

  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Finally!! We have a cold front moving through and it has brought cooler weather (54 F) and rain storms. We needed both! Rori in the Foothills, you should get it soon, it's so very nice!

    I'm taking it easy today, for some unknown reason my right knee is wacked. Lots of pain when I walk and it even pops from time to time. I finally put it in a brace beause it kept buckling out from under me. It was fine yesterday and I truly don't remember hurting it. Just woke up this way.

    So I'm in the quilting room cutting fabric for a Christmas tree skirt that I have been wanting to make. Hopefully when I wake up tomorrow it will be back to normal.

    Charleen in Colorado (Loving the cool temps and brisk rain) t111077.gif
  • slimcharm20
    slimcharm20 Posts: 65 Member
    @pipcd34 Thanks for the welcome!

    @exermom Thanks for the welcome! I think I will give the applesauce a go, when I am in a pinch and let you know. No ideas on the waffle mix .. I sold our waffle iron at a yard sale years ago.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • dwanachapman
    dwanachapman Posts: 18 Member
    Hello, just started back Monday! Had some health scares, and threw in the towel, but the towel is back on...thankfully. lol Just found your upbeat post motivating, and I like the goal setting. I think my goal for this month is getting through 30 Day Yoga camp, currently on day 5. I've started some resistance exercise, push ups & squats. I hope to build some strength up. I will be trying on more of a cardio routine Monday. And I need to conquer my carb addiction. I have no thyroid, and being 51 it's not easy to release weight. Plus I'm a vegetarian, trying to cut my carbs in half, at least. lol I'm one for punishment. Well that's me in a nutshell. Have a wonderful weekend!
  • slimcharm20
    slimcharm20 Posts: 65 Member
    My DDIL used to use gold stars on a chart and nice excursions as motivators, or something else the kids really wanted. Worked for a while. :) I think Becca has tried something like motivating phrases pinned up etc. You could try going through magazines and cutting out some lovely clothes and pinning them up somewhere. Before I lost weight I really had lost all interest in fashion and had no idea any more what would suit me. I just used to cover myself in baggy black. I had to re-educate myself in what was out there. It was quite a shock to realise I didn't have to wear dark wrap dresses any more, but I could wear a bright sheath dress! Wow! :D Going to the pub this week in a sleeveless top, heels and a pencil skirt was quite a milestone!
    Love Heather UK

    By the way Di, in case you were wondering, I am going to be 67 in October.

    Great idea! I am thinking about making a fitness motivation board- workout calendar for my work out space. You can get those dry erase- bulletin boards for next to nothing.

    At 67 ...you give me hope that its not too late, when in a reality I know it never is. They say if you got it...you flaunt it!!! :) Enjoy your pub date!!!
  • slimcharm20
    slimcharm20 Posts: 65 Member
    MissDi321 wrote: »
    thought about tonight and eating out--I will eat half the entree. Left overs will make a great lunch on Monday!!

    Two thumbs up!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Karen – I will try that; see if it works for me. Your little ‘fur babies’ are so cute. I want to post a picture of “Cracker”. I finally got one of her laying on her back. Sometimes she will fall asleep in this position. My DH wasn’t very ‘keen’ on having an inside pet; but, she has won his heart. She follows each of us anywhere we go. She sits in front of the closed bathroom door while he is taking a shower. Gracious, should either of us leave the house; she cries and goes to the door; although she does know that DH goes to work in the morning and will be gone all day. She’s going with us on vacation, so next Thursday she gets a clip and a haircut … two bucks! I WISH!

    Yesterday I left my closet door open and it has a mirror on the inside; she was playing and running from one end of the house to the other and caught her reflection in the mirror. Her reaction was so funny! I thought DH was going to laugh until he cried. She'd bark at it then run to him and bark at him and run back and forth; until I finally had to just go in and close it. I told her that I 'was putting that other dog away in the closet'.

    Mary from Minnesota – If I can remember to take my kettlebell … I will take mine with me. I found a site that calculates the calories; and figured out how many I would burn in 5 minutes at my weight; then I will know what I need to add for each 5 minute session. Then, somehow, I found out how to actually add it to my exercises; I've already forgotten what I did. Short time memory bank loss is 'hell' sometimes. When I least expect it, it will be like I never forgot how.

    Re – I was surprised that DH has allowed “Cracker” to stay inside; but, she is ‘so entertaining’ I’m not sure he’d put her outside to stay now. In-and-out all the time!

    Rosetigger – We have an ‘inside’ dog ("Cracker"); and, an 'outside' cat ("Tux") - not a very exxciting name; when you realize that a 'black & white' cat is called a "Tuxedo Cat" breed. Dog comes in-and-out with us. She’s my companion; but, when DH comes home she stays mostly on his side of his chair or follows him everywhere. If she comes up to him, like she ‘needs’ something. He’ll tell her, “go ask your mama"; and she comes right over here and puts her head in my lap. She is a peculiar eater. We put a cup of food in her dish in the morning; and, it will take her all day to eat it; and, if you see her eating, she stops. Then, we’ll put another cup in her dish at night … she won’t let you ‘see her eating’ … but, we can hear her. She’ll sit on command when you are putting in the food; but, when you tell her “OK” she just looks at you. Our JRT used to sit until we told her ‘OK’ … for the most part she’d stay even ‘if’’ we walked out of the room. Then when you said 'ok' you had better not be 'in the way'.

    Cracker cannot stand the vacuum cleaner(s) – will bark and try to attack them. Yesterday I tried out my kettlebell in front of the mirror on the back of my closet door; she did not like it; and tried to grab it and I hit her on the nose. Not hard; but, hard enough to let her know, it isn’t something she wants to tackle again. I find it hard to understand why some people don’t even want any pet. My DYS had a big black lab and has a “Mountain Feist”. Jack the lab had to be ‘put down’ … old with a lot of health issues that could never be better, even with treatment. Lame - one not being able to stand up after laying down. It is a problem with most labs. He cried for 2 days, according to DDnL#2; DGD#4 cried when he told her that and why.

    I don’t know what he will do when something happens to Lily. He has now had to put her in the big shed when he goes back in town; because the farmer next to them says it looks like she is trying to follow after him and then gets too tired to make it back. He's afraid with this heat ... she might get dehydrated and die from a heat stroke. He had almost run over Jack because he was laying down in the field; or near it and he did not see him until it was almost too late. He thinks that Lily is losing her sight, hearing, and, maybe has ‘doggie dementia’ due to her age. DDnL#2 has a mix Shizt Shu/Chihuahua – it’s a little dog; but, DYS loves him, too. Did not like him at first; but, was not going to tell them ‘no’.

    Running is pretty ‘rough’ on your knees, ankles, and it can affect your hips; walking is a much better exercise insofar as burning calories with less stress on your body. You could work up from a slow pace to the kind of race-walking (pumping your arms, usually bent at the elbow) … really fast. I swear my middle sister must do this … we are all about the same height (5’3” – 5’4”) but when she is walking I am practically having to run to keep up with her. We're built the same; so it isn't like she has much longer legs or anything like that.

    Di – So you had a ‘Saturday’ wedding!?!?! DH and I will have been married 44 years tomorrow! Would never trade him in, although he does joke around about ‘he should have traded me in on two 20-year-olds when he had a chance’. I told him that he could not even handle three 21-year-olds now! Then he will say, ‘that’s what the girl at the picnic said’. That saying is also his way of quietly saying to me, “I’m stressed!” Such a good natured man and so patient, too! We rarely go out and eat the entire entrée – always bring ½ of it home for the next lunch or supper.

    Clothes and plants are my biggest motivator. Manicure and Pedicure are right up there, too.

    If we are planning on going out to eat; I will track my calories from the food that I think I will eat; and, then I will know if I need to skip my middle-of-the-day meal. We usually go out about 4:30 – 5:00 in the afternoon, to beat the crowds. If the restaurant is not listed; I find one that is comparable and look at what is close to what I plan on eating that night to get my calorie count; since we go on 'date nights' a couple of times a month - I do not deny myself the wine or the dessert; but, that means I might have to exercise more the next few days.

    Karen – I also do the same – order salad and appetizer. But, Olive Garden has their special eat one, take one going on. I’ll have to decide what I will take and figure out the calories. Might have to ‘freeze’ some of it; and take the other half as my meal. That’ll be 4 meals for $12.99 (excluding wine).

    Slimcharm20 – I bought the 10lb; and, believe me … you will not regret starting off with the 10lb kettlebell and working up. It’s a lot ‘harder’ exercise than you can imagine.

    Oh, my DDnL#1 made some spaghetti squash for us … I was surprised that my DH really ‘liked’ it a lot. She had made some venison sauce and had plenty for my lunch the next day.

    Cheri – We’ve owned 3 Honda Accords. My DBnL always had one (sometimes 2) Hondas every 2 years. I bought his 2009 when I inherited money (their check was just larger than mine); so it was ‘paid’ for. Two years later I rolled it (with 2 of my granddaughters in the car with me); I had had a seizure and when my DMGD tried to ease us back up on the roadway; I reacted and then over-corrected … they were ‘scared’ more than ‘hurt’. She will NOT get in the car, if I am driving … I can’t say that I blame her. When we traded the salvage … we got more than my DBnL had charged me, in the first place. Got a ‘one owner’ used 2011 Accord. I found some paperwork that had his name on it; so I called to find out why he would have traded in a ‘new’ car; he told me that he found out his wife was pregnant with their 2nd child about a week later; and, they needed a van-like vehicle. I backed it into a fence the day before we were supposed to leave last year for Louisiana; and wasn’t sure that we’d be able to open and/or close the trunk because of it. So I went to the dealership to get an ‘oil change’ and ‘tires rotated’ and was looking at the ‘new’ 2015 Hondas. Drove one, and fell in love with it. So much quieter than my 2011 Honda and smoother riding as well. My 2011 was a 6-cylinder; but, I think the 4-cylinder has as much ‘pep and get up and go’ as it did; and, the gas mileage is better. Last year we only spent $75 in gas coming and going. But, that did not count the fill-up that the dealership put in it. Still ... that was great mileage per gallon. I wrecked it back on 5/3; pulled in front of someone from the turn only lane. I really ‘thought’ I had the ‘green arrow’. So I only injured my right ankle; other than apparently being knocked out for a while. Hit me in the front right panel then pushed me head-on into a metal light pole. I was ‘sure’ that it would be totaled; but, it wasn’t. The side airbags went off; and all I saw was a bright flash of light … I ‘thought’ … “I’m DEAD!” Everything went ‘black’ and then a second later saw another bright light when I hit the pole head-on; and all I could hear was metal crunching. It took a ‘licking’ and after being ‘fixed’ it has been ‘ticking’ just like new. Of course, it took 5 weeks to get it fixed; going back-and-forth between the body shop and the dealership. Can’t tell it was ever damaged.

    We figured since there was over $16K of damage; they’d total it; but, the front bumper caved in like an accordion; but, the hood was buckled up. Only one hose had to be replaced. Nothing damaged in the engine. I’ve always felt extremely safe in my Hondas.

    The synchronized swimmers have nose clips; and when they come up; they take in a breath through their mouths. Mouth breathers! Much easier than blowing out air under water.

    Katla – I had a friend in elementary school whose name was “Susanna”. Biblical name. Middle and only daughter with 4 brothers. Lost contact with her when her family moved a couple of time. Dad was a college professor. Went to visit with her for 2 weeks the year we were Seniors in HS. In Norman, OK @ UofOK She was so pretty … natural blond with pretty blue eyes. What I remember when we became friends was the ‘dollhouse’ that he Daddy made out of solid wooden packing crates. It was ‘huge’. John, Timothy, Susanna, Andrew, and John Mark.

    Michele – My MnL had promised her 5-diamond wedding band to me from the day she purchased it for herself; even had it written down that I was to get it and attached to her Will. Unfortunately, DH’s daughter took it instead. When we got the Will, she had struck through it and several others things, including a painting I had done for Christmas one year. I would have ‘liked’ to have been able to get the picture back; because it was the ‘only’ one I never signed. She took ALL of the pictures, so I don't have any of my MnL, except from our wedding and one of her and Granddaddy with DH as a baby. None of her, none of DFnL, and none of my DH growing up. Karma will come soon enough; if she hasn’t already been there. It just ‘hurts’ that she would be so ‘greedy’. But, like you said, it is probably a blessing in disguise. We no longer are welcomed in her home; after she got caught co-mingling DMnL’s assets with hers. The saddest thing about it is that the ‘granddaughter’ will never know her ‘real’ Papa.

    As a child, I thought that a can of Vienna Sausages was a ‘treat’; but, when I got into HS Science the teacher (our football coach) talked about what goes into ‘hot dogs’ … and “Vienna Sausages”. I have not been able to eat one since. I will eat a Hebrew National hot dog; but, not others. I have to be almost ‘starving’!

    Can’t help you in the pancake mix … I will eat ‘waffles’ but, not pancakes. I think it has something to do with the texture. DH buys the kind that you only have to add water to (but, not Bisquik. Then he will freeze the ones that he makes too much of, to heat up during the week. He always cooks breakfast on Saturdays and Sundays.
    Almond crusted goat cheese sounds delicious! Never had it (that I know of).

    Vicki – Sometimes it is just better to jump in on the page number you get taken to and go forward; then go back and read those extra pages to try to get down to the ‘start of a story’. Sometimes it is pretty easy to sort of figure out what is going on; but, if you ask; most won’t mind posting it again, so you’ll know what started the comments being posted.

    It was good to see the ‘women’ and ‘some of the men’ actually singing the National Anthem this afternoon. Don’t know what team it was (unless possibly volleyball). They even acted ‘overjoyed’. Even ‘loud’ enough to actually hear them as well. GO AMERICAN OLYMPIANS!!!!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) This has been a lovely day---very warm for us in NW Washington with temperatures near 90 degrees. It was fairly cool early in the morning when I walked the dogs. It was much warmer later when I taught my line dance class. I think the class was smaller than usual because it was so warm. Since then I've been in our air conditioned house where I spent over two hours riding the exercise bike while watching the Olympics that I recorded last night. I love my DVR that allows me to watch things when I have the time and fast forward through the parts that don't interest me. I took the dogs out for a few minutes in the middle of the afternoon and walked them in the grass. We'll go to bed early so I get plenty of rest before the line dance performance at the county fair tomorrow morning.

    m1277.gif I am so glad to see new members in our community. I hope you'll come back. I started here at age 62 and didn't think there was any hope for me...instead, I lost weight, got more active, and made wonderful friends.

    81824br5uyrfrsr.gifBarbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington t113030.gif

    My word for 2016 is "alacrity"....I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,862 Member
    Hello ladies: It is hot here today, 95* and just walking outside to feed horses I was sweating like crazy. At least it has been cooling off at night. One of the reasons we moved her was for more moderate weather. this kind of feels like SD. Let the horses out in the back pasture early today since there is more shade there for them. I am so glad the YM will be open again on Monday, I have really missed water exercise.

    Glo - Sorry for the loss of your father. Keep all those good memories.

    Miriam - Like the hair and the color suits you.

    Di - Strength to you for the weekend and happy anniversary. Our anniversary is August 23 and it will be our 47th.
    Our son is taking us out to eat on Saturday to celebrate. We will also get to see his new place, he moved earlier this month.

    Michele - Have you tried writing or calling the company that makes it?

    I had to order hay today for the horses and he lowered the price by $1 per bale, Yippie!!!

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in WA
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Miriam, thanks for the ideas of getting iron. I had an iron level drawn and it was OK. The anemia is one thing I will have my PCP help me with after all this heart cath is over Monday. I had no idea that one could get anemia due to chronic conditions such as hypertension and diabetes. If only we knew and took these things to heart when we were younger and not taking care of our bodies. I guess I need to give my overweight daughters a little lecture on taking care of themselves. The older one does have children and a husband who can help in her older age but Michelle has no one except her dogs.

    I wish my cat would react to herself in the mirror like the videos you see on Facebook, U-tube, etc. She either doesn't see herself or just doesn't care that there is another cat looking at her.

    My heart rate has stayed in the 50's all day today!!!!!! And yes, that is the resting rate, although the nonresting rate isn't much more that the low 50's. I just do not understand how it can be that low without the beta blocker. I know that one can have a very low heart rate due to some kind of a heart block and other medical problems. But they usually have a low blood pressure and are having some severe symptoms even at rest. I'm not. My only symptoms are with activity and stop as soon as I rest. I did not get a return call yesterday from the cardiologist office so I called them again and said that I expected a call back. I know that many offices use the time after the office closes to do call backs so I knew not to get upset when I hadn't got a call by 4:30. I REALLY needed a shower so I took one and sure enough when I got done and was sitting recovering from it, she called. So she was able to hear how absolutely winded I was with something like a shower. I hadn't even worked on drying my hair yet. She agreed that Monday just to take bath at the sink. She said that If I continue to have that kind of breathing that doesn't resolve itself to go to the ER. Well I already knew that. But it did resolve itself. But the answer the doctor said was that as long as it didn't go below 40 I was OK! What?????!!!!!! The half life of Atenolol must be huge. I would have thought that it would have been completely out of my system.

    Expensive rings.My feeling is that if my husband bought them and it was our love that caused him to do that, it would be worth it to wear them.

    Melanie, I hope everything is doing OK with you and your loved ones. I hope you have no hassles with insurance and life can get back to normal within the next several months.

    I have also watched some of the synchronized swimming. I watched the duo. It is amazing what they can do.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    stats for the day;
    ride hm 2 gym- 10.38min, 14.4amph, 128mhr, 2.5mi = 83c
    SPIN- 40min, 79r, 95w, 10-17g, 118ahr, 146mhr, 10.7mi = 311c
    ride gym 2 wk- 55.06min, 12amph, 143mhr, 11mi, 413c
    ride dome 2 hm up steep hill, 17min, 155mhr, 121ahr, 2.5mi = 181c
    total cal 988
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    loving this heat!!!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Carroll - welcome. You've come to a great place.

    Di - I many many times ask for double veggies. Seems when you go to a restaurant they give you so many french fries (insert choking motion here) that they're falling off the plate. But if you ask for steamed broccoli or another veggie, you almost need a magnifying glass to find it.

    Alison - if they were to leave you up front, would that be a pay increase for you? I hope things work out for you.

    Just realized that I probably can't powerwash tomorrow. they're having this couponing lecture at the library which I'm interested in going to, maybe I'll learn a few things. Then I'm supposed to lector at the church so I really don't want to get all grungy. Looks like I'll do baking/cooking for the social (it's just me, but ever since we had that first social here and we ran out of food, I was so mortified that I always prepare something. I'm thinking that I'll make these lasagna cups, these meatballs in the crockpot, the pool cake <I always make a cake in the shape of a pool> and these chocolate bars. If we have any left over <they're probably going to be sweet, so Newcomers might like them. They seem to like sweet things> Vince can take some to Mexican Train when he goes.

    dwanachapm - welcome!

    Lenora - happy anniversary -- even if it is a day early, the sentiment is still there. I usually only eat waffles, too. Pancakes, to me, are too much work....lol But you use the pancake mix to make the waffles. I'm so sorry DH's daughter did that to you. Yes, "what goes around comes around".

    Sue in WA - that's not even listed on the mfgr's website, so I'm pretty sure they've discontinued it. I liked that pancake mix because when I went to make waffles, they really made me want to drink water. Plus, the extra fiber didn't hurt any. It probably didn't sell as well since it's on the healthy side. Unfortunately, things like that happen

    Joyce - a low resting heart rate indicates what good shape you're in. Mine is usually in the 50's, too.

    Michele in NC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Allie, so glad your foot is better!

    Chris, I hope the talk with the president did some good. That is crazy to work that much at all but especially if you aren’t getting paid for it. So sorry to hear thing went south with BF. Sending good wishes and ((((Hugs))))/

    DAR, you are so right in that there is never a perfect time to start this journey. It’s like people that want to wait for the right time to have kids. Ya just gotta do it!!! Good for you and just do the best you can.

    Kate, it sounds like a good start on the kettle bells. Better to start slow and work up than try to overdo.

    CarolGA, so glad the ozone generator is working on the house smells. I think you will be happy to have it.

    Rori, so happy for you that the Reiki is helping your Fibro. ((((Hugs))))

    KarenVA, we both have good taste to use that color of nail polish. I’ve had two different nail salons that had it and when it was gone never reordered. I don’t understand because everyone loves it. I no longer use those salons.

    Slimcharm, welcome. This is a great place for support and information so come often. Please sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific.

    Cheri, it sounds like you are really getting settled in your new area. That is wonderful!! I joined Planet Fitness a few months ago and it is the cleanest, nicest gym I’ve ever seen. I don’t know that I would do classes if I belonged to a gym that offered them so I’m very happy with it.

    Heather, glad you got some writing done. Way to go. I don’t know why but your story about the moon reminded me that when I was young I’d hear/feel my pulse on the pillow if I laid in the bed just right. I didn’t know what it was at the time and it really scared me. Sounds like a great BD gift for DGD.

    MarionRI, welcome. We are happy to have you and lend support. Come often and join right in.

    KarenVA, Molly and Mabel are just too cute!!!

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    For some reason I wasn’t able to get on here all day until this evening. I was able to log my food but the communities just kept freezing up. Who Knows? At any rate that has put me behind again. This morning I started putting the new grill together. It was very hot and humid outside so I only got about half finished. I hope to finish tomorrow. This one came with a veggie tray and a pizza stone. Tomorrow I’m going to a celebration at the Moose for a member who has accomplished something at the State level. Other than that, nothing planned for the weekend. I’ll try to catch up tomorrow but until then, I'm sending love and good thoughts to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Weekend. rainbow-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Chris – I am sorry to hear about bf…. But have been concerned about this job situation too, and am very glad you are making folks aware of the reality. As very few look back on a job once it is gone and wish that they had worked more unpaid time…

    MissDi - I have NO medical training but feel like waiting 6 months to figure out anemia is too long… As for iron supplements, what about just tracking it? Under food there is a header called settings, and then you can pick one of the things it is default tracking to Iron and just get a feel for where you are. I just saw you were a retired dog trainer, I wish PA was closer to CA -- I have a lovely dog who is really well mannered except he is reactive and I can not seem to break it nor can any trainer I’ve found – within the time frame I can afford…LOL

    Heather – ok you got me and you got google! I don’t know “cavalry Nero” and I googled it without success…

    Miriam – your hair is a great color – all sparkly in the sun shine!

    Joyce – what does your doctor say about the time it takes to get Atenolol out of your system?

    So worked 5 hours in the camp garden today, trying to get ready for fall/winter – I have to have food in the garden for the kids to taste all fall and winter, so have planted broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and greens in the green house (seeds) … but still fighting the rodents, today I was working in my camp office and this big rat came strolling by, Good Greif!!! Then he wanders over to the mouse trap and carefully eats the peanutbutter off of it… in plain view with me watching him…. I was on a mission!!! Out came the rat traps and the peanutbutter and based on where I had seen him I put 3 in prime locations… I went out and weeded by the pond, and trimmed back some plants that will re-bloom this fall, nothing in the traps! I took a lunch break, and was sitting on the covered patio and that darn rat came to the door of the office and looked at me twice… then bang! Got him! I feel bad about killing him, but Darn he has eaten my seedlings twice, made my office stink, and he had to go. I did not weigh him, but after all this food weighing I’m not a bad judge and I would say he was 8-10 ounces! The rats we have are Norwegian brown roof rats, they eat fruit, nuts and are not quite as disgusting as a sewer rat…

    Kettle/dumbbell PT swing

    August Goals:
    2 fun things a week, visiting with college prof, walking tour of tea gardens, birthday hike, learning to set and catch a gopher, planning camping trip, dinner at a new Chinese restaurant, trying coffee beer
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday
    Work on water consumption -


    Kim from N. California
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Barbie - wow the time seems to have flown by for tomorrow to be your line dancing at the fair. Good luck to you ladies and have fun.

    Janetr OKC
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited August 2016
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele, you do 'prepare' for a get together!!!!!! That is a lot of food. You need a food truck just to get them all in.

    For whoever said a resting heart rate in the 50's mean I am in good shape I appreciate the sentiment but I am not in good shape. I am ashamed to even take a guess as to how long it has been that I have been on my bike, taken a nice long walk or done anything but channel surf. I have gained almost 45 pounds of the 60 that I lost. Now I do't understand when I weighed 232 I was in a size 22. Now just 15 pounds less I have never gotten above a size 16. Puzzling but i am not questioning God on it!!!!! I wish I was back in the 12's but I am just glad I am not back in the 22's. Maybe it would push me to do something about the weight if I did have to go back in the 22's.

    Heart rate up to 60 now and very uncomfortable with the breathing. I knew I had to take a bath today. Sometimes a woman just has to!!!! And wash my hair. With my MS, blow drying my hair is hard because of all the over the head stuff I do with my arms so I sit on a bar stool. So I knew it would be hard. But when my breathing was at my worst when I had finished with the bath part and recovering, the doctor's nurse finally returned my call. So I was glad that some one else besides my poor husband who has felt helpless through this heard me that short of breath. She said if it didn't recover to go to the ER but I know I fairly quickly recover. And I did, but had to go back in the bathroom and blowdry my hair!!! I have to bathe Monday with an antibacterial soap but I won't subject my body to that shower again so it will be a chair in front of the sink type bath.

    Weather is really nice here. Rain to come back this weekend. Charlie took Michelle to get a Lidocaine injection in her neck. She has bone spurs which cause a lot of pain and they have tried lots of stuff. But she is just like my Mom in that 'so what if I have pain, life goes on'. My sister has a completely different kind of pain in her lower back and gets injections of a different kind at another pain clinic and they work for about 3 months. Michelle is going to ask for a referral to that one if this injection doesn't work.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • LoriDeeFit50
    LoriDeeFit50 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Ladies, I'm 53 years & 10 months old and want to compete in my first figure competition on October 22 (I'll be 54 by then). I'm average weight, 4'11" tall - 110 pounds, and need to drop about 10 pounds of body fat.

    My resolution for the rest of the month is -no more than 1200 calories per day and burn at least 2000. Other life resolutions:
    [*] -Spend 15 minutes per day decluttering books, clothing, cosmetics...broken devices
    [*] -Finish reading books recommended to my congregation the beginning of August
    [*] -Replace the flowers that died in my back yard due to neglect and lack of watering
    [*] -Water my plants & flowers regularly
    [*] -Do some yoga daily. (I'm a 500 hour certified yoga teacher)
    [*] -Not go to bed until I've met my 3 fitbit goals: burn 2000 calories, take 20,000 steps (about 7 miles) and climb 40 flights of stairs

    I can do this!