

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Hi all <3

    My son replied at last and will ring soon.
    He says he is fine and feels it is for the best. Apparently his boss was getting snarky. They have been incredibly understanding, but this latest bout has lasted a long time. He has three months pay to get his act together and find work. Lucky for that, I guess.
    Can't stop thinking about him. He finds life a struggle. Was always like that from two years old when his younger brother was born.

    Love to all, Heather UK
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,834 Member
    <3 Morning all! Happy Tuesday! Busy morning, all six kids here already and it's only ten after eight! Putting my super cape on now!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    Janetr sorry for what you are going through!

    Last three nights problems in the neighborhood woke me between 1-3. I have a half day today for work. I'm taking tomorrow off and I will just relax. Hopefully no problems tonight.

    Mom's 98th birthday today!

    :heart: Margaret

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Good morning ladies. A sincere thank you for all the care and concern. I do think this morning I'm a bit improved. Instead of being bright puffy ref all over, I'm to a flat dull red. :)

    Lisa, hugs to you. How well I know that feeling. I have not got to the point of vomitting, but several times have been convinced I would have felt better if I did. Hang in there, you are truly an inspiration to all of us. Janetr okc

    Janetr okc
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Janetr I'm sending healing thoughts! So frustrating, hopefully on the right track now.

    Becca Enjoy your sabbatical from the digital world. Good for you!

    Margaret 98! That's pretty phenomenal...

    KJ Super La More!

    Heather My 10 year old grandson is a junior version of your son. It worries all of us every day. (((Hugs)))

    My patient is doing well, pain meds every 4 hours instead of every 3, and surprising herself with how well she is recuperating.

    Best wishes to all...

    Karen in Virginia
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited September 2016
    Janetr- i'm so glad that you found a doctor that is so thorough with his examination. I'm sorry that you are going through such a miserable time. Hopefully the medicine will make you feel better really quickly. (((Hugs)))

    Lenora - that was an amazing story! Both of you are fortunate that the bees did not affect you. I am allergic to them and would not have made it through that ordeal.

    Allie- Happy Anniversary! I hope that you and Tom can enjoy your day together! I wish you much happiness!

    Heather- sorry to hear about your DS. As parents we never stop being concerned about our children no matter how old they are. Hopefully he will find something more suitable. It sounds like moving might be in your future! I did it last year and I am so happy that we did.

    Lisa-sorry about you getting so sick! I did the same thing during the football game Sunday night. I had three pieces of pizza as well! However, I did not vomit! I plan for this type of eating. That way I don't feel guilty. I cannot restrict my diet of things I love to eat. That is one reason why I am so committed to exercise every day. I try to stay on a keto diet five days of the week and two days off. I still try to eat a lower calorie count during the weekdays of 1200-1400. Then on the weekend up to 2000. I am still trying to lose a couple of pounds.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,671 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Whitbygramgirl
    Whitbygramgirl Posts: 75 Member
    Happy 98th Birthday to your Mom @margaretturk
    You are so lucky to have her. My Mom passed away 4 years ago at 97 and I miss her every day.

    Morning to everyone else from beautiful Toronto! I had a lovely breakfast of eggs, half of a grilled tomato and plain mushrooms - deelish! - You all sound so busy all the time! - I love reading all of your posts!

    aka Wickglamgirl
  • Whitbygramgirl
    Whitbygramgirl Posts: 75 Member
    Hello @lhannon062709 ! - I read your post - and yes you are so right - everyone here (I'm quickly finding out) are pretty wonderful and supportive. I like your way of thinking - "just to be lighter" - Take care on the eating, you definitely don't want to throw up a lot. It is hard on your retinas. All the best
    aka Wickglamgirl
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Allie ~ Happy Anniversary! Please don't let your DH's lack of physical closeness make your feel bad. My DH has had a problem in that area for many years due to health problems and it took me a long time to accept it; but, after much prayer I can honestly say that it doesn't bother me anymore.

    Margaret ~ Happy Birthday to your mom.

    Lisa ~ So sorry the pizza made you ill. I love pizza. Never had it until I went off to college.

    Lenora ~ Sorry your DnL is giving you a hard time. That story about the bees and the tree is scary.

    Karen in VA ~ Glad your partner is doing well. See, you are a good nurse! :)

    NSV for me! I have decided to turn off the television and have quiet. For some reason, it's like I need to have something going on all the time. I realize that this is causing me to sit still and not accomplish many things that need to be done. So, I am hoping to move more and sit less.


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,671 Member
    Happyyyy anniiiiiii Grandmallie!!!!!

    Seriously depressing when u run a hard fast Mike or 1/2 mi and all u see is 99c for a mile???? Yeah yeah, i know why but it still sucks :0/
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout B
    Squat-1X5X 55/65/75/85/95, 5X5X 100
    BP-1X5X 55/65/75, 5X5X 85
    BR-5X5X 85

    Kettlebell Swing
    Russian kettle bell swing-23X 10 X 35

    Walk 1,000 Miles Challenge
    2 miles

    Margaret - Happy Birthday to your Mom!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    Just a quick fly-by again. Work is still getting busier, and they have eliminated a position, so more and more work. But that's okay, that's why I get a paycheck at the end of the week.

    DS is still struggling to decide on his calling for a sport, but that's okay because he just turned 16. He really enjoys setting pins at the bowling alley, so I'm guessing that will eventually be his decision.

    DD found herself in a marvelous position regarding work. She is a full-time live-in Nursing Assistant at an Assisted Living house. She shares a 3 bedroom apartment with 2 others with the same position. And the luckiest thing; she gets to have her dog live with them, too. I think she is going to try to find some training so he can become a therapy dog. He's already 2, so we'll see how that goes for them. At least she no longer lives in her Dad's basement.

    DH is still the same. He keeps eating junk thinking his metformin will do all the work for him. I keep trying to sneak in fruits and vegetables, but about 1/2 the time he can tell. He finally took down the waterbed that no one has slept on in about 2 years, so hopefully we can get some exercise equipment in there. Or at least a DVD player for yoga for me :smile:

    My ankle is still broken, but the Orthopedic decided that since it is so strong it will stay that way. I will be getting a different kind of brace to wear, that will keep a more constant pressure on the bone, in hopes that keeping the 2 pieces close together will facilitate quicker healing. She believes there are only micro-tears in the tendon, so physical therapy a few more months, to continue strengthening the surrounding muscles, and hopefully I can get out of the brace within a few more months. It really rarely hurts unless I do a pivot kind of movement while walking, or bang it against something. I am not very limited for exercise anymore, so I hope to switch back to losing weight again, instead of just maintenance. At least I can feel in my clothing that the exercises I have been doing are keeping my size in check.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    meuy43 wrote: »
    Today, I didn't do anything on my list of things I was supposed to do. I had to water this silly plant outside my front door that was almost dead. Before I could get that done I got sidetracked and did laundry, cleaned the kitchen, paid bills, weeded out the back garden and pruned, hauled all of that out to the front for garbage day tomorrow, then was so dirty I had to shower and run to Trader Joe's for something for dinner tonight. That was when I walked by that blasted plant again.... finally 5 hours later I watered it. Looked at the list and checked off Trader Joe's and that was it. Ugh!! Mama said there'd be days like this, days like this my mama said....

    Sometimes when I have days like that where I keep getting sidetracked from my list to get other things done, I will just add those other things onto my list and cross them off. Meaningless, except that it makes me feel like I have accomplished something that day. :)

  • blumenstockbj
    blumenstockbj Posts: 94 Member
    Happy Tuesday
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    JanetR: I am happy you've had a bit of improvement, but sorry you're still dealing with your skin problems. A flat rash is better than a puffy rash. I hope that the medicines and ointments do their jobs quickly. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Your DH is a prince to be willing to move closer to the grandchildren. Thinking it over carefully is very smart. I'm so glad you heard from your son even though the news wasn't great. I hope he is able to find another job quickly. :heart:

    Allie: Loss of libido can be caused by emotional and/or physical issues. Has Tom had a recent doctor check-up? If not, it might be a good idea. :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: Happy 98th birthday to your mom! :bigsmile:

    Terri in Milwaukee: It is good to hear from you. Your daughter seems to be in a really good situation and that is very good news. A fulltime job with housing AND permission to keep her dog with her is fabulous. :flowerforyou:

    meuy43: I agree with Linda in Iowa. List making helps me feel productive. Crossing things off is such a nice feeling, no matter what order I get things done.

    DD is pregnant, having health issues, and cranky. I'm trying to be supportive and make arrangements to go to IL and be with her. My husband is also a poster boy for health issues and leaving him behind is scary. He won't come so I'll have to deal with it. Wish me luck all the way around. I'm trying to negotiate with DD about when I'll arrive and leave. It is a toughie because the situation for her is not stable.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Mary/MN – OMG! Glad your reactions were quick and that you were not harmed. I read somewhere that over 100 people are killed each year by falling trees in the U.S. Probably not what you wanted to hear. We are all counting are blessings that you are uninjured.

    Becca – I know you won’t read this, but know we are thinking of you as you take your digital holiday.

    Allie – Happy Anniversary.

    Terri – Hugs! Hope you heal quickly.

    Yesterday was a good day. Exercised and stayed on track with my food. Today, the fire alarm went off about half way through my workout. They weren’t asking people to evacuate as there did not appear to be any issue, but the noise was so obnoxious that I gave up and left. Will have to find another way to move more today.

    Homecoming week at our high school this week. Fun to see my daughter and her friends dress up – yesterday was character day – she was Sadness from Inside Out. Today is dress as your favorite decade day. We pulled out an old denim shirt and an old denim jacket from my closet and she is going as a 90’s girl today.

    Thought for the day… “If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results.” – Jack Dixon

    Linda, back on track in IA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,671 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    JanetR, I was very suspicious about that awful rash that responded very quickly to oral and topical and then came back just as bad. Course of problem was not found at all. Was it a doctor you saw while you were camping or did you consult you own? Hope he finds the cause and gets it gone forever.

    Allie, I don't know whether to say happy anniversary to you or not. For now I just put in lower case. I was wondering when he brought you flowers, bought you a car what was happening. You had also said that you were buying some 3x leggings. Does he give you more love when you are heavy? He feels more secure in the marriage that your more healthy body isn't a threat to your marriage?

    I have one of those wrist B/P cuffs and was wondering if it was just as good as the wonderful old fashioned arm cuff and stethescope. So I took it yesterday when i went to the doctor since I knew they used the old fashioned way. So I had mine on one wrist while she took it on the other arm and it was just almost the exact same reading. So I am satisfied that mine is accurate. Now it isn't accurate to my family doc but they use the arm one that is mechanically pumped. I felt a little weird today, not bad weird just different, and my B/P was 116/64!!!!!! Rechecked it and it's the same. Hasn't been that for absolutely years.

    joyce, Indiana