FitStrongHealthy Member


  • When MFP asks your activity lever, it's asking about how active you are on a daily basis without exercise. Unless you plan on eating based on TDEE and you don't plan to log your exercise calories, then include exercise in your activity level.
  • I just noticed that mine isn't syncing properly either. Maybe something to do with MFP.
  • I have that happen sometimes when my phone doesn't have a good 4G or 3G signal. It usually takes it a little while to catch up, but does.
  • ^^^^^^This thread is very helpful and anyone there can answer your questions. To answer some of your questions though, no you don't have to eat based on TDEE, its a personal preference and it all depends on…
  • Are you using a fitness tracker like a Fitbit, Jawbone, Misfit, etc.?
  • Thank you, @DoreenaV1975. I'm just glad I can help motivate and inspire others. I used to hate lifting, especially when I was so weak, but now it's the best part of my day. I get excited about it and I love that. My husband has to be my biggest motivator though. He's always encouraging my do any extra, helping me with my…
  • Hey, Got a nice strength workout while running with my dog yesterday. First is was a turtle in the middle of the trail, then he had to chase the bird that flew out of a bush as we passed by, then he saw a squirrel or a rabbit or something and we ended up going off road for a little while until I could get him back to the…
  • Hey everyone, Bella, I am so proud of you. That is such an awesome accomplishment AND you broke a light, very impressive. I hope you have fun on your trip B). I'm going to take my dog out for a run this afternoon. He has been causing mayhem in the yard lately, I think he's trying to tell me that he really wants get out on…
  • Yes, Alisa, my husband and I use a climbing stand (lots of leg and core and arm strength needed for those) or a ladder stand to deer hunt from. When it gets colder we hunt from tents or shooting houses. I love fresh berries in the mornings, but our bushes stopped making fruit I guess it got too hot, and the critters got to…
  • I'm definitely that person. I dance (sort of) while I lift, and sing while I run, and pretty much try to have a good time while I workout. This is also the reason why I workout at home and go trail running with my dog, cause he doesn't mind my terrible singing and weird dance moves lol.
  • Run as fast as I could, hit as hard as I could, fight as hard as I could. While still looking pretty doing it, even while working up a sweat.
  • It sounds like everyone had a pretty good weekend :smile:. Mine was pretty good, I visited my husbands grandfather and helped mow his grass. It was quite fun too cause the mower he has is almost like driving a car. Then yesterday we went fishing and then vegetated on the couch watching movies. Today I'm back at it, I'm…
  • My favorite is Eagle pose, it's kind of like tree but it's like the next step up. It rained on me right at the end of my run, so Tyson and I go to run home in the rain lol. It was fun and worth, plus Tyson got a well deserved bath/shower lol. Ugh, Alisa I'm glad you weren't too far off when you got your flat. Bella dark…
  • Bella, I love doing yoga on my rest days cause helps relax some of my sore muscles. I've found that lifting has helped me a lot with yoga, I can do a lot of poses I used to couldn't because I have more strength now. Today, if this weird summer weather will allow it, I'm going to take my dog Tyson out for a run this…
  • WHEW! It has been a rough week. Sorry I've been MIA everyone, just been really busy. My weekend kayaking trip went well though, got very nicely sun burnt lol. We caught some nice fish that would have been good eating but we let them go. We only spent a day out on the water though, but it was still a lot of fun. I set a new…
  • Eagle (Garudasana), Lord of the Dance (Natarajasana), Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III), Plow (halasana)
  • Come to work prepared. I eat a pretty filling breakfast each morning and always bring snacks to work with me to munch on throughout the day. Depending on what someone in the office brings and if it fits into my calorie goal, helps me decided whether I'm going to eat it. This morning is a wonderful example, a coworker put a…
  • Don't forget squirrels, OMG the squirrels lol. When I go on vacation next month I am definitely going to try to get in a few sand runs :smile:, I've heard they're a lot tougher than regular pavement or trail runs but I'm always up for a challenge.
  • I posted this on another thread a few days ago and imho I believe it very accurately describes how a lot of people feel about exercise, especially when they're first starting out. I still think of lifting or running as a bit of chore, but a chore I must do or I would be a mess. If I didn't workout as much as I do I…
  • No, it won't be worth it. It's just a marketing gimmick to try and get money out of you. I wouldn't waste my money on it. CICO is all need. Eat at a calorie deficit. Exercise if it fits your goals.
  • I have a love hate relationship with my rec room, I literally glare at the door every time I pass by it, but the funny thing is that I love lifting and I love running. I honestly don't think anyone really starts out absolutely loving their workouts. It takes time and work and dedication and commitment to stick to it and…
  • OMG I laughed so hard, now I'm getting crazy looks in the office lol. Wonderful read, thank you @evileen99. ^^^^My favorite lines lol
  • Hey, My day started out good, I was so happy pumped after my zumba video but then I got behind the slowest log truck ever on my way to work and I ended up 5 minutes late. It's no biggy I guess, but I'm usually 10 to 15 minutes early everyday so it frustrated me this morning. I'll feel better this afternoon after I go to…
  • YAY! Raspberries for breakfast, yum! My husband and I are going to go wild blackberry hunting this weekend lol. Lets see, today I went ahead and mapped out our route to Florida for our vacation next month (had to make sure we avoided the tunnel in Mobile). I've been looking for waterproof phone cases (those bag things) and…
  • WOW, I bet it was even better in person. That's actually a really good picture for a cellphone. Our season starts the 1st of October and ends January 31st. We can bow hunt all season though.
  • Yes, my hunting season is over for now. My husband and I only hunt white tailed deer, turkeys, hogs, and squirrels but we try to practice as often as possible, this year I've stuck with it better than I did last year. The deer are the only ones we hunt with bow though (I need better broad heads for hogs or turkeys, they…
  • Awe Isabelle, I'm going to miss you too :'(. I wish you the best of luck, I'm sure you're going to do great. I hope to hear from you as often as possible to know how well you're doing :flowerforyou: :drinker: <3. Unfortunately I won't be running a 5k in the next couple of weeks. It turns out that the race my husband signed…
  • Every morning, just to monitor day-to-day fluctuations, and I log my weight once a month on MFP.