NO_Excuses_515 Member


  • Elizabeth - {{{hugs}}} Hoping you get good news from your doctor, but know that we will be here to support you regardless. Charleen - What a great NSV! Just bopping in for a quick stop today. My daughter is coming home from college for the weekend as it is homecoming and she wants to help her younger sister get ready for…
  • Chris - Glad you are OK. Similar thing happened to my cousin just this week. He was on his way home from work and got caught in a flash flood just a block from his home. Got out safely but had to wade through almost chest high water to get home. Their car is totaled. Been trying to stay on track this week and have done a…
  • Mary/MN – OMG! Glad your reactions were quick and that you were not harmed. I read somewhere that over 100 people are killed each year by falling trees in the U.S. Probably not what you wanted to hear. We are all counting are blessings that you are uninjured. Becca – I know you won’t read this, but know we are thinking of…
  • Sometimes when I have days like that where I keep getting sidetracked from my list to get other things done, I will just add those other things onto my list and cross them off. Meaningless, except that it makes me feel like I have accomplished something that day. :) Linda/IA
  • Getting back on track this week, so my quote for today is this. "The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away very small stones." - William Faulkner <3
  • Hi Mary and welcome! I think you'll find some friends here. :) I've been struggling with pre-menopause symptoms and the challenges of losing weight while my hormones are going crazy. I don't have any answers, just support. Linda/IA
  • Hi Rebecca and welcome! I think that dropping down to 900-ish calories is not going to get you the results you want because your body is just going to go into starvation mode and start conserving more calories. I would focus on getting as much movement as you can, given your injuries. For calories, I would stick to around…
  • Where did the weekend go? Well, I have planned out my entire week's menu and exercise plan and I have prepped all my food for tomorrow. This is going to be a good week! Linda/IA
  • I am a little late on the book discussion, but add me to the list of readers on this thread. I just finished The Girl on the Train and now I’m reading The Girl in the Spider Web. I think it was KJ that clued me in on the fact there was a fourth book written about Lisbeth Salander a month or so ago. I too belong to a book…
  • Today is a day of mixed emotions for me. It is my 23rd anniversary and I am happy to celebrate my marriage to one pretty terrific guy. But, I was in New York on 9/11/2001 and I lost a co-worker when the towers came crashing down on top of the Marriott where he was staying. My heart aches for all those who lost loved ones…
  • HI Ladies – Well, I missed four days of reading/posting and was over 300 pasts behind. We are a chatty group.  I have skipped forward to page 15 and have read forward from there, but no time to comment on most posts today. Work has been busy and my hubby has been out of town on business since Sept. 1, so lots to get done…
  • Jane – Happy to hear that your surgery went well. Hope you heal quickly. Joyce – Happy Anniversary a day late! 44 years is certainly something to celebrate. Glad that you had a good outing with your friends. Miriam – Cute photo of George. Giving them up is sometimes hard, but it’s easier when you know they are going to a…
  • Lisa – I’m sad to hear that you have decided to sell the warehouse after all the work you have put into it. But, it sounds like a wise business decision and you always seem so level-headed. KJLaMore – I’ll add my congratulations to the many you have received on DD’s pregnancy. Will this be your first grandchild? I can’t…
  • Hello friends – Happy Friday! Looking forward to the long weekend. Running late this morning. My hubby left yesterday for a business trip to Paris which means I have extra chores that I have to do every day. He usually takes care of the dog and the plants. I’m responsible for daughter’s lunch and cats. Now, I’ve got is all…
  • Hello Friends – Woke up with a headache this morning so I skipped the gym. Now I have to go tonight. It’s much easier for me to find an excuse to skip an evening workout than a morning workout, but I will be good and go. Daughter is at work and hubby just left for a business trip to Paris, so I have nothing else to do…
  • Hi Ladies – It’s been several weeks since I have checked in and no way that I can catch up on all the posts. So, I am starting on the last page and just going from there. Lots has been going on in my life and I just needed a little time offline from MFP. My mother-in-law who had been suffering from Alzheimer’s disease…
  • Chris – Love the pictures. You look so happy! JanetR – Sounds like your ex wants to repair some relationships, so I hope that your daughters’ visit turns out to be a nice one. Debbie – Sorry to hear about your DH’s prognosis, but as Barbie said the best news is that his heart is still pumping. As so many others here, my…
  • Happy Burthday Chris! Beth {{{hugs}}} Sent my oldest daughter off to college for the first time last year. I cried many times over the summer, and I teared up every time she came home for a visit and had to leave again. She leaves for sophomore year in a month and it will be hard again. I have gotten used to having her…
  • Mia - was glad to hear you had a good weekend and then sad to hear about your job. When you mentioned putting on your big girl panties my first thought is that yours are probably smaller now after your surgery. LOL Good luck on your job search. I hope you find something quickly. Linda/IA
  • Tracie – I am so sorry to hear about your dad and his potential urostomy. And I hope that your dad is able to get over his anger and find the support he needs. Joyce – You’ve got me googling… ileostomy vs urostomy vs colostomy. I get such an education on this forum. DJ – Sorry your DH had to sit at the vet’s only to leave…
  • The goal I set at the beginning of 2016 was a 30 lb weight loss this year. I have struggled all year with the scale but have lost 12 lbs. My goal is to lose another 18 lbs by Christmas! That will put me at 165 and I think officially out of the obese category and into the overweight category. Will be a huge NSV for me when…
  • Vicki - How is your arm healing? I'm sorry to hear you are feeling down AND that you are fighting a headache. I hate those days. {{{hugs}}} I'm fighting a bit of a headache today as well. My daughter and I have been trying to work out if we may have a food sensitivity that causes our frequent headaches. We do not have any…
  • Miriam - I've been there many times. One of my best friends in high school went to the Episcopal Church in Sioux City and I went to church with her quite often. Of course, that would have been after your dad was pastor.
  • Debbie – Thinking of you and hoping your husband’s tests give you some answers. Melanie – If you are making something like lasagna, you can use the recipe feature in MFP and save the recipe. Then you’ll have it for the next time you make the same dish. OK, childhood continued… Summers were typically spent outside at the…
  • Oops - forgot my 5K pic. Here we are.
  • Just trying to catch up after being away from my computer for most of the weekend. I did run the Color Run yesterday morning with my two daughters and my hubby. Well, actually, I ran then walked a bit, then ran a bit, then walked some more, then… you get the idea. I kept up with my family until the first color station and…
  • Oh my, I miss a couple of days and I come back to over 200 posts! Then, I got so caught up in reading posts that I did not take notes. So I’ll just say hello to all, hugs to those who need them, and high five to those who are celebrating. No time to post much today. Hoping for a good night’s sleep tonight. Tomorrow I run…