kept going back to my old ways until I figured out what I was hiding from... what it meant to me to be thin and why my brain didn't want me to be. That said, we're all different. And different things…