

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2016
    Stronglifts Workout

    Squat-1X 5X 65/75/85/95/105/115/120, 5X5X 122
    Sumo squats-5X5X107
    BP-1X5X 65/70/75, 5X5X 80
    BR-5X5X 85

    I felt good doing all of these lifts today. I was supposed to do a deload on the BP and BR because I have not been able to add more weight. However, I think I am going to try to add a pound to these next time.

    It finally got above 0°F so I am going to take my puppy for a walk. He loves being outside. But, he doesn't like the leash too much though.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    terri_mom wrote: »
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    Barbie – I just can’t part with my yarn yet. If someone asks me to teach them something, I will happily give them everything they need. I’m just not ready to flat-out give it away yet, and don’t know if I ever will be. I buy more yarn before I’m done with the previous stash. I have had several groups donate to me numerous times, including the facility that makes LLBean, and I just can’t imagine parting with any of it, until it is a completed project. Kudos to you ! ! ! I did, however, part with some Avon boxes and old brochures yesterday, thanks to everyone talking about de-clutter and straighten (and my DH yelling about the mess, but mostly all you supportive ladies). Baby steps. I will keep your wise words in mind for when I am finally ready.
    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !
    Terri in Milwaukee (+14 and sunshine, yay B) )

    I am a lifelong crafter since like 5th grade and I learned to sew in the Girl Scouts. I made a dirndl skirt and long vest which I still have in my possession. I have so many supplies for all the crafts I love quilting, sewing, art journaling, crocheting etc....I hold onto every little scrap of anything that "might" make it into a creation of mine. Give it up!? Give it away?! Your are kidding right?! Every move we make (and there have been many) I tidy up a bit and make it all nice in those clear storage containers. But it all goes with. As far as yarn goes...my husband will ask why i am buying more when I clearly have enough...lol....little does he know the mind of a crocheter/knitter.

    Cheri NE Ohio sunny but very COLD
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Beth and Miriam - I call those curio shelves. I think they are both lovely pieces.

    Sylvia - I love that the earrings are replicas of tools that are special to you. I once saw some earrings that were replicas of blow pipes for glass blowing. I couldn't afford them at the time and am sad that now that my finances are better I have never found another pair.

    DJ - I love the organized drawers. I really want to try that method of folding when I get around to organizing my drawers. It's going to be a while since I am still just clearing out floor space.

    Speaking of clearing floor space...

    My de-cluttering project continues. This weekend I emptied 10 boxes. Filled 6 grocery bags with recycling and put them out with the rest of the recyclables. I filled 2 30 gal trash bags. I took 4 trash bags and 9 boxes of stuff to Salvation Army. AND I took 16 boxes to a local auction house for their Thursday sale. I am very pleased with this weekend's progress.

    Mia in MI
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Wow! I checked in yesterday morning and since then there are four or five new pages! Yikes! You ladies are busy!
    Beth in Buffalo: For some reason I thought you were from Omaha. That would be some strange weather patterns if I was expecting the weather to head west!
    Megblair: I am thinking you are from Omaha? According to the maps, you are having some cold weather there. I am from Grand Haven, Mi. We sit right on Lake Michigan and it seems the breeze blows continually. In the summer that's great; but in the winter it is usually blowing some pretty chilly air at us.
    I love reading about where everyone is from and what they are busy doing! So many creative people on here! I love reading Heather UK's posts. I think she is five or six hours ahead of EST?
    Carol: So sorry to see that someone broke in! Scary and aggravating at the same time! Had that happen to us on Christmas Eve many years ago, when my kids were little. You gotta wonder how people can live with themselves after robbing a church or a family at Christmas!
    Need some advice on a family situation/disagreement. I mentioned that my sister has a brain tumor. It is a grade 4 glioblastoma and with surgery and treatment she has one year to one and a half years to live. She had the surgery to have most of it removed and that went well. She will start chemo/radiation in three to four weeks, as long as her health/recovery continues to improve. Here is where there is disagreement. My sister is a snacker. She likes her treats. She eats whatever meal is put in front of her, so with us cooking healthy meals for her, she is eating healthy options. BUT: Her kids and my brother want her to give up her snacks. Her chex mix, her popcorn, her cookies... Since being diagnosed with the tumor at Thanksgiving, she has given up smoking, drinking, coffee, soda, and chocolate. My philosophy is: Let her have whatever she wants because once the chemo and radiation starts, she won't feel like eating anything! Or many foods she would normally like, will make her sick. So...as her personal shopper, do I buy what she wants? or appease the kids and siblings and buy only healthy stuff?
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    m1cbry wrote: »
    Annr and Katla49: Thank you so much for the encouragement. Annr: I have been thinking a lot about emotional responses and processes lately....it's been an eye opening journey, but exhausting...there are days when I literally think, "Just pass me the Twinkies for cryin' out loud." Probably because it's easier.

    Yep journey's like these are ALWAYS eye openers :-) You can vent yell cry moan, but don't whine too much.....at least not without the appropriate crackers and apple slices. You aren't in this alone...hey, it takes a village to move a mountain right? And there are ladies that have moved those mountains (of excess weight) and are here to help ya. I still have mountains, but every day I am mentally slinging that ax.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Carol in NC Sorry to hear of your office break-in!!! That is the ultimate invasion of space, and puts a hiccup in how you view the world. Calm thoughts, and inner sense of peace sent to you PRONTO from this coastal part of Oregon. In a big blue bow!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Need some advice on a family situation/disagreement. I mentioned that my sister has a brain tumor. It is a grade 4 glioblastoma and with surgery and treatment she has one year to one and a half years to live. She had the surgery to have most of it removed and that went well. She will start chemo/radiation in three to four weeks, as long as her health/recovery continues to improve. Here is where there is disagreement. My sister is a snacker. She likes her treats. She eats whatever meal is put in front of her, so with us cooking healthy meals for her, she is eating healthy options. BUT: Her kids and my brother want her to give up her snacks. Her chex mix, her popcorn, her cookies... Since being diagnosed with the tumor at Thanksgiving, she has given up smoking, drinking, coffee, soda, and chocolate. My philosophy is: Let her have whatever she wants because once the chemo and radiation starts, she won't feel like eating anything! Or many foods she would normally like, will make her sick. So...as her personal shopper, do I buy what she wants? or appease the kids and siblings and buy only healthy stuff?

    (((Hugs))) I am so sorry to hear about your sister! If it was me and I was the one that was ill I would eat whatever I wanted! I would probably even smoke. I told my DH that when I am 90 I'm going to start smoking again! She should be the One to decide what she wants to eat or doesn't want to eat let alone anything else in her life.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Just some info for the newbies that I thought would be helpful. If you are answering someones post, highlight their signature, then copy it into your post. Next thing is to highlight that name and then go up to the options you can do to this post and click "B". This turns their signature name like " Carol in NC" black and bold print. This is so great for us that sometimes just search for their name and answer posts that way.

    Sometimes I just click on the QUOTE option in peoples post and answer it that way. That is good for people (like me) that answer peoples post individually, but others make notes and answer many people at the same time. I used to do that, until my husband freaked out about it. He still has issues about me being on the computer, especially when I am typing to you all about non-MFP related stuff. Its a trust factor, so I try to limit my time, to keep things copacetic.

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    KJLaMore -
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Need some advice on a family situation/disagreement. I mentioned that my sister has a brain tumor. It is a grade 4 glioblastoma and with surgery and treatment she has one year to one and a half years to live. She had the surgery to have most of it removed and that went well. She will start chemo/radiation in three to four weeks, as long as her health/recovery continues to improve. Here is where there is disagreement. My sister is a snacker. She likes her treats. She eats whatever meal is put in front of her, so with us cooking healthy meals for her, she is eating healthy options. BUT: Her kids and my brother want her to give up her snacks. Her chex mix, her popcorn, her cookies... Since being diagnosed with the tumor at Thanksgiving, she has given up smoking, drinking, coffee, soda, and chocolate. My philosophy is: Let her have whatever she wants because once the chemo and radiation starts, she won't feel like eating anything! Or many foods she would normally like, will make her sick. So...as her personal shopper, do I buy what she wants? or appease the kids and siblings and buy only healthy stuff?

    Why do they want her to give up her snacks? Do the snacks make her ill? Are they hard for a caregiver to make or clean up after? Are they the only thing she is eating? Are they hideously expensive beyond her budget? If the danged snacks are not causing real problems buy what she wants. You said her meals are healthy so she is getting the nutrition she needs. Now is not the time to make a fuss over what your sister consumes.

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    KJ, you have my sympathy. My cousin died of a glia cell tumor as well. He was obese, and it was hard to turn him in bed when he became incapacitated, especially since I am very short. I had to use a foot stool to reach over him. That being said, I let him eat whatever he wanted while he still could. Towards the end, he stopped enjoying food and then he got so he could no longer chew, and finally swallow. Is caring for your sister and concern about her weight driving this need for healthy foods/ no snacks? Or is it from just believing everyone SHOULD always eat healthy? If the latter is the case, then tell them she deserves to enjoy her last few months, eating healthy is not going to matter one tiny bit. Even if she gorges herself on snacks, she is not going to gain enough weight to make a difference in her care. And once the chemo starts, she will lose her appetite anyway. So in my thinking there is absolutely NO reason to limit what she wants to eat!
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    P.S. KJ, my sister has the "new" eating disorder, has had it for decades. The one with the obsession about eating healthy to the point it interferes in relationships and life. Anyway, I can just see her forcing me to eat healthy if she were ever in a caregiver situation with me. Maybe I need to update my living will/ power of attorney for medical needs in case this ever happens. I am going to LIVE ON ICE CREAM if I only have a few months left!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Thanks for the good wishes and sympathy, everyone! The CSI team was still working when I left so I will wear jeans and sneakers to work tomorrow for clean up. The cleaning service was coming by as I left to vacuum glass so that I won't have to that part. I will take this opportunity to clean out my office since someone pulled everything out for me to go through, anyway! After working there for going on 27 years, I've got plenty to declutter.

    Congrats to everyone doing so well! I am still staying on track with calories even though I ate a cupcake today. I missed breakfast due to the mess at work so I had even more calories to work with. In addition, I was up and down the stairs all morning showing the police around so I have some exercise calories to work with.

    Since I've arrived at my other job, all of the adrenaline has gone and I just want to take a nap!! I may need to go walk up and down the hall for a few minutes to get the blood flowing again.

    Off I go...

    Carol in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Sylvia you reminded me when we have these sub zero days you want to have a drip going (I don't like it either because of wasting water but frozen pipes will cause massive amounts of water loss and damage.) It also helps to keep cabinet doors open especially if they are on outside walls.

    Carol how frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    KJLaMore - Yeah; when chemo starts her taste buds will be totally 'screwed'; she ought to have what she desires now, during this 3 - 4 weeks of waiting because it probably will make her sick. I remember as a child, getting sick on creamed corn - you can imagine what it looks like when you vomit. Worse coming up than going down; but, I was an adult before eating it again. My Mother could make the best creamed corn and macaroni and cheese (with the real cheese). Maybe she will be more to the liking of healthy food by the time she gets to the chemo part of her treatment. Boy, she had to give up a whole lot!

    Was on cancellation list for dentist - got to be there at 8:00am - 30 minute drive; but, got to have him check my teeth and clean them before I can have another 'night guard' for my TMJ made. DDnL#2's dog got it out of our bedroom when we were there in August and pretty much chewed it up. I took an emery board to it to knock off the rough edges; but, apparently, I could not keep it in so it went into the trashcan.

    Still trying to get up the nerve to tackle my kitchen cabinets (pans and such that doesn't hang from the pot and pans) ... like 3 different sized crock pots. None of them do I want to get rid of; but, they sure take up a lot of room. Cooking collards for supper for tomorrow night. Need to check to see if I have some cornbread mix (I think I do); and then decide what type of meat to go with it. Ham or pork? I see what mood hits me on the way home.

    I bought some meat that I 'thought' was hamburger meat with Jalapeño peppers; but, when I got home to make the patties, realized it was sausage. Did not make any difference - we like both - just more calories; and I had made hamburger sized patties. Almost ruined the pan I chose to cook them in. Normally, I'd use one of my iron skillets to cook sausage (very little clean-up); and cooked them in the pan I inherited from my MnL (whole set) of waterless cookware from the 40's. I scrubbed it and then I put a dryer sheet in it overnight and it 'finally' came clean with a lot of scrubbing. Won't make that mistake again. HA! Also decided, what the H***; doesn't sit flat on the surface of my stove; so I banged it flat again with a hammer - that did it. Surprised! :o I love these pots and pans. Especially since DYS absconded with my best 'rice' pot. Now since there are only the two of us, the small pot works just fine, unless we are having gumbo or bean soup.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    m1cbry wrote: »
    Carol, you said, "another." How many have there been?

    In my time there (will be 27 years in June), there have been multiple break ins--probably at least eight. The last one was about three years ago and the one before that was August of 2008--the first day back for the pastor after a three month sabbatical!!

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Yep, we'll have to have a small drizzle in our sink for the next few nights. Last year we had a faucet that froze; thankfully not inside, just outside the house. Need to get some insulation up under the house. My feet stay cold all the time.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Carol (NC) ~ Does your church not have an alarm system? Just wondering.

    Sorry to say that out of the last 4 days I have not in any way stayed under my allowed 1200 cals. But, tomorrow is another day and I will try again. DJ is allowed to get her boot out! LOL

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Sylvia ~ In our first house the washer/dryer were in the garage. We learned when we were going through freezing weather to load the washer up with dry towels and that kept it from freezing up.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
  • BonnieSpins
    BonnieSpins Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks Joyce, I'm sorry to hear about your fibro. I know how much that can affect how you feel, and know it can really make caregiving more of a pain (pardon the pun). In many ways we are lucky that we have had this additional time with him. I am not sure which is worse: sudden death with very little lead time, or this long drawn out weakening to the end. There is no easy way.

    We celebrate what we can. My daughter's family is coming over this evening and he has said that they will have to go upstairs to visit with him. His hospice nurse doesn't want him to walk the stairs. Before, he wouldn't want the kids to go into his room, but today he is looking forward to it.