marsdahl Member


  • Oh no! That sucks, I'm so sorry. I was having knee problems a few weeks ago and feared it might be my meniscus, but turned out was just some tendonitis and a strained quad. You'll be back at it before you know it. I'd say keep going on your diet and you'll feel better about the whole deal! And if you really wanted to flap…
  • No NSG goals done yet, but it's only February! and I anticipated it might take about a year to reach mine. My squat is currently at 150lb (goal is 200), and my deadlift at 180lb (goal 300). I started out only being able to squat the bar (45lbs) about four months ago. I broke a weight loss plateau last week with a bunch of…
  • 195.0 - a gain of one pound. I had a bit of a carb binge this weekend while hanging out with friends at the lake. But body fat is still on the decline... I used a more reliable body fat meter that my gym had, and my body fat is way lower than I initially had thought! So I plan on using that meter from now on. Back on the…
  • I'm not a personal trainer by any means! But from my experience, biking and walking are good low-impact cardio. You might be able to also do some strength training with leg presses, body-weight squats and assisted pull ups/dips (if you don't have pain in your arm while doing these), light dumbbell exercises. Bottom line -…
  • 194.4 - a .5 lb gain, but 0.4% loss in BF. I had to take it a little easier on cardio this week due to an aggravated knee. Hoping to keep going strong next week!
  • I am an iced tea ADDICT!
  • I agree... Eventually one might get to the point where he/she doesn't need to count calories and would know how/what to eat intuitively, but keeping an eye on macros definitely helps with accountability if you're just starting out or getting back on the wagon. I used to think I was at the point that I didn't need to count…
  • Snacks get me in trouble, so I usually plan them ahead of time! Usually consist of an apple, 100 cal pack of almonds, or a protein bar before gym time if it's a workout day. Almonds seem to work the best for me when it comes to getting over that mid-morning hump!
  • I couldn't finish my workouts without music. It's hard to keep my armband on when I'm lifting (I use my phone to log my sets as well, so I'm constantly taking it on and off), but I couldn't do cardio without it. I thought about trying a Flipbelt to keep my phone in while lifting, anyone else have one?
  • 194 - 1 lb down and 0.3% body fat :)
  • No prob! Yeah I have a problem with water intake, but that's because rural Iowa water tastes terrible!
  • "According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the maximum amount of ADDED sugars you should eat in a day are (7): Men: 150 calories per day (37.5 grams or 9 teaspoons). Women: 100 calories per day (25 grams or 6 teaspoons)." I've heard the same about green tea too. Couldn't hurt, as long as you're drinking water too!
  • I cut sugar after seeing my mother-in-law's success... She was on Lipitor for high triglycerides and finally a med student told her that it might be because she eats too much sugar. That was three or four years ago, and she has cut sugar from her diet and implemented a weightlifting plan and has lost about 50 pounds and…
  • Congrats, that's awesome!! But don't burn yourself out! I started by going three days a week for a few months, now I'm up to six days of workouts: three days of lifting and three "off" days of HIIT (usually bike, run, or row). Sometimes I do my cardio at home, too. It's always good to have at least one day off as long as…
  • I think counting carbs and sugar religiously for a while has helped me be more aware of what I'm putting in my body. I started watching my sugar intake nearly a year and a half ago, and reading labels and really opened my eyes as to how much added sugar is in even seemingly "healthy" foods! I think it's good to be aware of…
  • Upper body strength is NOT my forte either. I can't do any real pull ups. My overhead press is not going anywhere either. I suppose it's a female thing. *sigh*
  • 1. Deadlift 300 lbs 2. Squat 200 lbs 3. Run one mile without stopping or shin splints 4. Lose this spare tire so I can wear a bikini again! 5. Continue to effectively use exercise as a tool to manage my anxiety
  • 195lbs, down a pound and down 0.8% body fat! :)
  • At work - LOTS of chewing gum. And water as well. Gum and sugar-free candy (in moderation!) works the best for me. I work at a desk 75% of the time, so it's hard to get up and go do something else to distract myself. When I'm at home it's easier to get up and go clean something. :)
  • I've been lifting inconsistently for almost four years, but just started completely over with Starting Strength 3x a week in October as a way to cope with anxiety after getting off meds. Before, I was lifting only once a week at best for the past couple of years.
  • is a great resource if you want to learn how to powerlift... Great articles and discussion boards. (If you want to read the whole book, it's like $10 for Kindle) There's even an app, which is what I use to track my workouts. My husband is a seasoned powerlifter and refers back to this constantly…
  • Yay, another lifter! I've been lifting for a few years, but never consistently. I started COMPLETELY over on Starting Strength last October, but the same as you, not much cardio and my diet hasn't been the best. I'm starting this week with filling in cardio on my "off" days to try and see some fat loss, along with diet…
  • Just joined and at 196 this morning. Been consistently lifting for two months but haven't seen any fat loss yet. Getting my macros back in check starting NOW! :)