

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!first day of fall and it`s 80+ in Il.
    Barbie,will be praying for you for your surgery and quick recovery know ur loved..
    hugs jane
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    Ketonekaren ooooookayyyyyyy
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Barbie, I wish you all the best in your surgery and recovery.You have done all you can by making sure your body is in tip top shape. I can just see you watching all of the dances and memorizing them so when you are cleared you can just do them perfectly.

    KJ, such a beauty, is that your youngest day care babies? Such contentment.

    It's fall!!!!!!! And it is beautiful. Our annual Fall Festival starts the first week in October. I have spoken about ti here before but there are new ones here. It is the 2nd largest street festival with the first largest being Mardi Gras. I don't know how many blocks long it is with food booths crammed into both sides of the street, kiddie rides, adult rides, games of chance. We are a German Catholic community and they love their German food, greasy, deep fried and lots of it. For the last 2 years we have avoided it, last year was easy since Charlie had his ulcerative colitis. We will just have to be determined not to go this year. There is deep fried everything from Twinkies to crickets and everything in between. One of the most popular items is the brain sandwich. Monster ears, elephant ears, pronto pups, corn dogs, kuchens, fudge, cookies, everything that can be cooked they will have. It is pretty much the largest fund raisers all the organizations have during the year. People wait years to get on a waiting list to get a booth down there, And parking!!!!! OH MY!!!!! There is one small handicap lot. All other parking is on the streets on all the surrounding blocks and no one obeys any parking laws. Some people go on vacation that week since there is no way they can get out of their driveways.

    Watching the finishing golf tournament for the year. Winner gets $10 million.

    JOyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Got two places doctored at the dermatologist today. One strange place was said to be a mole growing over a scarred over growth (keloid). It got shaved and cauterized right at my hairline. Just hoping no pre-cancer shows up. Wish the dermatologists I saw in the 1950's hadn't thought exposure to sun would heal acne. They actually put me under UV lamps when I visited their offices. It did seem to clear up but not during the winter. Hope this is not TMI.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Hello all: Grocery shopping done this morning and set for a new week. Too much sodium yesterday so drinking lots of water today.

    Heather - We moved last year to be closer to kids and DGD. It does have its rewards especially getting to see DGD's sporting events and recitals.

    Rori - Hope all things go smoothly in Hawaii.

    Chris in MA - So glad you are safe. You need to take it easier on those adventures.

    Barbie - Glad things are proceeding well. Dancing is such a part of your life I'm sure you will miss it greatly.

    "Being totally honest with oneself is a good exercise." - Sigmund Freud

    Take care everyone, Sue in WA
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Ketonekaren ooooookayyyyyyy


  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello Convivial Cookies!

    Well, the money for the AC is lined up… so that’s one less thing to worry about. Now I just have to get the house a little more presentable so I won’t die of shame when the AC guys come in to do their thing… lol. We will do the installation after I get back from visiting my folks.

    My vacation starts at the end of next week and continues thru Columbus Day – so I will have ten glorious days without work. Wahoo! We are going to Tucson. For my DH, this is a true vacation. He gets to be a passenger in the car and he gets to lounge around at my parents’ house – pretty much like he does at home, actually. For me… well, it’s a little bit more work. I get to drive across Texas and New Mexico, where I will get to cook every day – do all the shopping, clean where necessary - and take care of whatever else needs taking care of for my DH and my 82 year old parents. Of course, half of those activities I would have to do at home, anyway – so it’s not that bad… especially since I don’t have to cram a ten hour work-day into the mix.

    And - In between – I will get to swim in the pool and visit with my folks… It will be nice. I figure there won’t be all that many more opportunities to hang with the “Aged M & P” (as DH calls them) so, I should take every one I can.


    Pip – You are still my Hero! You rock the exercise, every day... I never cease to be impressed.

    Michele – I am glad you had a good time on the Creeper.

    Barbie – It sounds like you are all set for the surgery. Sorry it will be so long before you can dance – but once you recover, you will be PAIN FREE – and it will all be worth it.

    Janet – I vote for “Cure.” LOL – thank heaven I DIDN’T roll around it in… I knew there was some there, and I was pulling it out and trying to avoid getting any on my skin – but, as I do not own a Hazmat suit, I failed. My arms, above the glove-line, are a lovely itchy mess. I am spending my day wiping it down with disinfectant wipes… I figure bleach and grease cutter will keep it from spreading, anyway. The first time, I “found it” I didn’t know what it was – and it was EVERYWHERE – my face, my neck, literally everywhere there was any exposed skin. It was awful – for about two weeks I looked like some kind of a burn victim or something. This time it’s just a nuisance.

    Katla – I think horses are worth a bit of trouble,, also – but, not if the horse is just plain ornery. My Sonny was a sweet natured beast, high spirited – and perhaps not as well broken and seasoned of a horse as I should have had. I should have had one of those old, staid nags - I really wasn’t a very skilled rider. When I went off to college, a couple of years later, we sold him to the guy who had done the breaking and training. Everyone was happy. So glad your DH is able to join you at the gym… Mine is really quite smug, as he has lost 19 lbs now – I am going to have to work to keep losing weight as fast as he is… I DO NOT want him to pass me going down… lol.

    Mary – You are an inspiration to so many, oh Kettle Bell Queen… you are going to single-handedly convert half the population of DP to get into the Swing of things.

    Lenora – I know there are a lot of undiagnosed bi-polar folks out there… My eldest sister is a case in point. Pretty sure she hits all the marks. Her problem is not severe – but it’s noticeable.

    Lisa – Is your Sis in Dallas, proper? Or one of the burbs?

    Heather – I am fond of starters for dinner – I have always done that – because I just don’t want all the rice, or potatoes or badly cooked veggies that come with a dinner. The starters are fantastic – because you JUST get the good stuff – straight away – with no excess “stuff” on the plate.

    Kate – surely wish we could get a little Fall around here. It’s still universally hot. Hope it cools down soon.

    NYKaren – For me, exercise is not ‘Optional.’ I actually lied to MFP – I told it I was “moderately active” to get it to calculate a higher calorie goal for me. I did that on purpose – because I like food too much to eat 1200 calories a day. So, I know, going in, that eating at my artificially high calorie goal will NOT make me lose a lot of weight. It’s the exercise that I do every single day that sloughs off the pounds. I don’t eat back the exercise calories – because I am already eating them! I just figure when I eat my calorie allotment – and don’t exercise – I am eating at about maintenance. I might lose a pound a month or so, but, to actually lose the pound a week that I want to lose, I have to exercise and I need to leave 500 calories a day on the table. Maybe it’s nuts to do it that way – but, it’s working for me. I hope you have a wonderful time with your DD.

    KJ – Wow – what a great date to have!

    Carol – Thinking good thoughts for no pre-cancer. My Dad has had several little skin cancer episodes and it’s no fun.

    Masondc15 – Great Job on the quitting smoking. Green Tea is quite tasty, so it’s no hardship to drink it.

    Marcelyn – Happy Haircut! I get mine trimmed once a year, whether I need it or not.

    LinCharpentier – Hello. And I am with you on the fasting bit. I love eating one or two “good” meals rather than three stingy ones.

    Lily – I wish we could know for sure that our needs will be less when we are 90 – but darn it, everything keeps getting more expensive… which means, you will need some money. I wish a whole bunch of it would fall from the sky.

    Wickglamgirl – Hello!

    Cheri - o:)

    Karen/VA – how are you, Sugar? You have been pretty quiet…

    Linda/IA – Hope you find a minute to get to the store.

    Allie – The birds are interesting to watch. Some of them have so much personality. I hope you get your feeder, soon.

    SueBDew – lol – auto correct is funny stuff. I wondered about the track meet for dogs…

    Jane – Hot here, too… sorry, Sugar.

    Joyce – I gained five pounds just READING about that festival… sounds like Fun – but not really productive for those of us trying to lose weight.

    Sue/WA – Sodium will bring on the Puffy Princess – nobody wants her around. Drink LOTS of water… lol


    Well, I am off. I have to try and make it to the library before it closes and then I have to grab some shredded parmesan to put on the Italian chicken that I threw in the crockpot this morning. Yum!

    Hugs for everybody!

    Re in TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    stats for the day:
    Ride hm 2 gym- 11.51min, 14.9amph, 142mhr, 2.9mi = 89c
    ELIPTICAL- 10min, 128ahr, 137mhr, 5incl, 5resist, 88stpmin, 880str, 1.15mi = 92c
    STAIRCLIMBER- 15min, 114fl, higher than eiffel tower, 134mhr = 116c
    SKI MACHINE- 10min, 137mhr, 5incl, 35resist, .44mi = 91c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.29min, 13amph, 142mhr, 1.4mi = 67c
    ride dome 2 hm- 19.52min, 7.8amph, 148mhr, 2.5mi = 171c
    total cal 626
    Re – My DnL#1 would ‘never’ get any help; unless she literally falls apart and has to be hospitalized. Even then, she’d not take the medications to control it. The Neurologist she went to about her 'migraines' told her on her 2nd visit, that 'since she was not taking the medications', she was wasting 'her' time and money (she could have seen another patient who would follow her instructions) and she would not see her again. I'm surprised that she even told me that. I thought, 'that's typical'. She has made a lot of my days pretty miserable, I know that she is one of my 'stressors' ... which is pretty sad. Of course, every time I seem to be a bit ‘stressed’ she takes advantage of that and starts acting very ‘knowledgeable’ about what is going on. When I have had a seizure in August, she really treated me like an idiot. When she was between jobs; and, I needed to go somewhere – she acted like ‘driving me’ … was like “Driving Miss Daisy”. She even posted on FB with a picture of herself, making a perplexed fact … “Driving Miss Daisy, been waiting for 30 minutes for her to get a ‘discount’ on gas … all this over $2." Well, it was MY car, my gas, and I had the coupon; my car gets extremely good gas mileage and $2 will take me quite a way, just under 100 miles. When I was shown that … it did not make me mad; but, it did show me that she ‘thinks’ she so ‘cute’. When my car is available; and she wants to drive it for some reason, I’ll have some reason that she can’t drive it. Like I am about to ‘wash’ it. Sorry!

    I’m not sure what is going to happen over the Thanksgiving weekend. Depending on whether or not my DSY and DDnL#2 plan to come. Hopefully, the little &%#@&amp; will have an excuse ‘not’ to come. Maybe her Mother will be cooking for Thanksgiving and they can eat over there. Maybe they won’t come; but, I will be disappointed if my DSY and DDnL#2 don’t come because of her actions over the past year. If DYS and DDnL#2 do not come; DH and I will just plan on going out for our Thanksgiving Day meal.

    Prayers for my DDnL#2, who lost her grandmother this morning. Will wait until tomorrow to call her. She was too upset, I’m sure, today to talk.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    edited September 2016
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    20,000 steps
    200 minutes of dog walking
    116 minutes riding the exercise bike
    line dance class

    :) I am making the most of my opportunity to be active before surgery. Today I had the phone pre-op appointment with a nurse...she asked me a lot of the same questions that the doctor asked me yesterday plus a few more....I'll get another call tomorrow or Monday to tell me when to check in for my surgery. At line dance class this morning, the teacher chose a bunch of my favorite dances for me to enjoy before my time off. I am so touched by the kindness of my dance friends and all of you. My surgery is on Wednesday...we'll drive over to the hospital in Seattle on Tuesday afternoon.

    <3Re, I feel your pain at the expense of your replacement air conditioning system...we have lived with money challenges for a long time, too....I try to remember what a good friend told me when a huge bill blindsided her...she said, "Money isn't the game, it's just a way to keep score."....that friend has been inspirational to me.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    KJ, I’ll say again that I think you are a saint for being able to take care of multiple little ones. o:)

    Pip, I know it was two days ago but I love the picture of Yogi. (later) And all the kids!!

    Heather, I have a feeling you will talk yourself in and out of a move many times before anything actually happens. If you do decide to sell, that great new kitchen will help.

    NYKaren, good for you on that great work out when you were down in the dumps. That is fantastic!!!!

    Margaret, love the picture of your mom.

    Re, I have such mixed emotions about a smaller house. I’d like less to clean but I love my space. As a compromise, I just clean less often. LOL Sorry about the new AC and the expenses associated with it. Here if you get it through the power company, they finance it for 5 years at no or low interest.

    MicheleNC, I love the snail.

    Tracey, for background noise do you have a radio around? If I’m not watching the TV, it is off because “noise” is just what it sounds like to me. The concert sounds fantastic!!! Have a wonderful time.

    Melanie, the next time you can’t resist that blueberry muffin, cut it in half and put the other half away.

    Heather, love the pictures. Did get a bit of a crick in my neck, but well worth it. Tee hee hee….

    Barbie, just remember all those ladies that offered to help any way they could. If you need something, give one of them a call. You know we often want to help our friends but don’t know how. Take advantage. Will be thinking of you.

    Janetr, I hope this clears up with the least amount of meds and pain. I keep Valtrex for any time I start to feel a cold sore. That HSV is some mean stuff!!! Get better soon!!

    Chris, so glad you weren’t swept away in the flood waters. I agree it’s nice it wasn’t your car.

    Katla, how nice that DH went to the gym with you.

    KJ, what a sweet breakfast date!!

    Lillian, I’m an iced tea drinker. When I make the tea I use half green tea and half Orange Peko.

    Barbie, we dance “Better When I’m Dancin’” so you and I are doing at least one together. ….Probably more. You’ll be back at it in no time.

    Sue, I wondered what kind of track meet dogs were having but wasn’t going to ask.
    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I got pretty far behind so I’ve read the last 4 pages rather quickly. Because of that, I didn’t respond to many of you. I did read all the post and want to wish you all good luck on your challenges, congrats on your successes and hugs for those that need them. You ladies are the best and I’m just so happy to be traveling this road with you.
    Sending love and good thoughts to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day! rainbow-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Did a DVD today that had bands and weights on it. The plan for tomorrow is to do something on the bosu.

    Where DOES the time go? Volunteered at the Green Room today. The lady who was supposed to come in after me never came so I wound up staying a bit later since we were very busy. then, the lady who was working with me was having her lunch so I stayed just so she could eat in peace. So I didn't leave until well after 1, I usually leave after 12. I was going to go to the farmer's market but never made it there since they close at 1. Went to Aldi. By the time I got home, it was barely time to get dinner ready.

    KJ - can't think of anyone better to have breakfast with!

    barbie - being in as great a shape as you are, I'm sure that will help you a lot, probably more than a lot of others who have the same procedure

    Alison - you friend sounds like such a strong person. So sorry that happened to her, but she'll get thru, I'm sure of it.

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    20 minute soul bearing rant wiped out by iPad..... Karma hates me.... Today sucks.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I see no reason to rush with your decision about moving, although you are wise to do the thinking and mental groundwork now that will help you & DH make a good decision. :heart:

    Linda in IA: Flash floods are frightening and dangerous. I've never experienced one personally, and hope I never do. I'm so glad your cousin was unhurt. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I agree with Joyce that your active life and fitness will be a big help in getting you through surgery and back to your beloved activities as soon as possible. I'll be thinking of you and sending good wishes every step of the way. :smiley:

    I met a potential lease horse and her owner today and liked the owner very much. The horse is pretty, sweet, and a very elderly mare. Unfortunately, I am quite sure she is not the right horse for me because of problems with her feet. Her hooves look terrible and the kind of riding I want to do would likely cause her severe pain. I had a surge of insight as I thought about how horrible it would be to cause this lovely old horse any pain or injury, and also thought of possible financial responsibility for an injury. Tomorrow I'm going to talk to my insurance agent. I need to be sure that I have adequate personal liability coverage to lease an animal and know I'll be covered if there is a problem or accident. I will also be talking to my teacher about the terrible condition of the poor mare's feet. My lesson is not until Saturday.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison