evayna Member


  • Thank you this is all really helpful! I try to buy fresh produce when I can, but when some things are out of season and really expensive I tend to substitute it with frozen! I never buy canned veg., too much sodium, if I make beans of any kind they are made from dried ones. I usually eat vegetables raw or steamed, I will…
  • I just found a recipe for butternut squash gnocchi! Which would be perfect, instead of just white potatoes!! I'll have to try the chickpeas, I love them, but I've never tried roasting them.
  • That is very helpful thank you! My partner is horrible he likes carrots, and green beans, that's it! So I'm trying to find ways to hide veg. in dishes to help him eat better too!
  • Where I live even if the streets are plowed, it would be really unsafe to bike.
  • I'm not really comfortable going to a gym yet. But when I don't I think spin class will be my top choice!
  • Me and the bae <3
  • Yes that is the same thing, that is a really good tip! Thank you!
  • Yes, that is it. Do you feel like you get enough resistance for a workout? Where I live winter makes it impossible to bike. What model do you have?
  • Thank you! Thats really helpful! I think once I lose about 20 lbs, I'll feel more comfortable going to a gym!
  • I'm not going to beat myself up if I go over in my daily calorie intake for, lets say 100 cal. worth of broccoli. However I will kick myself if I go over because I just had to have that 100 cal worth of chocolate pudding. I think it just has to do with the mindset that I want to be healthy, not just lose weight. But that…
  • When I joined MFP I thought I was joining a calorie counting site, a place where like minded people could join and motivate each other to a healthy lifestyle. Instead I'm realizing the forums are for trolls and dating. How nice.
  • I do use it in cooking! I cant eat butter, so I use coconut oil for almost everything! The thing is though is that I hardly ever use oils to cook, I eat a lot of fruit, veg, grains, mostly raw.
  • Thank you so much for your input! I was starting to feel like I was the only one whose ever heard of MCT's in coconut oil! That is the same thing my husband says, he always asks "why do you count the calories in vegetables? They're healthy, just eat healthy honey!"
  • Rude. A dietary aid is a supplement taken to add further nutrition value to ones diet. I consider it as a diet aid for me personally because I don't get enough fat in my diet. Yes, there is no magic potion for weight loss, it takes diet, exercise and determination. Coconut oil contains lauric acid, and the theory is that…
  • Fantastic advice! Thanks so much for your contribution!
  • I don't know why I didn't think of youtube workout videos! lol Thank you!
  • Thats a good idea! Thanks!
  • I do, I walk my dog 30-40 mins every day and in the summer time I ride my bike.
  • I think I walk pretty fast, considering I have an 80lb rottweiler pulling me! haha :smile:
  • I drink alot of tea, i noticed it helps with snack cravings!
  • I don't have a pedometer! But that is probably something I should invest in thank you!!
  • Thank you for that!! :blush: I love my job! I haven't built up enough self confidence to join a gym just yet! :neutral:
  • I think I should note that aside from the coconut oil I really do not have a lot of fat in my diet. I stay within my calorie limit with using it. I've been using it for a couple of days now, and I've noticed that I don't hit my usual hunger pains by 12:30! So that is a bonus in and of itself! I'm mainly looking for…
  • Wow, we are really similar! 22 years old, I'm 5' 2" starting weight 170, current weight 162, my goal is 120!