BonnieSpins Member


  • Hi All, I didn't take notes so I know I'm going to be missing some comments. Mary, hope your toe heals quickly. On the Fitbit question, I got my Flex in May for Mother's Day. In August it stopped holding a charge. Fitbit replaced it and I haven't had problems since then. My exercise Sunday and Monday was shoveling snow. I…
  • I've done 5 mega miles twice, but haven't been able to work out since. Between blizzard coverage and college basketball, I haven't gotten the TV. Maybe after the game.
  • Vicki - Thank you. Well, we got/are getting slammed by the blizzard. According to the TV, it will be at least among the top 3 snowfalls since they started keeping records. In the midst of all of this, my grandson had a major asthma attack. None of his emergency meds helped. Fortunately, my SIL was still at the volunteer…
  • Carol in NC - Sorry you got sleet. I would much rather have the mounds of snow that we are getting. No the storm didn't fizzle. We don't plan on doing much digging out even though it would be great exercise. Hubby had back surgery in the summer and is waiting for both knees to be replaced. I've already had one knee…
  • Kimses - Sorry to hear about your job loss. Take advantage of your free time to do what you want and need to do. AngelPea - Congratulations on having to see the oncologist less. Heather - Beautiful grandbabies. I figure the blizzard that is bearing down on us is going to fizzle. The schools closed in advance of a flake and…
  • I saw her subscription service notice too. I have a number of her DVD's so I will continue to mix them up. I'll also check out those others on YouTube.
  • Michele in NC, I love your fish welcome sign! Hope your daughter stays warm and safe in Reston. My daughter is supposed to drive to Hampton, VA early Monday morning for work. Hopefully, the powers that be tells them to postpone if the roads are still bad. I completed Leslie Sansone's 5 Mega Miles today. I stayed in my…
  • I did it! I did the 5 Mega Miles! The fifth mile was a little shaky, but I did it!
  • Thanks for all of the birthday wishes. My only regret on the wonderful chocolate bombe cake was that the sugar and caffeine in it must have kept me awake for most of the night. But it was still worth it. And it didn't hurt me on the scale. Terri, check out you local yarn shop for knitting lessons. Then you can switch off…
  • Hi, I'm not new to Leslie's walks, but I am new to the group. I did her walk challenge on Facebook in November, but got sick with one of those nasty upper respiratory things early in December and it is hard to walk when you can't breathe and hacking up lungs. I didn't see a January challenge in Facebook, and just found you…
  • Well, they say that confession is good for the soul. I was a good girl all day staying under my calorie count, but my daughter brought my favorite birthday cake over tonight to celebrate my birthday. I celebrated. I don't regret it. Even my son who is eating very little had a small piece. Michele, I would love to take a…
  • You have my total sympathy. Your sister is at the beginning of a difficult journey. She needs to be in charge of everything that she can be. Let her enjoy what she can enjoy. That means if she wants to eat junk food, go for it. If she wants to go the health food route, go for it. Once chemo and radiation starts, she…
  • Thanks Joyce, I'm sorry to hear about your fibro. I know how much that can affect how you feel, and know it can really make caregiving more of a pain (pardon the pun). In many ways we are lucky that we have had this additional time with him. I am not sure which is worse: sudden death with very little lead time, or this…
  • Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts about our son. We are one day at a time. I'll learn names eventually, but to the lady who asked about other kids and grandkids, we have a daughter and 2 grandchildren. Our granddaughter is almost 14 and a freshman in a visual arts magnet program. We are very proud of her…
  • Thanks for the welcome. I realized that I didn't say where I am from. I'm from Baltimore, MD. We do have fun things to do too. My husband weaves, and I spin, weave, crochet and knit. I have to admit, that's what helps us keep going. Bonnie
  • Hi Everyone, I am new to the group, but I have been using MFP since July. My husband and I have lost over 40 pounds each since then. He has lost 45 pounds and I have lost 42. We are both retired which probably has helped because there are no work lunches and so forth to deal with. We are spending most of our time taking…