

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Bonnie, welcome to the group. I'm so sorry about your son's illness. My son has Alpha1 which is incurable, and he's not in good shape but it sounds like my son is still in better shape than yours. He's not in hospice care yet. I understand part of what you are going through. The ladies on this thread are awesome for moral support. Stick with us, and tell us how things are going. Do you have other kids, or grandkids?

    My grands just went home and I'm totally exhausted. The big table worked out really well. It's so nice to have room for the food in the middle of the table instead of putting it all on the kitchen counter. The kitchen is a mess now, from all the cooking and dirty dishes. My sink WILL be shiny again before bedtime, though. I sent the kids home with a plate of deviled eggs, which they dug into the second they got to the apartment.

    I don't know what has gotten into Spot lately. Last night he snapped at me when I told him to get off the bed and get into his own bed. He didn't move, so I nudged him and he snapped. Then today he snapped at DGD#1 twice, so he got locked in the bedroom. He's quite the Mr Bossy Pants lately. I think he needs to be reminded that HE is not the alpha in this little family.

    Haven't been able to do laundry today (darn) because the pipes are frozen. Hubby thought he fixed it by cutting a hole in the drywall, but I guess that didn't do it. The problem must be in the crawl space. The temps never got over 25 today, so nothing thawed out. We are supposed to get some snow tonight, with possibly 8" accumulation. Hubby is out of clean pants for work, but worse than that...all my favorite exercise clothes are dirty, so I'll be scraping the bottom of the drawer in the morning.

    I think I've made a revelation about clothes. It seems to me that when I wear certain clothes, specifically snug yoga pants and long sleeved t shirts, I feel skinny and then I feel more inclined to eat right. When I wear loose sloppy sweat shirts and baggy jeans, I'm more likely to eat too much or the wrong things. When I look in the mirror in yoga pants, I feel somewhat proud of myself, but when I see myself in baggy sweats I feel like "why bother". So, the moral of this story, is that I need more yoga pants. Anybody else notice that?

    CookiesBaking, welcome! But you need a new name! Can we call you by your real name? Where are you from?

    Gotta go reload the dishwasher. Good night all!

  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member

    Bonnie: my heart breaks for you, you and your family in my prayers. This is a great group and talented ladies, please chat often, welcome! Gayle Minneapolis
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    For exercise, I have been using a variety of Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home DVDs They are aerobic walking workouts that really give me a good workout. I would like to add some yoga for folks with osteoporosis, but I have not yet found a DVD that I can use. I did find a good book, but I am having trouble following the instructions. My daughter does yoga as part of her exercise program and has said that she will try to help me.

    My goal for 2016 is to lose another 25-30 pounds.

    Thanks for "listening."


    Hi Bonnie, welcome to the group and so sorry to hear about your son. I cannot imagine what you are going through. I use Leslie Sansone DVD's too when I can't walk outside. I bought her latest one Tone Every Zone Walk. Silly me... I did all 60 minutes of it today....and then went out and walked my dog loaded down in all my -40 C clothes...Feeling alittle bit fatigued today :(

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Joyce in SD, the earrings are shaped like little wooden ribs, also called kidneys, which are things we use to shape the clay when we throw it on the wheel. The real ones are about 4" long. The little silver ones are about 3/4 of an inch, maybe less. It doesn't show in the picture, but she put a tiny little wood grain texture on both sides of each rib. The detail is exquisite.
  • jmok01
    jmok01 Posts: 22 Member
    Miriam - love all the pics of your furniture and house. You have a great eye for color combinations!! Beautiful!

    Joyce in SD
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    drkatiebug - thanks! You are doing awesome! I started out doing the bar alone too. You are doing a different program than I am. The highest reps I do is 5 for Stronglifts and 10 for Kettlebell. What program are you following? It sounds like starting strength or NROLFW. Keep up the good work!


    Mary from Minnesota

    I have no clue! The trainer has a piece of paper with descriptions of what we are to do each day. It's a 12-week program, I think. We do a different body part each day of the week, alternating upper and lower body. Then we do sprints two days a week and abs two days. The sprints are supposed to be done on the treadmill, but I'm afraid of it stopping and starting it so fast, so I do the elliptical and watch the clock for my 30 sec rests. One woman, who has lost 80 lbs and is there for the class every day and acts as kind of a second trainer, is amazing with the weight she lifts. I can't believe I just stumbled onto this class. It is like having your own personal trainer without the expense. I can't wait until I start seeing results. I can already tell a difference. For example, today I could lift my butt off the floor to roll the ball. Last time I had to leave it down and just practice rolling the ball with my feet.

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Sylvia, my Aunt Sis, who died last year from cancer and who was never above a size six in her 83 years, swore that wearing her jeans kept her on the straight and narrow. She said elastic waist pants were the devil!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    miriamwithcats, you are soooooo talented, just sayin. nite peeps!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Katla, hope your tummy is better asap. Oh yes and DH too.

    Colleen, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. Most of us come here daily to stay accountable. Tell us about yourself and come often.

    Pip, keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    Gina, congrats on breaking the plateau!!! Wooo Hoooo

    Kim, I make the Spinach Feta Pie all the time and I can’t see why other greens won’t work. Let us know how it turns out. Definitely steam and drain well.

    Gloria, best wishes on your move!!! Wish we could help.

    Lynn, welcome. Where in NC? We have a few from there. It takes a bit to get in the swing of logging. The best way is to plan ahead and log ahead. It can always be changed. If you want to do it, you will. We will be watching. LOL Come often and join in.

    Dimcgowan, welcome. You can do this. You have great motivation in addition to your health. I was amazed at the health benefits of losing 60 pounds! Come often and please sign your posts with the name you want us to call you.

    Bobshouse, I’m going to be a scarey 69 in April and I feel better than I have in many, many years. I am also taking fewer medications than in years, so don’t let a number get to you. Not sure I’d like the rural life but as long as you do that’s all that counts. Come often and please sign with a name we should call you. Welcome!

    Vicki, so did you get your hair cut in a Mullet?? LOL As long as you like it that is what counts. Congrats on finishing your project. Doesn’t it feel great!!

    Lisa in Quebec, welcome. It sounds like you know what you are doing so pull up a chair and join right in. Glad to have you join us.

    Bluefunk, welcome to you as well. You are so right that this will only work if it’s not a New Year’s resolution but a New Me resolution. Good for you!! Please sign your posts with the name you want to be called. Glad you are with us.

    Terri, when we lived in Milwaukee I had a car that wouldn’t start if the temperature was 5 or less. So glad I’m never in that kind of weather any more.

    Bonnie, welcome to a very supportive and informative group of ladies. I’m so sorry for what you are going through with your son. What a terrible disease. You and your hubby have done great! Congrats to you both. Come often and join right in.

    Gina, no one will laugh at any exercise. There are some that do none, like me for 2 or 3 months. dunno.gif Then when I started back, it was 5 minutes at a time, so you are doing great!! Just keep it up.

    Heather, you are on a tear, as my mother used to say. But OMG, I can’t believe you tore up credit card statements from 2009; you might need those just any day now. shy.gifGosh, lady, you are as bad as I am. I worked in insurance many moons ago and learned to document, document, document and to keep those documents. I think last year we finally got rid of some tax returns from the first few years we were married. (That was in 1968) You keep up the good work!!!

    Pip, so happy you sold the car. *Doing Happy Dance for you*.smiley-dance010.gif

    Cookiez, welcome. Sorry about your Mom. That wasn’t a very good birthday. Please tell us a little more about yourself to help us get to know you. Also we ask that you sign each post with the name you want to be called. Come often and join right in.

    CarolNC, so glad you are feeling better. Sounds like you have the food under control. It is definitely soup weather!

    Kay, wow I’m impressed. You are getting into that exercise routine. You go girl!!!

    Joyce/SD, good for you on revisiting your original list that motivated you. All I know is that if I let myself gain back more than 4 or 5 pounds, I think I’ll kick myself. This has actually been easier than I expected but definitely not all fun. It’s worth it but I would be so angry at myself if I let all that work go to waste. You have done a great job getting all the health checks done. Good for you.

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I did try on all the clothes I plan to take on the cruise and one of the dressy outfits is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too big. Well that took care of that. I will go to plan B on the second dressy night. Otherwise everything else fits fine and should as it was all bought in the past 6 months and I haven’t lost much in that time. *whine* 18 days from now, but who’s counting? I’m off to bed. Nite, nite, my friends.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • lynnsyoung164
    lynnsyoung164 Posts: 20 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Stronglifts workout

    Squats -1X5X 65/75/85/95/105/115/120, 5X5x122
    Sumo squats-5X5X107
    OHP-1X5X 45/50/55, 3X5X 60, 2X5X55
    DL- 1 X5X 150

    The OHP at 60 pounds was difficult and I started to lose my form on the fourth set so, I went back to 55 pounds for the last two sets. I will probably do a deload next week on the OHP so I can gain strength and be successful lifting 60 pounds with good form.


    Mary from Minnesota

    Very Impressive!

    Lynn from NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Miriam love the color combinations.

    DJ good news on outfits being too big. Have fun on your cruise.

    My previous yeah was for Pip selling her VW.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    Goodbye my Christmas gift, my old car. My last drive was awesome, brought back memories

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    Pip1158260jh90v9tpld.gif about selling the car
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did about 10 minutes of a crunchless abs DVD, held my plank for 2 min 47 sec then the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do a workout on the spinning bike. Had a different instructor today for the extremepump. It's good to change things around. She was more into endurance, so I found that I really needed to lower my weights some

    Got a new weekly calendar in the mail. See, I usually get one for the year and the one I had this year for some reason was missing the last two weeks of the year. So I contacted the company and they sent me another one by Fed. Ex. They really didn't need to send it FedEx I'm not missing the pages until December.

    Heard from Bryan. I'm supposed to Skype with him and his therapist on Feb. 2 at 10a.m. Now to figure out what my Skype address is....lol

    Sylvia - what beautiful earrings! Good deal on that table. that was nice of you to give the lady $60. I'm betting that she told you she'd take $50 because she liked you.

    Joyce - good luck to you. That prep has got to be the worst, but once it's over, that's it for a few years at least

    Becca - cute truck. Good for you logging EVERYTHING

    Welcome everyone new

    DJ - I started feeling "yukky" after eating processed carbs after I'd gone for a while without having any. The body just adjusts

    pip - how wonderful that you may have the bug sold. Did you have to pressure wash your deck to get rid of mold??? Update: wonderful that you sold the car

    Colleen - keep popping in and you'll get lots of support! Welcome

    ginaday - congrats on breaking that plateau!

    Kim - I would think the other greens would work in the spinach feta pie. Actually, that would be a good use for beet greens that I usually get in the summer. I usually throw them away or give them away, but I never thought to use them in this pie Thanks for the idea

    Gloria - good luck on the move. Where are you moving to?

    Lynn - welcome! Yet another North Carolinean! What part?

    bobshouse - welcome! From your pic, you don't look real plump to me.

    terri - good for you only having a small square of the pizza! Great NSV

    Bonnie - I'm so sorry for your son. It must be so very hard on you and your husband

    Gina - you did great on that treadmill, don't sell yourself short. Like Kim said, if you were sitting there eating bonbonbs....now that's another story

    terri - thanks for reminding me that I should have some quinoa. Forgot about that.

    Miriam - love your furniture

    Sylvia - I don't know if this would work for you or not, but one time we wrapped a pipe for the pool in a piece of this solar material that we'd had and cut down for a solar cover for the pool. It was just an extra piece of material we had but I would suspect that it retains heat. Clothing has a lot to do with how you feel about yourself.

    Had senior bowling this afternoon and then went to mahjongg tonight.

    Tomorrow after exercising I'll probably take the donations to the soup kitchen then probably stop at Food Lion since I want to check out their price of soda, I'll probably also exchange a cheese that I got and get a new canister of propane for the grill.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    2029272cxicfcfb0r.gif Terri, I got a huge supply of yarn from a friend who was told by her doctor that she couldn't crochet anymore. Most of the yarn is enchanting colors that bring me great joy and I kept all of that....the colors I gave away are ones that don't bring me joy, but perhaps they can be loved by someone else.

    welcome.gif to everyone who is new....your first resolution for January should be to read the posts on this thread and reply to someone and to log your food and exercise even if it's not the greatest.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful rainy NW Washingtont111018.gif

    My word for 2016 is "alacrity"....I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi gals,

    Welcome newbies from all over – this is an international bunch! I love it there is always someone around because of time zones.

    Bonnie – thinking of you –

    Pip – awesome on selling the car!

    Michele – So glad to hear you are skyping with Bryan and the therapist. That was a great idea you had.

    Running out of steam, tomorrow is hiking in the rain, we’ll do it on a paved trail instead of up the hill and down… it is too wet/muddy and slippery to hike the hill.

    Levi and I have had a go around today, he HATES to be groomed, NO brushing, he will let me comb him, and a bit of trimming, but only for a few minutes at a time. Well he is a very long haired dog and it is wet and muddy out, so after yesterday of dealing with wiping paws over and over and over again, today I decided to trim the fur around the paws, pads, and up his legs so it would be less of a mess… Ok 3 legs done and he is not having any more of that ! The last leg really needs to get done – maybe tomorrow. He is stubborn.

    Kim from N. California
  • BonnieSpins
    BonnieSpins Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts about our son. We are one day at a time.

    I'll learn names eventually, but to the lady who asked about other kids and grandkids, we have a daughter and 2 grandchildren. Our granddaughter is almost 14 and a freshman in a visual arts magnet program. We are very proud of her accomplishments. She makes beautiful jewelry like her mother, and she spins and weaves like her grandmother. Our grandson is almost 5 and a bundle of energy. We were his daycare providers until he was 2. At that point we told our daughter and son-in-law that it was time for real daycare. We couldn't keep up. I don't remember his sister being that energetic. Of course I am 10 years older too. :)

    Barbie, if I had a doctor who told me to give up crochet, or any of the other fiber arts, I'd find a new doctor. :o But what a wonderful find for you.

    Bonnie in bitter cold Maryland
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited January 2016
    Tomorrow we are taking a day trip to Quartzsite, 5 hours round trip. Big RV show over there. I've continued to go to the fitness center and walk on the treadmill and/or ride recumbent bike. I am so sorry for all you in freezing weather, it's supposed to be around 75 here on Friday. I WILL make it to the pool this week. >:)

    Welcome to all the new ladies. You have found a terrific group of caring, supportive ladies.

    Miriam, I too love the pieces you have painted. Love your house also.

    Congrats on all your successes, hugs to you all, love this special group.

    Janetr OKC (temporarily in warm, sunny Arizona)

  • dlmcgowan93
    dlmcgowan93 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi everyone! I want to be here with all you creative motivated people. I just re-started 10 days ago. I too am doing the pitch, sort and clean...my house, my mind and my body. I am 50 years old and am in very bad physical condition. I had a stroke 9 years ago because of a heart defect I didn't know existed. I worked very hard at getting most of my deficits back so now its time to get in shape so that I can walk and breathe at the same time. I also have a few family events happening this year and I want to be able to enjoy myself and not be embarrassed of being in photographs. I am about 75 pounds overweight. I have several short term goals like adding exercise, drinking more water, logging daily but doing these will help me to this goal to reach 35 pound loss by June 18th (my sister's wedding) and another 20 pounds by October 1st (my daughter's wedding).

    I forgot to tell you my name is Denise and I'm from Galva a very small town in western Illinois.