

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    Thx vicki157, I try to cheer him up
  • BonnieSpins
    BonnieSpins Posts: 16 Member
    Hi All, I didn't take notes so I know I'm going to be missing some comments. Mary, hope your toe heals quickly. On the Fitbit question, I got my Flex in May for Mother's Day. In August it stopped holding a charge. Fitbit replaced it and I haven't had problems since then.

    My exercise Sunday and Monday was shoveling snow. I can hardly move today, so no exercise for me today. In fact, if I hadn't had responsibilities today, think I would have stayed in bed. I got my Beginnng Yoga DVD. I'll try it tomorrow.

    Bonnie in snow-covered Maryland
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Michele in NC dang nabit! I forgot my water this morning too!!! I was in the hot tub just feeling parched! I went to the locker room and cupped my hands gulping down ice cold Oregonian water.... hahaha! I was rushed out the door by my encouraging husband and forgot it!!

    Grits Woohooo, I am happy for you!!!! Flaunt it, girlie! I think when I achieve my goal weight, I will probably get arrested.... You know its legal to walk the streets of Portland Oregon topless. As long as you don't create a scene haha! A goal? I don't know, maybe if husband wore the same kind of shorts, and we are just walking or sunning. I would never do it alone!

    Linda in Northern Ontario I am addicted to wasa crisp and the hearty multi-grain is really good to put under the broiler with some salmon and a bit of white cheese. Also to dip into soups :-) My mom swore by those Ak mak crackers but to me they tasted like cardboard!

    Went to the food bank today and rec'd some great stuff. I am having some medium carrots (in between baby carrots and large stew carrots)...that came in a package already peeled and lined up ready to be boiled or steamed. I am boiling them in some water with a wee bit of chicken stock, then draining them to add some light margarine and some brown sugar :-) Then have my portioned spinach/white cheddar macaroni shells with diced tomatoes. I had rec'd a box of Annie's Organic white shell macaroni. So I did up the box, then sauteed a bunch of fresh spinach with a tsp of olive oil and added some spices with some diced tomatoes. Then added the pasta. I made 3 servings of it, and it came out to 346 calories per serving. I like making a so-so dinner awesome like that!

    I also got some sweet potatoes and a jar of marshmallow cream that I plan on making some kind of sweet potato crisp with quick cooking oats, the sweet potatoes, some apples, and making the marshmallow cream thinner by adding some margarine. Maybe adding some cinnamon. I figure it won't be too fattening because I plan on portioning that out until it isn't too caloric. Watch it being only a spoonful for a serving!!!

    You all are doing amazing! Tomorrow is my TOPS meeting, I think I have lost a wee bit. We shall see! Eating what I love to eat these days, and patience is my best friend.

    Missing the sun in
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Carol: I'm glad the eye is done. I'll do my best to avoid a similar circumstance. :flowerforyou:

    Donna in WV: "The hurrier I go, the behinder I get." My mom used to say this! Thank you for a good memory of her. :heart:

    Heather: "Doctor Mom," aka Katla, says to get lots of rest & fluids so that you feel good enough to see your brother on Thursday. :wink:

    Lisa: Stay warm and dry. :flowerforyou:

    Penny: Do what you need to do. We'll still be here when you've got time for a breather. :bigsmile:

    DH had a doctor appointment with his MS doctor today and I rode along. I enjoyed the day. We stopped at Costco and bought some staples, plus had a nutrition free, high sodium hotdog. :devil: We love those things. :embarassed: Lots of sodium and calories, but lots of good memories of days gone by are all brought to mind.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • seabrzjo
    seabrzjo Posts: 27 Member
    Been lurking this thread for weeks and, although a bit overwhelmed, I am joining in the fun.

    59, female, single, mother/grandmother

    I look forward to following and contributing to this great group.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    edited January 2016
    seabrzjo ... Hello and welcome!

    Carol .... How about broccoli and Swiss instead? You're essentially just making a quiche. I don't use skinnttaste but budgetbytes spinach and feta crust less quiche recipe. I think it would be easy to switch out veggies and cheese.

    Beth near Buffalo
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    Welcome CSSJ09 and seabrzjo. There's always a lot of activity on this board and then there of those of us (me!) that can't keep up but stop in each day to say hello and post their activity. It helps stay accountable. Thanks for the cauliflower recipe CSSJ09.

    I'm back on track after a few days of not feeling well.
    30 minutes triometric (P90x3) which was really really hard. I did the best I could with this stiff old body.
    30 minutes elliptical

    4 job interviews (phone) this week so I'm feeling optimistic.

    Stay well,
    Kimses in MA

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi friends. Well I made it 2 days in a row. I’m sick…got a cold but the worst part is the fatigue. Ugh! My 51 new students are keeping me busy but they seem ok so far. It’s cold here but going to warm up at the end of the week before another snow storm. Hopefully this time we can get out and play in it.
    Beth: I don’t know the story but all that miriamwithcats said is true!

    Alison: it seems one of your fur babies died…I’m so sorry to hear that. My fitbit lasted 3 years until I washed it; I’m surprised yours don’t last more than a year! A full charge will last me a week and a half.

    Sheila; welcome to the group

    Kjlamore: I haven’t ever roasted chickpeas so I don’t know but I do have a killer chickpea cauliflower curry!

    Linda: I do like the idea of you all rolling the rock off me!

    DJ: let us know how the appointment and lab work went! I get my A1C done tomorrow and it won’t be pretty…it’s usually under 6, but I had a total meltdown this last quarter.

    Heather: get better soon! I’m right there with you….bleh I hate viruses!

    Lisa; I have relatives all around you!

    Penny: nice to see you!

    Carol: goat cheese (milder) and kale? I make a yummy spinach feta pizza too but you might try those ideas.

    Bonnie: wow you guys got tons of snow!

    Becca: you are quite a creative cook!

    Seabrzjo: welcome aboard

    Kimses: glad you are feeling better!

    Well I’m about to drop so I’m signing off for now. Clinical tomorrow. I wish I could just stay in bed. Take care, Meg from cold Omaha
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi gals,

    Carol – any other green you like – chard? Kale? And the cheese needs to be a soft cheese – goat?

    Vicki – sorry to hear about your aunt. Take care

    Becca – I think I would have just re-donated back the marshmallow creme

    Newbies, seabrzjo, welcome!!!!

    Kimses – good luck on the interviews… what type of work do you do?

    Heather – I bought 2 of the Hairy Dieter books for a gal pal for Christmas, as I looked through the first one, I realized she had to have a scale, as we do everything in cups/oz, and these are in grams so she got one book and a scale and I got the other book…. I am reading and trying to learn the lingo….so a “rasher” of bacon… how much is a rasher? My friend made and shared a serving of the Creamy Chicken andTarragon pots… yummy!

    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 14.34min, 12.1amph, 149mhr, 2.9mi = 103c
    stairclimber- 30min, 199aw, 127ahr, 151mhr lvl10, 159fl, 5.2flpmin, 1667ft, higher than tower in taipei = 313c
    1 set of 10 shoulder stretch exercise
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.22min, 13.1amph, 148mhr 1.3mi = 89c
    ride dome 2 hm- shortcut via yakima- 18.02min, 8.8amph, 150mhr, 2.6mi -= 182c
    total cal 687

    ahr = average heart rate
    mhr = maximum heart rate
    mi = miles
    aw = average watts -how much power i'm putting out per minute
    ftpmin = feet per minute
    ft = feet
    flpmin = floors per min
    fl = floors
    avstpmin = average strides per minute
    lvl = level (on stairclimber)
    c = calories
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    15,000 steps
    143 minutes of dog walking
    20 minutes riding the exercise bike
    30 minutes practicing line dances for the class I'll teach on Thursday

    My word for 2015 is "alacrity"....I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness I really had to use this today when I spent 30 minutes on hold waiting for Medicare only to be told that the form I needed was on the website and would have to be printed, filled out, and mailed in.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did about 38 minutes of HIIT on the elliptical (sprint at 200+ steps/min, recover at 130 steps/min) then 15 minutes on the rowing machine. We have a Newcomer Board meeting tomorrow so the plan is to do a Cathe Friedrich Cross Fire DVD. In the afternoon I have an appointment with the MD about my foot (which is much much better, I might even stop taking this anti-inflammatory)

    Mindy - check with a lawyer if you need to leave anything to your child. You may need to leave the child $1. This way they can't claim that you forgot them.

    Lenora - I never thought of the fact that you need your big toe to balance! Congrats on being so close to goal

    janetr - you REALLY don't have to rub it in :)

    Sheila - welcome! As for the sweet tooth, how about having some dried fruit? At least it isn't a cookie or cake, but it's still very sweet. You may need to put the dried fruit right next to the cookies (at least at first)

    KL - I used to make roasted chickpeas. Haven't in a while, not sure why. Anyway, I always felt they were quite good. They did come out crunchy. A plus was that having them made me want to drink more water.

    Betty - so glad you're back safe and sound

    NC Carol - I wouldn't happen to get lucky enough for you to have any indication of model/type/whatever of those boots, would I?

    Donna - I'm the same as you, the hurriedier I get, the further behind I get.

    DJ - let us know how your blood work goes. Best of luck. I'm sure you won't need it, tho.

    Denise called and asked us to send her diploma to her, so I made some cookies to put in the box for her also.

    Lisa - I swear Mother Nature needs to get her meds adjusted....lol Just so everyone is totally clear...I DID NOT move to NC to shovel snow!!! Stay safe

    CSSJ - trust me, you won't keep everyone straight. It just doesn't happen. I've been on here for years and there's still people that I don't have straight. Don't worry about it, just come and share with us about yourself. Thanks for the recipe...sounds yummy

    Pole Penny - just walking in that snow you have is plenty of exercise! Best of luck on the job

    Carol in NC - I would think that another green (such as beet greens or kale) would work in place of the spinach. As to the cheese, what do you like? I'd guess you'd just have to experiment to see if you need a dry cheese (like feta is) or can use a moist one (like a goat cheese) Just experiment and you'll find something that you'll like

    Vicki - great blood work numbers! You should be very proud. So sorry about your aunt

    Karen - I've been at about the same weight for the last few years. I think this is where my body wants to be and nothings going to change that

    Becca - as usual, you make me drool. Good luck at your TOPS meeting.

    seabrzjo - welcome. So glad you decided to stop lurking and just jump right in

    kimses - good luck on the interviews

    Michele in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    My day did not go quite as I hoped. I in't get to throw much. My son came into the studio to use my computer and printer and he was wearing what he said were about his only pair of pants which have the entire knee torn out. So, after he finished, I asked if he felt up to a little shopping with me, and he said he did, so we went off to one of the local thrift stores to see if they had any pants in his size. They didn't. The other thrift store was closed, so we went to WalMart and got some, then he came with me to pick up the kids from school. They were so surprised to see their dad there to pick them up! By the time we got back to the apartment, he had run out of oxygen so DGD#2 ran up the stairs to the apartment to bring him another bottle. He was having a lot of trouble breathing, but once he got the new bottle he came out of it well enough to get on upstairs. I felt a little bad for keeping him out so long. But I have to say I have missed spending time with him, so on a selfish level, I was happy.

    This next part is way too much information. Sorry:

    Tonight I made a pot of chili. Now, the two times I wound up in the hospital with blocked colon I had eaten chili immediately before. Sure enough, tonight I got sick right after eating. I don't understand it! The chili was still in my stomach, not in the colon, so I don't know why I started feeling the pain like a blockage. There is no pain quite like it, either, it definitely feels "blocked". Things trying to pass through and getting backed up. Painful pressure. It didn't get too bad though, and has somewhat eased up now. I never quite got sick at my stomach tonight, so hopefully it was just one of those things. Vomiting is what the told me to look out for and go to the hospital. The surgeon said the bottleneck is at the junction between the large and small intestines.

    Hopefully I won't have to stop eating chili. It was one of my "secret weapons" during my big loss. Lots of fiber, low fat, low salt. Can a person be allergic to chili?

    Well, I didn't sleep well last night, so I'm going to turn in early tonight. Good night everyone.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited January 2016
    Janetr – I’ll be there shortly! I had a friend who went to HS in Norman, OK. Lost touch with her; had 2 older brothers, 2 younger brothers and her Dad was a professor at UOK back in the late 60’s. I’m sure he is deceased by now – he would easily be in his early to mid 90’s
    I can’t wait until warm weather and the pool is opened back up and cleaned. I don’t envy son’s job of cleaning it; but, I have told him that since I use it so much he needed to teach me how so that I could help out. He doesn’t use it that much. It’s an above ground; but, I enjoy walking around in it. Last summer I would do 20 laps around both ways, 3x; and across it about 40x. Great exercise. Beats the daylights out of a treadmill.

    Sheliah – Don’t beat yourself up about it; a lot of us have sweet toothiers and having them within easy access only makes it more tempting. My suggestion is not to cut the sweet things you like; but post every nibble, sip, on the MFP ‘food’ section and keep up with your CICO (Calories In, Calories out – exercise). Portion control and exercise are key to losing weight. I’d also suggest a call or trip to your MD and find out how much of a ‘caloric intake’ you would need to be on, in order to ‘lose’ weight versus the numbers you see that are for (most of the time) ‘maintaining’ your weight. Take it nice and slow and it will become a habit – Try not to cheat because you are the only one who is hurting yourself if you do. I’m on a very low ‘caloric intake’; but, I have lost 38 lbs since the middle of May. You did not put the weight on overnight; and, you won’t lose it overnight. Don’t look at the total amount you need to lose as your goal; make smaller goals and try to reach them so that you lose 1 – 2 lbs a week or so (or maybe a little more); just don’t go on a ‘strict diet’ or even a ‘diet’ … look at is as a ‘life-style change’. Factor in a small cookie (or like I do, for my sweetness – 4 thin Oreos – that is about the right amount to satisfy you, especially if you nibble on them slowly. I think most people tend to ‘gobble’ their food. A lot of that is the fast pace that people who work outside the home do, because they have short lunch periods and that generally causes them to eat fast and eat the wrong types of food. If you like salads and you have an Olive Garden where you live – their ‘to go’ salad only has 140 calories in it, even with the dressing.

    KJLaMore – The roasted chickpeas sound delicious; but, might be high in calories. I say this because Hummus is made from chickpeas and I forgot how many calories are in it; but the serving size is 2 Tablespoons. Then you have to factor in crackers or chips. It’s about right for a service of one or the other. I got started on Hummus by my DOGD. I really like the Red Roasted Pepper kind. I’ve seen other flavors. Tried the spicy; but, it was a little ‘too hot’ for my DH’s taste. I think I am going to write down your preparation for roasted chickpeas. Sounds good. What do you season your roasted chickpeas with?

    DLS1029 – I’m having so much fun going through things and finding they no longer fit. It’s been a long road to get to where I am; and, “IF” the MD who put me into the medical weight loss program doesn’t say something about my weight loss when I go for my yearly physical … he better watch his face; I might kick him in it. LOL! I already grab the side of his leg when he checks my breast after having a mammogram. Last year I complained about the rudeness and roughness of the ‘girl’ doing it. Sorry, my sister would ‘flip’ for calling someone a ‘girl’; but, she was young and apparently had not yet had a mammogram.

    CSSJ09 – a lot of us open up a word processing program and minimize the pages. I will minimize the word program and expand the community post page until I want to address a post. Then cut and past the word document over to the clear last post position and close out the word program and don’t save it there; and, then do whatever editing you might decide to do; then hit ‘post’. At first it seemed hard for me; but, I have gotten used to it, so it works for me. And apparently, works for some others. Other than that, I’d have to try to make notes and be able to formulate a response. This way you can respond to any post you come to that you want to comment on. One thing you cannot do if you post at the bottom (unless you have it written down) in a word program is go back a page; it will erase what you have written (unless) you save the post. You have up to an hour to edit it. When you run your cursor over the upper right-hand corner a gear will appear with a drop down screen telling how much time you have left to edit, click on the time and then you can make changes. The only problem about doing this is that others are posting all the time; and what you have posted might not been read by everybody. It took me a while to figure out how to maneuver around the site; but, everybody has little tricks that work for them.
    Recipe sounds great. You can enter it under recipes and I think it will figure out how many calories are in a serving. I have done this once; but, then I forgot how I got there and what to do when I did. LOL!

    Becca – Last year when we took the grandkids to the beach; we passed a lady who looked like she had untied her bikini top so that the triangles were upside down. As we got closer, we realized that they were tattoos. Weird looking. Could not see her nipples and I would have thought that you could; but, we did not want to stare more than we were already.
    I think it would create a scene to walk down the sidewalk naked; people would be ‘distracted’. Probably more so than with talking on a cell phone while driving. LOL!!!

    I have not tried the spinach/feta cheese thing; sound good; but, I don’t know what feta cheese tastes like. Is it like blue cheese or stronger? Maybe I would do it with goat cheese instead. I’m not so sure about making something that neither DH nor I might not like. Surprisingly, our DOGD got us both started on Hummus. I’ve tried a several different flavors. Wish they had the smaller individual sizes in the different flavors so we could ‘test’ them.

    Well, my Chicago Fire show is on, so I am signing off. I need to read the rest of my book, DH is one ahead of me; and, I need to read my Sue Grafton book in order, before I read James Patterson’s newest one – NYPD Red 4.

    exermom - Thanks! When I dropped the paver on my toe, it was difficult to keep my balance. For a while I thought it was the thick bandage; but, then I remembered what the guy from HS who had shot off the front of his foot had said.

    Hi to all the newbies!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Carol: We stopped at Costco and bought some staples, plus had a nutrition free, high sodium hotdog. :devil: We love those things. :embarassed: Lots of sodium and calories, but lots of good memories of days gone by are all brought to mind.

    My DH and I love those HotDogs too!

    Sylvia- the nutritionist at the hospital told my DH that tomato skin, bean skin, grape skin, apple skin, lettuce should be avoided as they act like a flap or door and can cause a blockage. Chili has a lot of tomatoes and beans.

    Have a great night everyone!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • mkbunny
    mkbunny Posts: 23 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Happy new year :)
    December goals:
    --Monitor b.p. everyday
    --Get christmas cards out early
    --Maintain not lose or gain
    --Dont stress about dd college application
    --Move a little every day
    So overall i did hit my goals, but most proud of maintainng healthy b.p., this is big for me and i will never take it for granted again!

    I dont have any new year resolutions, but here are january goals:
    --Read In Defense of Food
    --Monitor b.p. and drink more water
    --Move more everyday
    --Lose 1 pound
    --Celebrate my mom's life, my anniversary and my birthday this month in a positive and meaningful way, yet to be determined what meaningful means. :p

    Karen from ny <3

  • mkbunny
    mkbunny Posts: 23 Member
    I'm rela