

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    LoriDeeFit50 – Sounds like a plan. This figure competition isn’t a ‘wet T-shirt’ kind, is it? … LOL! Welcome to this site; make sure you ‘bookmark’ the page by clicking on the outline of the star, it will then turn yellow; at the end of the month barbiecat will post a link for the next month; then you will need to ‘bookmark’ it, too.

    Fanncy0626 – So my formula (for my weight and age) of 100 calories for 5 minutes of kettlebell should be about right considering what you said it should be for 1 minute. Should I put it under the ‘strength’ portion of the ‘exercise’ portion of the site?

    Thank you for the Anniversary wishes. LOL! DH has not yet said anything to me about it. It will hit him by the end of the day. We’re going out to eat tomorrow on a ‘lunch/dinner date'; maybe I can talk him into letting me go by Lowe’s and get a ‘new’ plant. We’ve got to run some other errand; but, I have forgotten where we need to go. It’s one of my DH’s errands.

    Liz from Caldwell, Idaho – I know I had to go back to a previous suit (that was a little stretched out) last year; because the one I had bought before would not fit; but, it does fit this year. It is still a little tight across the boobs; but, apparently I am not going to lose anything in the cups. I haven’t really changed bra size; through the cups; other than I do fasten it in the 2nd set of hooks. I guess that can be considered a NSV.

    Heather – I agree – I am ready for the Olympics to be over. Two weeks of it is just a little long, especially when it is on 4 or 5 channels and everything seems to all be running at the same time! There are so many of the sports that I don’t care for; and, I think part of the issue I have is that they have preliminary races to just get to the top 2 in each heat. I enjoyed the men and women gymnastics most; swimming – up to a point; beach volleyball; and the diving – both men and women. The rest … they can keep. As for the ‘new’ ones to be added in 4 years – I will enjoy the ‘baseball’ and maybe the ‘skate-boarding’. Yesterday … just about everything they showed … was ‘boring’ to me. Equestrian jumping isn’t something I cared for – but I watched it. I’d rather watch a minute or two of the “Kentucky Derby”. Now that is an ‘expensive’ bit of entertainment; but, it is interesting to see all the different hats the women wear.

    I am, also, looking forward to the new shows that start in the Fall (September … which will still feel like Summer here).

    My hair is predominantly gray (white gray) mixed in with brown. I expect that I will be totally gray in a couple of years. My family likes my hair color; now to find a length that I like. It is at least 2” too long; but, has been growing out from a very short layered cut to something nearing my shoulders. It has been long enough to put ‘up’ and my DH ‘hated’ it; so I got it cut about chin length … which DH liked and it makes me look a few years younger. DH and DSs do NOT want me to dye it because they know I’d come home with ‘auburn’ hair, which is closer to my natural color. My DMGD is planning on coloring her hair ‘auburn’; but, she is concerned about how it will look on her. We discussed this on our vacation. I told her that I thought she would look ‘stunning’. She already has a lot of auburn tones in her hair as it is.; and crystal blue eyes

    Lisa in West Texas – When DH and I got married; we called our decorating style: "Early Attic/Late Basement." Everything we owned was a hand-me-down or bought at a garage sale, estate sale, or 2nd-hand store. Over the years, we have still gotten hand-me-downs (inherited); and I guess that we have less than 5 items that we bought ‘new’. I got our son’s queen-sized bed at a greatly reduced price in a ‘scratch & dent’ sale at one of the furniture stores that was going ‘out-of-business’ as well. Four-poster bed, and the only thing wrong with it was that it was missing one of the tops of the posts (the part you would take off if it was going to have a canopy over it and put back on; it isn't a canopy bed. Our king-size bed had a canopy; but, I did not like the look of it.

    Took one off and took it to a cabinet making shop and you can’t tell which one is the ‘new’ one. They also have old furniture; but, at this point … our house which has 5 ‘living’ spaces; down-sized from 7 different specific rooms is pretty crowded. Den has a 3 cushion sofa; two club chairs, one wing-back, two rockers, and a foot-stool with one, and a large leather foot-stool that is front of the 2 club chairs, 1 table that is normally round but the leaves let down, an octagon shaped table, and desk and stool that my Pop made when my Mother was a child.

    Contemplating if we want to recover sofa and club chairs. Would only do that if upholster would be able to put a padded board across the front to attach the springs to, so they would not ‘sag’ with constant use. Also contemplating a sofa bed and 2 rocker/swivel chairs or glider/swivel chairs. I’d like to find a rocker or glider/swivel/recliner like my BF has (2 of them). But, she probably spent $3K on each of them. There is one furniture store in town that has them; but, like I said, very expensive. I would not want to do that. She’s also had both of them recovered to go with her newly re-decorated home (moved into a condo). If we were to buy a sofa bed; before we did; we’d get the store to ‘let them out’ so we can lay on them for a while. I’ve heard that the ‘new’ ones have better mattresses and the way they let out it doesn’t have that bar that hits you across the shoulders. We would not have that much use for it; but, since our house only has 2 bedrooms and we don't have that much spend the night company. But, it would be nice to have something that would make it so it would have 3 spaces for sleeping. Sometimes the kids come over if there is a tornado watch.

    DOS and DDnL#1 are refinishing a dresser and it brings back memories of the time that DH and I refinished old furniture to make it look different (and newer). I inherited my Mimi’s old painted white Hoosier kitchen cabinet. DH stripped it down; so see what kind of wood it is made of. It is ‘wormy’ oak. It is absolutely beautiful. Mimi said they had bought it ‘new’ and it was already painted while. If the wood had not been so pretty we would have just repainted it. The only thing missing is the ‘sugar’ bin which they took out because of an ‘ant’ problem. I’ve been looking for one to replace it, just for looks and maybe the value of it. I’ve seen some online that people are asking over $1K for ones that are not nearly as big or as pretty as ours is. Has all the “H” cabinet locks and pulls.

    I hope that you get a good price for your warehouse; you have a lot more ‘gumption’ than I do; I am not sure I could live in a camper or a ‘tiny house’; because I am very claustrophobic.

    Kymarai – My BF has a huge fish tank that her son had (before he got arrested) … I don’t know how she keeps it clean, She moved it from being in front of her French doors to an alcove going into her office. It is beautiful. I’d love to have one; but, no space in the house for one. Maybe when we get the porch finished I can find a smaller one to put out there; if it doesn't stay too hot out there. My BnL has one that is about 5' long. For a while it was a saltwater tank with beautifully colored fish. He said to keep it up was very expensive. He now has one or two much larger fish. My middle sister used my Mother’s which had been emptied and put in the small bedroom that Mimi used. She was trying to use it ‘ladder’ to get up to the top shelf of the bookcase in there; and, the frame gave way. She fell through it, cutting the back of her leg. It was awful! I got as many towels as I could find to try to get it to stop after pulling her down to the floor. I was screaming for our neighbor to come over (she and my Mother had some ‘words’ and she was not speaking to any of us); but, she did come out of her house and I told her to call for help. We lived in a small town and our funeral director used his hearse as an ambulance. He pulled up the towels off to look at it. He turned white; and, then decided to take her to Macon to a large hospital where there was a plastic surgeon. I think she had something like 64 stitches in it. We finally found Daddy in court and he drove to Macon to see about us. Mother was off on one of her ‘many’ Women’s Club jaunts. She had to walk on crutches for a while and on a cane. Her husband was stationed in Jacksonville, FL while she was going to ‘college’. I still ‘think’ about it and shudder, it must have hurt like a SOB! UGH! But, I think your brain/body tends to go into a mode that makes you not hurt when you are badly injured. I know when I about took my left arm off in a bad wreck; I don't remember 'hurting' right after it happened. I was probably 'in shock'.

    The closer I get to my goal, the harder it seems to get that last few pounds off and the BMI back down to a ‘regular’ or ‘normal’ BMI.

    Same sister and BnL were almost transferred there with his job with FedEx. He was one of their accountants and attorneys. I think they even went over there; but, during the rainy season; and, sister decided that she did not want to move that far away from family. Now she lives in Miami; but she is still working and has a lot of friends. She and BnL are now divorced.

    No matter what you have to do to ‘make ends meet’ … you still need to be compensated for any hours worked over 40 a week.

    One thing I do when going shopping; I try to buy one thing we have ‘never’ tried before.

    I think some people get ‘nasty’ when someone dies for many reasons. Unfortunately a lot of time, it is because they ‘think’ they are supposed to get something (usually $$$) and they are really ‘mad’ more than anything. My Daddy used to say that 'nothing brought at the worst in people than a good old funeral'. I remember 'witnessing' someone sign their Wills, a lot of time to protect the land they lived on. Sometimes it had been 'given' to them for 'share cropping'. It is a shock when it is a spouse/significant other because you no longer have someone who can understand all your ‘moods’. Even the ‘nasty’ ones.

    Margaret – We’ll have fun tomorrow when we are going on a ‘date night’ … I asked my DH what day this was; he looked at me and said, “OUR ANNIVERSARY” … he almost acted like I had admonished him. I think I might ask if I can buy a few violets for our porch. I washed out 2 pots that I normally put them in. They have one pot on top of 3 pots. I’ll need to get some small rocks to put in the bottom of them; so the roots won’t be ‘in water’ if I put too much in them. The ones I have are doing great out there; and, I count to 4 when I water them. That seems about right for them to be watered once a week. He has drilled some drain hole in a couple of my pots, I 'might' get him to see if he can do this to these. He'll have to go through the top of the one that is on top; and through the bottoms on the others pots.

    Slimcharm20 – I wonder if they’d freeze better if you put them in the freezer ‘whole’ and not already shredded up into noodles. I guess you could try this on one of them. I’d think the inside could be thawed out so you could cook it for the shredding. You might have to cut it first; but, DDnL#1 says they are hard to cut on a good day. I would ‘think’ that the thick outside shell would protect the inside softer part. You have to slice them in half anyway. I need to buy one the next time we go shopping. It’s been a couple of months since we’ve had our 1st one.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    stat for the day:
    jog- 42.30min, 161mhr, 142ahr, 6.5-9.0sp, 8.57ap/min mi, 4.75mi = 450cal
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited August 2016

    Got up this morning and the painful right knee was gone! I'm grateful but wish I know what the heck happened to make it hurt some much for just a day.

    Went to the Peach festival and had a nice time. It's everything peaches since the Palisades peaches are now ripe and they are indeed very tasty. I did buy a homemade peach pie and brought it home. Had a tiny sliver and man oh man was it good!

    Funny, several men saw me carrying the pie box and wanted to come home with me to help me eat the pie. Who knew a local peach festival was a hot pick up spot. m0161.gif
    I did buy some fresh peaches as well.

    Charleen in Colorado (Loving the peaches!)
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.
    hugs jane
  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Hi everyone, So much is going on with you all! Hugs both to those who need extra support and care right now. And to those who are doing well, because we all need care in our lives!

    Lisa, It was so good to hear from you. Definitely a lot of changes in your life. May they be as stress-free as possible.

    Cheri, I love bug and animal night noises--crickets, tree frogs, spring peepers, birds. But I hate the sound of a.c. compressors. You've got my sympathy!!

    Di Congrats on bringing home half your food! Once you find strategies that work for you it gets easier.

    Heather, I agree with you that kids have too many plastic toys that break too easily. I also think your dinner of butternut squash and prawns sounds lovely! I so wish DH ate seafood!

    Carroll, where do you live in Virginia? KetoneKaren lives in Richmond, I live outside of Charlottesville.

    Pip, enjoy Twinkie! Where will you go first?

    Just to continue the "we're all different" thread... I weigh myself every morning. I think I got used to doing so when I was a kid, and it helps me remember that I'm trying to lose weight. I don't mind the ups and downs, as long as the overall direction is down. Does anyone else weigh every day?

    This morning, friends called us to see if we wanted to take a walk in the mountains. It was really lovely. Nice views, cooling breezes, good company, a little exercise. We came back to our house and had lunch. Now it's nap time...

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Hi to All!

    I am skipping a lot on this page but will go back later to read.

    My DH and I are going to a nice restaurant tonight with his B & SnL to celebrate our anniversaries. It will be our 47th. Problem is, we can't remember exactly what day. So, I will have to go find the wedding album and check it out.

    My visit to see my mom started out very well....no bad traffic, Sis brought her 7 mo granddaughter up, and we took mom out to a restaurant she likes. Getting her in and out of the car from her wheel chair was the most difficult part. Then, when I drove back to the nursing home, she went ballistic and said she was not getting out of the car. She wants to go home. I ended up having to go get some of the aids to get her out of the car and into her chair. They then took her back inside. The whole situation breaks my heart.

    Lisa ~ Good wishes on your attempts to get y'all into a manageable situation. Sounds like you are being very mature and planning ahead.

    Kim ~ The rat story is a bit funny. I can't imagine a rat being so bold. Glad you captured it.

    Lenora ~ Happy anniversary.

    Joyce ~ Hope your heart rate straightens out. Also, I hope you will be able to get back on track but know with your Charlie's and your own health problems eating right might be difficult.

    Miriam ~ I like your hair. The red is very becoming.

    Carol from GA

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,325 Member
    Loving Twinkie, Pip.

    Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Pip, enjoy Twinkie! Where will you go first?


    we've had it a couple of years. we have taken it out once a year and that's to the upcoming MS Deception Pass Classic bike ride that kirby and i do every year. it's coming up 9/10 and 11
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Carol from GA - Big (((hugs))). I know how heartbreaking the situation must be. My Mom was mad at all of us wen she had to go live at the nursing home. She had been in a wheel chair for years and not able to do anything really for her self. My oldest sister took care of her at her home for as long as was possible. Mom told us all never to come visit her (of course we did), she refused to have a phone in her room so we could call and talk to her and most definitely refused to let us take her out of the nursing home for a visit or out to eat or anything. She lived there almost 3 years and never left. Looking back I think I can see where I get my stubbornness. :)

    All you can do is the best you can do. Its not easy that's for sure.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Does anyone know where Carol in Kansas has been? I've been thinking about her.

    Janetr OKC
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Thanks Janet ~ Your hugs are much appreciated.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Saturday from cooler Nebraska. I know this will only last a couple days, but going to enjoy it while I can. It is my weekend to work so here 6-4:30 today and tomorrow. New day, new start.

    Glor--Thanks for the information on shingles. It is good to know things and what to look for. Thanks for sharing. I like and agree with the white light story.

    Joyce--Keeping you in my prayers. I agree getting it done sooner than later is a good choice.

    Melanie--Sorry for your loss and sending prayers and hugs.

    Di--Welcome, come often and get to know us and we can get to know you.

    Michele--Cute turtle. You have made some pretty additions to your yard.

    Penny--Sorry you are having a tough time, am sending prayers and hugs. It is scary the jobs out there. I have been at this hospital 29 years and the way things are going and the doctors are building another hospital here in town I am praying I have a job until I can retire.

    Mary--Hugs! Not a good feeling.

    Well I am to page 44, I may catch up yet. Take care ladies.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Carol. Boy do I remember that with my mom and her nursing home. She lived there very very happily for 5 years but the last year two years (6&7) when she had regressed physically and mentally she let us all have it and then some! We remind ourselves how safe and cared for she was there--and take comfort in that, but it wasn't easy on any of us. My heart goes out to you all
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Lenora- I have never been able to get the strength portion to work! I put it under cardio but put 10 minutes at 200 calories and it will automatically adjust for the number of minutes you enter after that.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    At. A new brewery 7 seas
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Lenora and Carol in GA: Happy Anniversary!

    Lisa: Hope you get a quick and profitable sale of the warehouse and all the merchandise. You and DH certainly do seem to be a tight twosome. Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, together you can make it a wonderful adventure.

    Charleen: I thought about going to the Peach Festival, but domestic chores took precedent. I did go to the Farmers Market and brought back half a case of the freestones. Already have some peeled, sliced and freezing. Also got some organic golden beets and my absolute favorite beef: organic grassfed ribeye....a total splurge. I feel I deserve it after cleaning my DH's bathroom today without the benefit of a hazmat suit!

    Tonight, fish tacos while watching football. I LOVE sports - always have, always will.

    Stay well friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills
    August Goals and progress to date:
    Continue abstaining from alcohol. Done!
    Eat mindfully. Done!
    Add tabata intervals to exercise routine 2x per week. Done!
    Weigh less at the end of the month. Struggling here. UP 1 lb right now.
    Practice Reiki daily. Done!
    My word for 2016: Optimism

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    edited August 2016
    81824br5uyrfrsr.gif My report for the day is that the line dance performance at the County Fair was a great success....the heat wasn't a problem thanks to the early hour, lots of shelter for the stage and audience, and some big fans. It seemed to me that we all did well and I was happy with my performance. I remembered to smile the whole time and stayed focused on the dances and made only the tiniest of errors that were easily corrected. Jake is delighted that I won't be dancing on Thursday afternoons anymore. The rest of the day has been a day of rest.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • marion431
    marion431 Posts: 2 Member
    @KetoneKaren Thanks for the info. Today was a cheat day as we usually go out to eat supper. Just made better choices and did not worry about how many steps I didn't take! Tomorrow is another day so will adjust routine and steps. Not sure about other people but having a day when you aren't counting calories and steps frees you from being a slave to the tracker.