

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited August 2016
    Heather :heart:

    Terri in Milwaukee - Nice to see you posting again :flowerforyou: Bummer with the ankle! A few weeks ago I was in a parking garage and opened an industrial-strength door that ran over the fourth toe on my left foot. It was excruciating for a while and half my foot turned purple. (Sue in WA, I sympathize!) I suspect something in the toe broke, but since they never do much about broken toes, I've been just grinning and bearing it. I didn't go jogging for a couple weeks (mostly because I had a severe cough at the same time) but now I'm back on track. Even if the toe still hurts sometimes, the jogging endorphins kick in soon enough that I can run without problems.

    Jane - Rant on all you need. We can take it and help you get rid of it. Thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed for the best possible outcome of your surgery. :heart:

    Our boat trip the other day was a washout. The weather was so rough that the crew didn't think we would be able to reach our intended destination. We redirected our sights to the considerably closer destination of Pyramiden (that's the ghost town I visited just recently, and Heather has been there too). But as soon as we got out of the little side fjord where Longyearbyen is located, the waves grew to 15-20 feet and the passengers started throwing up. My husband, his brother and I were among the lucky few who didn't have to become intimately acquainted with the blue plastic bags the crew handed out left and right. (Sorry if that's TMI.)

    Seas were rough, chaotic and unpredictable because of cross-currents and fetch all the way from Greenland. The boat jumped over the tops of the waves and slammed down into the next trough with a mighty thud. We rolled and yawed and pitched. Spray flew and drenched the entire (closed) boat in cold water so the windows fogged up and we could hardly see a thing. There was never any real danger, but it's no fun being seasick - or watching other people be seasick. So in the end, we turned around and thumped and bumped and yawed and pitched back to Longyearbyen. My brother-in-law's friend went straight to bed and the rest of us had hot soup for lunch.

    Later that afternoon, I went down for the pre-premier screening of the BBC program that presents 11 Longyearbyen residents, entitled Ice Town: Life on the Edge. Its international title differs from what I mentioned earlier, which might explain why some couldn't find it. The series has been sold to about 50 countries so it will probably show up on a channel near you sooner or later.

    Anyway, the production team screened the first two episodes for the townspeople, as a way of saying thank you. I quite enjoyed it and it does in fact show something of what life is like here. The main flaw - as I see it - is that they use too much fast-forward and loud music for dramatic effect. You lose the sense of total calm that characterizes our laid-back little town.

    Speaking of calm, there are two polar bears - mother and cub - on the other side of the fjord just now. So today I'll be spending more time than I can afford at my window with the binoculars.

    /Penny, enjoying the fauna near the North Pole
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
    morning peeps
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Morning all! Still here. Still reading. Three more days then a four day weekend before back to school schedule begins. Will post more at weeks end! Love and hugs to all that need them! Jane- sending good thoughts, prayers, vibes for successful surgery and recovery!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    <3Jane, I'm so sorry that your pre-op visit with the doctor was so stressful....bedside manner isn't always there with doctors....I'm wishing you a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.

    :'(Penny, what a shame that your boat trip was marred by choppy seas and seasickness for so many. I am prone to motion sickness and could feel the pain as I read your story.

    :) As I was writing in my gratitude journal this morning, the sight of the date encouraged me to begin making a list of resolutions for September. I hope everyone else is doing the same. It helps me to have a few clear plans for the month. When I first started doing that on this thread, one of my resolutions was nine glasses of water a day....now the water drinking is as automatic as showering and flossing but at first, it had to be a plan for me to follow.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    edited August 2016
    Rori Wow!

    Re great job on weight loss!

    Jane hope surgery goes well for you and speedy recovery.

    Terri hope the ankle recovery goes well.

    My plan is to go to our art museum today. They have an exhibit of art inspires by nature.

    :heart: Margaret
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Jane, also wishing you rapid recovery and smooth sailing for your surgery.

    Penny, oh my...like Barbie & I'm sure others, I would have been a blue bag lady on that boat trip. And sorry for your probably brokern toe. Ouch!!

    Spoiler alert: this link about BBC Earth's Ice Town: Life on the Edge has blurbs about the "characters" in the series, and has a spoiler warning: http://icepeople.net/2016/08/29/rant-ranking-the-characters-of-svalbard-life-on-the-edge-from-least-to-most-interesting/#more-4079 I really want to see this.

    Kim and Michele: My cousins used airBNB in New Orleans when they came for my stepson's wedding and had a wonderful experience, much less expensive than any other accomodations and a great experience with local homeowners. They have used airBNB previously several times and have always been pleased.

    I have my grandkids for a few days. Yesterday we explored Bass Pro Shop and then to Kubo and the Two Strings in 3D. Today we go to the Science Museum and will poke around the exhibits and IMAX Great White Sharks. Not sure about tomorrow yet.

    Transitioning into fall and the start of the school year! Thinking of all of you adjusting to changes in your lives at this time!


    Karen in Virginia
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Hi Ladies – It’s been several weeks since I have checked in and no way that I can catch up on all the posts. So, I am starting on the last page and just going from there. Lots has been going on in my life and I just needed a little time offline from MFP.

    My mother-in-law who had been suffering from Alzheimer’s disease passed away in July. It was for the best as her brain simply stopped communicating with the rest of her body. But, my hubby was the baby of the family and always very close with his mom, so it was still hard. I gave the eulogy at the funeral and received several compliments saying I had captured her perfectly. I hope I did her proud.

    My brother-in-law (my sister’s husband) spent three weeks in the hospital with acute pancreatitis. Most of that time was in ICU and we were afraid we were going to lose him for a while. Apparently, when the pancreas is not producing the insulin you need, your kidneys and other organs will start to shut down. Thankfully, he has made good progress. He is out of the hospital but still recovering at home. He is expected to fully recover but he will have to drastically change his lifestyle. Alcohol and fatty foods could trigger another episode and he may not survive if he has to go through that again. I do believe that he and my sister are committed to making some changes.

    My oldest daughter is back at college and my youngest daughter is back at high school. That means a flurry of fall activities has begun. I’ll be volunteering with our performing arts booster club again to support the vocal music program. I took over primary responsibility for parent communications this year and already had one parent send me a nasty email for something completely out of my realm of responsibility. The vocal director had my back and pretty much put the parent in his place.

    With all that has been going on, I have gained four pounds. I was hoping that was a gain of muscle because I’ve been focusing more on strength training and less on cardio. But, I took my measurements today and they have actually increased. Bummer! Back to carefully watching what I eat and logging my food.

    OK, that’s enough for now. I will respond to a few other posts later today.

    Linda in rainy Iowa
  • jjfromkc813
    jjfromkc813 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everybody!

    Sorry, too many posts to catch up on!

    Rebooting and starting over today. I'm getting married in 5 weeks. Yesterday we bought a food scale and a weight scale with body fat, water percent, etc. So I'm starting today measuring EVERYTHING. From a schedule fluke I will be off of work almost 2 weeks (work part-time as a nurse), so that will help. I almost wonder if the cortisol from stress at work negates any extra calories burned. We will retire at the end of the year, and although still work per diem, it will be on our own schedule, and only a few days a month.

    I have noticed a good thing with the Apple Watch, in that I will just walk some extra steps when I have a few minutes of waiting for something. Just being aware of steps accumulated during the day causes me to walk a few more here and there and it adds up pretty quickly.

    Lenora, thank you for posting about the star bookmark for the discussion. Duh! That will help me get back here a lot easier!

    DJanet (love your name!)- what kind of line dancing do you do? And I know what you mean by missing a nap. It's one of my favorite times of day and I can get cranky if I miss it :)

    Janetr - I'm new here and just catching about your RV trip - that sounds like so much fun!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited August 2016
    Stronglifts Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    GobletSquats- 3X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-25X 10 X 35

    Walk 1,000 Miles Challenge
    5 miles

    Week four of my transition to using the 35 pound kettle bell during strong lift workout and rest days. I picked up my 40, 45, and 50lb Kettlebells yesterday! I am excited to start using the 40 pound next week!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Polixeni001
    Polixeni001 Posts: 11 Member
    Good morning from Ontario Canada...I would love to be part of this group. I have been on My Fitness Pal in the past and did loose weight, but sadly I have gained back 30 lbs. I'm determined to loose it before it becomes permanent. I am 65 years young and would love some support and helpful suggestions on my journey. Have a great day and smile always.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Had our 13th annual girl's weekend this past weekend. Had a blast. The Escape the Room night was fun. We escaped! We had almost six minutes to spare too! Went to the Houston museum of art to see Kusama:the universe. Very unique art exhibit all based on light. Really kind of neat. Then we wandered the museum and saw some of the masters and favorites. Super big wonderful tasty excellent meal that night at a fancy restaurant. Sunday morning we kayaked Buffalo Bayou through the city. It was quite nice, you feel very secluded through most of it and at the end you come around a corner and it opens up and you have the Houston skyline facing you. Quite pretty actually. It was a good weekend. Next year we will be totally lazy and I'm looking for a timeshare up in the hill country we can just go lay about at. We'll have two nursing babies with us so we won't be doing any physical things like hiking or kayaking next year. The only negative is that I come out of these weekends gaining weight. We really do enjoy eating all the stuff we don't normally have. lol Good thing it's only once a year.

    Waiting for the rain to start up again.
    Marcelyn in Houston
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Happy Anniversary to all of you who are celebrating, including me and my DH who have been married 41 years today. We are going to celebrate by walking for an hour at the mall together, then we'll get some supper and come home. He bought me a Fitbit Alta a month ago when my Flex started acting up. That was supposed to be my present, but he had me a necklace and card this morning. I got him a cherry display case for his knife collection. This was secretly also for me. Now that his junk drawer is free of the gazillion knives he has, he might actually clean off the top of his dresser some more.

    Re, I agree with your philosophy about aging and not getting stuck in a chair if you can help it. My DH actually took up walking when he realized that he was looking forward to Gunsmoke coming on every day. This was about six months after he retired. He swore off daytime TV and started logging his miles instead. We are blessed, blessed, blessed with good health and would like to keep it that way as long as we can.

    Off to walk. Catch you guys later.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK

    Hi all
    Just returned from long walk in the park am doing a charity walk for Alzheimer UK next Sunday so need my distance walking muscles in fine fettle
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    So many of us have August anniversaries! Happy for all who do! Kay and RE ~ Hope yours was great!

    DH and I went to the opthamologist this AM. My eyes mostly just needed a lens adjustment but DH's showed a rather large cataract in one eye and maybe the beginnings of glaucoma in the other. He has never really worn the glasses he was prescribed years ago but will get some now so he can renew his driver's license. Hoping the eye dilation will go away soon. After that we went to our favorite Chinese restaurant and I had sesame chicken so I know my calories for today are way over. But, it was delicious!

    DJ ~ Are your getting ready for storms along the NC shore? Hope you are not hit too bad.

    Marcelyn ~ Your girl's outing sounds like a really fun thing. Glad you and yours are able to get together.

    Terri and Penny ~ Ouch for both of you! Terri ~ Glad you checked in.

    Jane ~ So sorry the docs were insensitive. Best wishes for a good outcome on your surgery.


  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    drkatiebug- Happy Anniversary! Aren't you a clever one! That is one way to get that dresser cleaned up LOL!

    Marcelyn- I saw that escape room on the big bang theory TV show. It looked like a lot of fun! Glad you had a great time!

    Melanie - I am glad that things are looking up for you and your family. It is great that your DD was able to start school. Keep checking in and let us know how you are doing. (((Hugs)))


    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Jane I forgot what kind of surgery you are having.

    Melanie, glad you are finding some joy during this terrible stressful time in your and your communities life. Glad your DD was able to start nursing school.

    Saw my family doc nurse practitioner this morning. She is leaving all the b/p medicines for the cardiologist to work out. She did take b/p and pulse sitting and standing. The b/p wasn't much different but the heart rate went from 60 to 118. The only medicine I took this morning was the beta blocker because of what my heart rate was doing everytime I stood up. I am glad Charlie is driving me around except the way he drives. SCARY!

    Rori,loved the pictures and you explanation of the National anthem.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: Now I understand the importance of using the hospital's rehab facility. I hope you are able to get some financial assistance to ease the burden of costs. Sending good wishes your way. :heart:

    Re: You are on the right track regarding your health. I'm sorry that your mom has such poor health habits. Mine did too, and eventually smoked herself to death by spending every waking hour sitting, smoking and watching TV. I've hated cigarettes since early childhood. :broken_heart:

    Liz: I hope the transition back to work is smooth. Don't become a stranger here! :flowerforyou:

    Rori: I wish we had taken the Pikes Peak train back when DS was stationed in Colorado Springs. I didn't even know it exited. He might not have known, either. On the other hand, we were struggling with the altitude of the Springs. I'm not sure how we'd have handled going even higher. :ohwell: I'm glad you had a great day. :smiley:

    Kim: Your weather seems to be matching ours right now. Today is overcast and mild, but yesterday was sunny and in the low 80s. :bigsmile:

    Jane: Sending hugs your way and prayers for a good surgical outcome. Venting is okay around here. We all need to vent now and then. (((HUGS))) :heart:

    Penny: You are lucky to have been free of seasickness on your boat ride. My TV carrier doesn't include BBC2, so I was only able to see what was online. That was quite gorgeous and left me wanting more! :smiley:

    Polixen: Welcome to a great group! :flowerforyou:

    I had a call from a very dear friend this morning, and stayed on the phone with her a long time. She's now living in Florida and we don't get to visit often. It was great to hear her voice and how things are going for her. Isn't technology grand? We get to stay in touch with friends all over the world.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison