

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Mindy - I'm so happy that you had a great day!
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Skimmed through all the posts, but now I'm too tired to respond to everyone so shutting down and going to sleep.

    For those on the Biggest Loser Challenge, I am on team purple.

    Type to you tomorrow.

  • jmok01
    jmok01 Posts: 22 Member
    Penny – thanks for the suggestion to resize my pic. I tried that but still no success. I can load it to my profile page, but it doesn’t show on the message board. I tried several different pictures, using Paint to resize them. I also tried different browsers. Maybe next weekend I’ll try again on a different computer. It’s driving me crazy because I’m not usually so helpless when it comes to computers. I welcome any other suggestions!

    Michelle – funny story about the frosting oozing where the cake was cut! How sweet that your Dad politely ate it. So sorry you lost your Mom at such a young age. Funny what some husbands consider balanced meals! Mine isn’t a huge fan of fast food/burger places, but loves a good steak!

    Carol in NC – prayers for fast healing.

    Mindy – great start on the cleaning the exercise room! Caught my attention when you mentioned tablecloths – I love them! But now only use them on holidays when we have company. My husband works out of our home/garage and uses half the table for work so I’ve given up making it look pretty.

    It’s past my bedtime – so it’s good night for now!

    Joyce in SD (still faceless since I can’t get my picture to post)

    Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~Winston Churchill

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2016
    Linda and BLC members - I'm on team Red!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    The competition of the colors begins!!!!!

    Joyce in SD, I can't get my picture to be right either. It used to be and it looked wonderful since it was the first time I realized I had a jaw bone then one day I got all squashed and I look like this now.

    Mindy, good job on what you have done. I just love what looks like to be the square footage you have in that room. So far I have read what every one is doing and say yep I need to do that also. Yep, I say that. But that's all I do. I am the queen of procrastination. Yep, I say I need to do it.

    Several of you have mentioned about the free places to give and receive. I don't know if there are more cities that have it but my daughter has one in the Lexington, Ky area called 'all things in common'. You just post what you have and the first person who can arrange to pick it up gets it. She has pretty well outfitted her house with this. Just recently she got a rel nice older twin bed with lots of shelves/storage for her teenage daughter. When they finally got a rental house she did her entire living room, TV, shelving, pictures, retro dresser to put TV on, chairs, etc on this site. We have a very active swap group here in town on face book. They might have a big item to give but to them since they don't need it anymore and what they really need is something that is more of a $10 value, that is what they will ask for. They ask for things like cereal, toilet paper, meat, etc. They have been swapping with each other long enough that they trust each other to swap meat. I think it is a wonderful idea.

    Took Michelle to her pain specialist today. She has bone spurs on her cervical spine area and they want to do an ablation. Now I am very familiar what an ablatio of the heart is and my other daughter had a uterine ablation for excessive periods but for the life of me I can't figure out what an ablation for bone spurs is. Anyway they did a numbing injection in her neck today to see if an ablation would be successful. Some one had to drive ehr home. So hse jsut came over to our house for several hours to hang out with us. At first she was fine then she jsut felt like she was really drunk, couldn't hardly walk a straight line, had various numb areas. But as the evening went on, her pain level went down and she texted me and said the left side of her neck is much loser and for the first time in years has some mobility without pain. She has to have another one of these 'test' injections then they will schedule her with the procedure. This girl is like my parents. If you hurt, if you can hardly walk, then to bad. You have a life, a job, money to make and you just get up and do it without complaint. My other daughter, well she is like the rest of us.

    The facts of life. My Mom was a prude. 'That' was not talked about. When I first had my first period she told my older sister to take me downstairs in the basement and I could take care of it down there. When my older sister graduated from high school and went to college they gave ehr a book called 'It's time you knew'. My sister knew she needed to pass it down to us right away because we would never get the facts of life any other way. when I went to North Carolina to work at a campground we lived in a dorm. That book went with me and it was surprising what the other girls did not know and that book was well read by all that summer. Now my girls, I knew from the way they talked in middle school that I didn't need to talk to them. I remember my youngest telling me that in 5th grade sex ed they broke the class up into male/female couples and the girls had to but a condom on a banana that the guy was holding. I imagine there was a lot of cold showers that day in the boys locker room.

    Got to go check out this web site on yahoo some one mentioned freecycle

    Joyce, Indiana
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Mindy I am sure in the Boston area, Freecycle would be huge. Joyce mentioned alot of other Sharing Community options, I love them all in my area. We have a Take It or Leave It shed (the TILI shed) in our town's recycling center, just about anything will be taken and then you can browse through and find something you might need. I found all of my gardening tools there, while giving away a lot of old toys and children's furniture that didn't go to family. I myself am a "purger" my habit is to throw stuff out, don't like to keep it around. One time we were moving and my dh was out of town, well it was up to me to pack and move all by myself, you could call it passive agressive, but I took it as my opportunity to get rid of some of his most bachelor, ugly stuff. He still wonders whatever happened to that box of sports shirts, his ugly brown blanket, his bowling pin from h.s., etc., >:)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Morning ladies~
    yes we have freecycle here and I have gotten a couple of baby things,nd have gotten rid of alot of things..
    Facts of life~ I was raised a good catholic girl and my mother never talked about it either... since I had no older sisters, it was what I learned from other girls... I got my period at 14 up at our place in N.H. and I guess my mom took me out and got pads...
    but never really filled me in, so I started fooling around at 16.. and at 18 I had a serious boyfriend,and thought I might be pregnant so I had a pregnancy test in my purse, somehow my mom saw it and was devistated....
    oh and they had sex ed in school, my parents signed me out,so that I could not take the class...
    I did have the talk with my daughter early because I didnt want her not knowing, well she got pregnant at 18 so, I guess that didnt work...
    today is a long day at work... 9-6 and they have patients crammed in everywhere...
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Barbie ~ Thanks for the info on the graphics. Will see if I can follow your instructions.

    It worked! :)
  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    Good Morning ladies! To the gals who have asked - the new puppy's name is "Lacey."

    Hope everybody has a great day. I'm at work, so I'll ttyl.

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Kim from N. California- haha.....When I was to get married, my mom set me aside to talk to me heart to heart... She asked me if I had my trousseau (a drawer with lacy things) hahaha. I said that I was ordering some, she looked me straight in the eye and with a serious face said, "Well, they don't stay on for very long". Um great wise words there Mom... heeheee... She was priceless like that... One liners you just can't fake that...
    Becca, thank you for the laugh!!! Needed a chuckle!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    :heart: Margaret
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member

    Carol, hope you are doing well today.

    Love the puppy!

    The stray that has been living under my shed has been coming in to the house for brief moments to eat and get warm. Last night he stayed inside until about three a.m. He has already learned how to get let it- my other cats sit on the gas meter under a window to get my attention. Yesterday evening I heard a cat there, but looked around and my three indoor/ outdoor kitties were already inside. It was the stray!
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Mindy About the Freecycle suggestion, I used the one in the Blackstone Valley. But if you go to Yahoo.com and groups, there are a number for the Boston area. I was amazed at how quickly things went. We had so much glassware from my MIL's house. I just lined it up and down both sides of the driveway, put a message on freecycle and it was gone by the end of the day. I got some messages from people asking for more! It was really moving the stuff from one hoarding situation to another, but I didn't care. As long as it was gone, I was good with it.

    But I've used Freecycle for much more precise things. Someone took our old treadmill to use the motor for a pottery wheel he was making.

    Kimses in MA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :)Boston Mindy, I am reading marie kondo's book and she says to hold every item in your hands and ask yourself if it brings you joy....if it doesn't, then get rid of it. You have a big challenge, but I know you can do it....never, never, never give up.....about meditation, just sit down in a quiet place, set a timer for 5 minutes, put your hands in your lap and breathe....concentrating on your breath....you can increase the time later.

    smiley-happy005.gif Barbie
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,401 Member
    Greetings to all!
    Getting back into healthy routines which includes checking in here.

    Linda in Calif
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    edited January 2016
    Just reading these messages gives me some motivation. I've been on a holding pattern for sometime now. Recently began eating more healthy, and adding back exercise into my daily routine. The cold weather in my neck of the woods is a real de-motivator. -5 temp this morning took my breath away on my walk into work. I'm going to use the company treadmill for two 15 minute sessions and see if I can keep that up daily for the rest of the month
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    celtikgirl - Cocoa Beach half marathon. Are you in FL? Good luck in your run

    No, My parents and one sister are there in Palm Bay. Cocoa used to be my favorite beach, until I got the opportunity to go to Bermuda this past summer and now Horseshoe Bay Beach is my favorite. But really any beach is good!

    Unfortunately, my knees won't run, we all walk the half marathon, some at a brisker pace than others.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    Morning peepers
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    SMarie10 wrote: »
    Just reading these messages gives me some motivation. I've been on a holding pattern for sometime now. Recently began eating more healthy, and adding back exercise into my daily routine. The cold weather in my neck of the woods is a real de-motivator. -5 temp this morning took my breath away on my walk into work. I'm going to use the company treadmill for two 15 minute sessions and see if I can keep that up daily for the rest of the month

    Brrrrr, where do you live?

    Janetr okc