

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Carol (NC) ~ Does your church not have an alarm system? Just wondering.


    We have a fire alarm system but no burglar alarm. Lots of outside groups use the building and we couldn't figure out a way to handle the logistics. And, there is always the financial factor to consider. Those in charge have been talking about installing surveillance cameras for three years, but no one has done anything. We did talk today about checking into putting an alarm system just on the offices since those are the typical targeted areas.

    The police think (and I agree) that whoever broke in knew the church well. They came in through a kitchen window, stopped by the pantry and picked up a bag of chips and a soft drink, went to the closet where we keep a few household tools and selected a hammer, a screwdriver, and a flashlight out of the ones available, then proceeded to break the window in my office door and ransack the place. They did not touch anything anywhere else in the church that we can see. They even picked up the aloe plant they knocked onto the floor and put it up on the kitchen counter!
  • BonnieSpins
    BonnieSpins Posts: 16 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »

    Need some advice on a family situation/disagreement. I mentioned that my sister has a brain tumor. It is a grade 4 glioblastoma and with surgery and treatment she has one year to one and a half years to live. She had the surgery to have most of it removed and that went well. She will start chemo/radiation in three to four weeks, as long as her health/recovery continues to improve. Here is where there is disagreement. My sister is a snacker. She likes her treats. She eats whatever meal is put in front of her, so with us cooking healthy meals for her, she is eating healthy options. BUT: Her kids and my brother want her to give up her snacks. Her chex mix, her popcorn, her cookies... Since being diagnosed with the tumor at Thanksgiving, she has given up smoking, drinking, coffee, soda, and chocolate. My philosophy is: Let her have whatever she wants because once the chemo and radiation starts, she won't feel like eating anything! Or many foods she would normally like, will make her sick. So...as her personal shopper, do I buy what she wants? or appease the kids and siblings and buy only healthy stuff?

    You have my total sympathy. Your sister is at the beginning of a difficult journey. She needs to be in charge of everything that she can be. Let her enjoy what she can enjoy. That means if she wants to eat junk food, go for it. If she wants to go the health food route, go for it. Once chemo and radiation starts, she probably won't feel like eating much and her tastes will probably change. Rebecca Katz has written at least 2 cookbooks for cancer patients. One is "One Bite at a Time" and the other is "The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen." I found some good recipes in them, though my son wouldn't try them. He was always a picky eater and his cancer is oral cancer so eating quickly became a major problem. We liked them though.

    Bonnie waiting for the blizzard
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    I got cut from the interview process before going in tomorrow. My feelings are hurt, but I can see where I messed up. And it's ok because I don't have to change jobs. I feel like there is a bigger message in here for me and that's to start defining myself differently. Work has always been a huge part of my self esteem, but maybe it's time to start letting go of that. I will take what I can from this experience.

    Kimses in MA
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Carol, I am beside the Methodist church here in Wellman. Right before I moved here, in 2001, the church was broken in to and ALL the AV equipment and computers were stolen. Pretty brazen hauling out speakers, etc. in the middle of the night! Since then, the church has had to pay for an alarm system, for insurance purposes. I frequently see the pastor over here, waiting in front of the church in the middle of the night for the sheriff department to arrive because the alarm was triggered. It has always been a false alarm, from one group or another not making sure all the doors are closed completely. (They all have self-closers but are not always completely latched. When they finally close completely it triggers the alarm.) It is a nuisance, and an expense you would wish a church did not have to make, but it has prevented any more thefts. This is a community where a lot of people still leave their keys in their car ignitions with the car parked in their driveway, overnight! Our biggest crime wave was a boy who was joy riding in people's golf carts and then leaving them in odd places. (We have a nine hole golf course in this town of 1800 people.)
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Miriam – I was super excited about working more on my gold poncho that I’m making for my trip to Reno, then I was doing some side-walking in the halls at work and noticed the RA is working it’s way into my index finger, so now I’m sad because I will be able to loom-knit, but not crochet. Luckily I type A LOT at work, so that keeps these fingers moving. Plus, I have compression gloves which sometimes helps at work. Cheri – Soul Sister ! ! ! I just can’t imagine getting rid of anything, but mostly because I put all kinds of crazy media and colors together. Last week I bought a blue and white necklace that I plan on turning into the handle of a purse. I LOVE clearance jewelry ! ! ! Help

    Your question is very personal from one person to the next, and one family to the next. I pray that you all can find the warmth, strength, and peace with each other that you deserve. Please don’t end her life in a fight, because you all deserve better than that.

    Time to leave work. Hugs ! ! !
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Kimses, so sorry. Sometimes NOT getting a job is a blessing in disguise. It was for me because it made me realize I really needed to be on disability - no one was going to hire me with my limitations. I was too stubborn to see it.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Just stopping by to report...I went to wally world to buy some ice melter and somehow a bag of Hershey's Hugs got into my basket. I drove them around the store for a little while, debating with myself, and then put them back and got myself a new pair of yoga pants instead! Yea, me!

    Its icing up out there, so I came home straight home after taking the kids home. Now the pipes have thawed and I've started a load of laundry and one load in the dishwasher.

    Carol/Peach, I had never heard of putting towels in the washer to prevent freezing, but you can bet I will be trying it TONIGHT. Thanks for the tip. Even if it doesn't work, nothing is wasted.

    KJ, I'm sorry for all you and your sister are going through. What a horrible time for both of you.

    Bye again! Later...

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Kimses... I'm sorry. I'm struggling with redefinitions of my own... and working was the hardest one to let go of for me. Hang in there, keep posting.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    another cold one here5.hugs jane
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    eveing friends
    just a quick hidee ho.. under calories today.. will check in the a.m.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :'(Carol, I am so sorry about the break-in...cleaning up is bad enough without adding vandalism to the mixture

    :)MIa, good for you for standing up for yourself...what great progress on your decluttering.

    <3Kimses, sometimes "No" is a blessing...be grateful for what's good in your life

    :)Terri, I stay away from pizza because I am incapable of eating only one piece...most of my knitting and crafting friends are like you with boxes and closets filled with supplies

    :) Sylvia, whenever I go to the grocery store I think I need a "treat" for me, but i don't get anything....yesterday I was at Office Depot with Jake looking for something for him and I found a "treat" for me....colorful plastic boxes and plastic sleeves for my line dance CD's.....my life has changed...my "treats" aren't food anymore.

    :)Heather, I don't know how many times I've eaten before an event and then not eaten at the event. I tell people that I have strange eating practices and I've found ways to get along.

    There is still no real answer to what ails me. The neurologist did some more tests in his office, looked over the lab results and nerve conduction test and ordered another blood test. He suggested upping my dose of Gabapentin if needed to control pain (I am taking only 1/3 of the maximum allowed dosage), and said that I can walk and dance as much as I want because it won't make anything worse. Yes, I would have liked a miraculous cure but just knowing that I can get a bit more pain relief and keep on walking made me very happy.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful cloudy NW Washingtont116009.gif

    My word for 2016 is "alacrity"....I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness

    “The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach."-- Yutang Lin
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Thanks Ladies. Yes, I think "no" was a good thing in this case. It's the ego that's the problem. But as suggested, focusing on the good things will ease the sting.
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Ok hit b and nothing happen, what did I do wrong? Thanks Gayle Minneapolis
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,765 Member
    KJ ... Wondering why the rest of the family wants your sister to eat "healthy." Do they somehow believe this will cure her cancer or maybe buy her more time? I know that having a son with chronic migraines that there's a large body of information that promises a cure or prevention of migraines if you only eliminate certain types of foods and chemicals (I tried them all with no success btw). I'm wondering if the family is working from a similar thought that exists regarding cancer. I'm also with the others that only your sister has a right to make decisions regarding her care ... No matter what others think or wish she would do. I hope all your family members will come to a place where they respect and honor her wishes. Hugs.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited January 2016
    Kimses2 ... Sorry about the job,

    Gayle ... Hit b first and then type between the b's ... Just tried this btw!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    edited January 2016
    Another clear, cold night here in the mountains of West Virginia. 14 now and dropping.....brrrrrrrr. Think I'll go to bed and snuggle under the covers!

    Nite nite!


  • lynnsyoung164
    lynnsyoung164 Posts: 20 Member
    edited January 2016
    Beth - You triggered a memory of when a friend went to pay for my lunch this summer. When I tried to decline she told me to stop blocking her good karma. I laughed but the message didn't sink in. I need to stop blocking good karma for people when they try to do something nice for me!

    KJ - I am so sorry to hear about your sister. Many prayers for her and your family. If it were me I would ask my sister and follow her wishes. I would tell them I am respecting my sisters wishes and I would do the same for them. I'm sure you are all under a lot of stress right now.

    I got accepted into and received an invite to Google's Project FI. Google would become my carrier instead of Verizon and I will need a new nexus phone. I believe I am going to take the leap and leave the family on Verizon while I try it out. I've been with Verizon 17 years at least. If anyone is doing this already and has feedback please let me know.

    I'm over my calories today even with the extra for exercise but I logged everything. I also walked past leftover birthday candy, shut the lid and ate something healthy. Progress.

    Lynn in Denver NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did an hour of a downloadable spinning workout today. then took the donations to the soup kitchen then stopped at Food Lion. Their price of soda was too high, but I did exchange one cheese and got a new propane tank.

    The plan for tomorrow is to do a water aerobics class. Hope its not too bitterly cold or at least that the water is decently warm

    Lynn - you're not far from me at all!!!! I'm in Newton. So want to get together? I believe we got the riverrock for our pool area from this place in Denver.

    You know, I'm going to keep an open mind about this therapist. That letter Bryan sent sounds to me like it was either written by this therapist or at least heavily influenced by this therapist. I'm just surprised she would even consider that Bryan should send it since she hasn't met/talked to me. I'm surprised, too, that she didn't suggest Skype. Then again, she might have but Bryan said that I couldn't (which isn't true, I just don't know a lot about it). I'd feel better if Vince were here mainly because I'm not a real techhy person and he is much more technologically-minded than I am so should there be any problem, he could probably take care of it.

    Made 4 loaves of the pumpkin/gingerbread breads. One I'll take to this gal at the place where I take the extremepump class. I just found out that her birthday was Friday. another I'll freeze and give to the gal at the Y whose birthday is in early Feb. Another one I'll freeze and have when we have Rummikub (I figure we'll have it here in Feb.). The last one I'll take part of and give to Lynette and I just like having something in the freezer. Who knows? Maybe I'll send it to Denise. Update: yup, that's what I'm going to do

    Heather - The last freezer we had was one where you had to defrost it. Even tho the one I have now uses a bit more energy, I so love the fact that it's self-defrosting. Now if I can only figure out a way to get a larger one....... So sorry about your tooth

    NC Carol - how horrible about the breakin! You know, I'm supposed to help count the collection money and I feel so so bad that I can't get there until around 10:15 on Mondays. I know they want to get the $$$ into the bank asap and I'd feel terrible if something happened and I couldn't get it there. But on the other hand, I really don't want to give up my exercising

    Bonnie - yes, I do have a lot of DVD's. My preference for a yoga one would be one by Rodney Yee. His "A.M. Yoga" is five 20 minute routines. But I do agree with katla, take a class if you can. I wish we had yoga classes around here, but we don't. When they did, I would take the class and then suppliment with a DVD. I did find that there were certain adjustments that I should have been making, I'd fallen into bad habits without even realizing it and unless I'd had that instructor to tell me differently, I would never have known.

    terri - you know, whenever I'm walking/running on the treadmill, after about 15 minutes I have to use the bathroom. I think maybe everything gets pushed down. anyway, today suddenly after doing the spinning I had to go to the bathroom.

    Oh, for anyone who does spinning (or biking), do you go by your heartrate or rpm's? I'm finding that my heartrate goes up and comes down quite fast. So I'm wondering if keeping my rpm's up would help

    Heather - I don't think you're antisocial. Well...if you are, then I am too. I would much prefer to have small meals frequently than 3 large meals. I don't find much interest in cakes or cookies for dessert. But give me a piece of fresh fruit.....I'm in heaven.

    KJLaMore - I'm with you, let your sister have what she wants. You're right, she will probably lose her desire for the foods, and that might even stay with her!

    Lenora - never heard of putting a dryer sheet in a pan and letting it sit overnight. Interesting. What exactly does it get rid of?

    NCCarol - why has your church had so many breakins? After the first two or three breakins, why didn't they get an alarm?

    kimses - I'm so sorry about your interview (or lack thereof)

    Sylvia - YEA YEA YEA for you putting those kisses back!! You go girlfriend!

    Lynn - good for you passing up that birthday candy!

    Michele in NC