

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    OK this is the group 4 me but I can't seem to figure out how to post so this is a test. I gather that this thread stays up and doesn't recycle daily? My name is Liz I am 58 years young and I live in Kodiak Alaska USA.

    welcome.gif Liz this is a great thread and it goes on day after day....I hope you'll keep coming back and jump into the conversation....don't worry about not remembering names or not knowing what's going on, just reply to something someone said or ask a question or tell us more about yourself.

    :) Barbie from NW Washington
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh,Allison I am so sorry. I was so hoping that when you and Tom finally sat down that he would be willing to go to therapy. It does seem like he has been treating you better. I totally understand about what you say that you don't want to give up on the marriage. That's how I feel also. I'm not sure of how much love there is here in my house or is just familiarity or obligation to God or what??? As long as he treats me OK then I am OK with it. Was it what I thought marriage was going to be like back in 1972, no. We all wish the best for you. If you decide to stay, I would think about decreasing how much you do for you. It doesn't seem to be 50/50.

    Sylvia, made lemonaide out of a lemon. Yes, it is bad what they did. But everyone will see how wonderful you look NOW!

    Kind of skimmed tonight. The light really hurts my eyes to read. Coughing my head off, sore throat, headache. So I am hanging up and going to bed.

    Nite nite, Joyce Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    EW Fleming, you've inspired me to check something out relative to our discussions. I will tell you that I have looked online & can go back more than a month. I'm checking my phone now.
  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    edited January 2016
    Katla Normally I don't go for food as a comfort, but the brownies were there and I couldn't say no. Hmmmm. Glad you had a good riding lesson today!

    GodMomKim We used to grow kohlrabi in our garden. It is similar to a turnip, only milder flavor. We would just peel them and eat raw. Very tasty! I hope you like it. I never see it in the market here.

    Allison Take care of yourself. ((((Hugs))))

    Becca Awesome loss this week! So happy you can fit in your swimsuit! Enjoy your crab!

    My son moved all of his "stuff" back home this evening. Poor guy. His heart is broken. :'( Which makes mine broken too.

    Good night, sleep tight...........

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    {{{Pip}}} ... Hugs to you too ... You are a survivor!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    DJ - Many times I'll come across something that I know would be of special interest to someone on here. It happens so often. From what the nurse (I think it was a nurse anyway, might have been just a person who worked there for all I knew) he prescribes this medication for anyone with pantar faciatis. To me, every person is individual. My main concern is that should this help, would it mask any pain and therefore I'll feel better and do more exercise and as a result reinjur it? Now I'm sure that most of his patients aren't into exercising like I am. You can bet that once this whole episode is over, I will NOT be going back there. Orthotics??????? I tried to tell the person I spoke to on the phone that it's not like I'm in severe pain or anything. It's mild discomfort, that's all. Maybe if the inflammation goes down, it will help to heal it faster. But like I said, if I'm feeling better, I won't take any more. It's just a NASID. I have been trying to avoid high impact (like running/fast walking on a treadmill -- instead I use an elliptical or a spinning bike)

    Sylvia - congrats to your gd. What a buy on the gas! I'm sure that pic isn't nearly as bad as you think it is.

    crabiecrab - I got a pair of orthotics at WalMart today. Not the greatest, but I figure it's at least something in my slippers. Never heard of something that will hold your toes to your knee. that would be great. Where would you get something like this? I very seldom go barefoot, and when I do wear flip-flops in summer, it's usually the Birkenstocks.

    Did the top layer of the brownies. Hope they turn out OK. then went to WalMart to get Vince milk on sale and pick up prescriptions. Home to help him take Christmas items to put away in the garage, made him a lasagna then made some chocolate cookies. Went to church had dinner, took a shower, now on here for a bit

    Becca - enjoy the crab. Naked crab -- is the crab going to be naked or you???lol Congrats on the great loss.

    katla - in a way I sort-of feel like Bryan "went to the dark side". You could see how Han reached out to his son but the dark side still pulled him back. I thought that was an interesting part. Good luck riding with the brace. Update: good job on that riding lesson! Good idea of learning how to fall without hurting yourself

    Joyce - I'm not entirely sure that I abasolutely need orthotics, but I can tell you this. I will NOT buy them from this MD. It really peeved me off that he not only prescribed a medicine for me and didn't tell me about it, but then he had his office call about an orthotic which he never discussed with me. I have no idea why he had his office look into it. But at this point, I'm not about to spend that kind of money with this MD. Feel better fast, hun

    Pole Penny - ROTF about the subtitles

    Heather - just looked on Amazon. Boy, there sure are a lot of things for pf

    karen from NY - you can bet your bottom dollar that when this is over with (and I expect it to be soon by hook or by crook) that there is no way on this green earth I will ever go back to this MD

    One of the exercises for the pf that I was told to do, I find that I do while I'm brushing my teeth!

    barbie - that foot splint looks really good. thanks for the pic

    Donna in WV - yes, it will be OK

    Miriam - very wise words to Allison.

    Trish - welcome

    Welcome everyone new that I may have missed.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited January 2016
    Katla49 wrote: »
    EW Fleming, you've inspired me to check something out relative to our discussions. I will tell you that I have looked online & can go back more than a month. I'm checking my phone now.

    I was able to find my food logs for one full year. If I tried to go back further, it put me back to today. I'm not sure how far back we can look through these discussions. I found links to this thread back as far as October 2014. That is a LOT of discussion, support and friendship.
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi Ladies, had to call out of work for the weekend. Can't seem to stop coughing. Causing a bit of up chucking and leaks...neither is making me happy. Ugg.
    I comismerate w those whose sons are moving back. I love my son ALOT. But he has a drinking and drugging problem and has given me the heads up he needs to move home in June. Going to Alanon tomorrow night to glean some wisdom.
    Worked my way out of being eligible for Medicaid. My inhaler is still at the pharmacy bc they want $400 for it. Reapplied to Medicaid and meanwhile dug up some less effective inhalers that I hadn't used up. Trying not to panic.
    Pip...I'm so sorry you had such a rotten time. And I apologize for referring to my clutter heap in the family room as an Avalanche. Who posted the things I shouldn't have said saying? Callous of me and I'm sorry I wasn't thinking.
    Happy to report that while I've been sick my daughter has stepped up and begun walking the dogs everyday. We started last week w a half a mile each day and now we are building to a mile. Whinny is fat tired and as you can see from her piggy grin...very content.
    Love you all
    Oh...Becca great job on the loss!l1lrtkqgc6lp.jpeg

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,656 Member
    Pip - I remember you had shared part of what you have been though but not this much, you are sure a strong survivor and a testament to what we can do if and when we have to. You are amazing! and you are a great example to each of us when we feel we have too much to cope with.

    Love ya!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    I was totally exhausted after choir rehearsal yesterday. Six hours of full concentration can apparently do me in. I slept well, though.

    We have another choir rehearsal today - only five hours this time. The reason we're rehearsing so much is that we're singing Fauré's Requiem next week. This has been planned for ages but took on a new urgency and poignancy when we lost people in the avalanche. (By the way, Kim, don't worry. Your use of that word didn't hurt me.) We considered cancelling, but decided that a requiem was entirely suitable for the occasion. We're going ahead with the production and will dedicate the performance to the two who died here in town "and others we have lost". So I'm in for another long stint of full concentration. But before today's rehearsal, my husband and I are going to hit the gym!

    Allison - Lots of support-(((hugs))) to you in your complicated situation.

    Pip - :heart:

    Kim - I eat that pound of veggies as snacks in addition to those I serve with meals. I try to make the meals balanced because that's where my husband gets most of his veggies. I don't know much about kohlrabi because we don't get them here.

    Liz - Welcome! I'm digging your eagles! Kodiak must be rather similar to the island in northern Norway where I spend as much time as I can: mountains, fjords, and the eagles that go with that combination.

    Just logged my result for the week in the challenge. I'm down 1.7 lbs since weigh-in, and I'm pleased with that.
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Heading into, what looks to be a really icky Sunday. Up at 3am listening to my husband be sick. Blech. After about an hour of in and out of the bathroom for him, and me doing the fetch and carry and clean thing (washing/tossing water bottles, making tea, emptying trashcans, doing laundry), he comes out into the kitchen where I am trying to stay "free" from germs and sits down by me and says "What do you think is wrong with me?" Me: "You have the flu, go to bed." I wonder what it is about being sick that turns men into such big babies?! IF I have the flu, it is just a matter of stay out of my way and give me a clear path to the bathroom. I will definitely be finding something to do outside of the house today. I think my walk today will take an hour or more. I feel half sick from trying to de-funkify my house. :expressionless:
    Kim:- I buy kohlrabi and use it mainly in salads, but it is also good in egg rolls, my son has even grilled it and it is really yummy that way. Enjoy it! Always love trying new foods!
    Could use some prayers/good thoughts going out to my younger sister. Over the holidays it was discovered that she has a brain tumor. She just came through her second surgery to remove as much of it as possible; surgeons can't remove all of the tumor because it has grown down into her brain. If recovery from surgery goes as planned, she will be starting chemo/radiation in three weeks. She/we are all stunned and scared, as this is a familiar path for my family, having lost our mom and a couple of aunts to cancer over the years. Hard to be the patient, but hard also to be the bystander and feel so helpless.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    Morning all,
    Yes I do have to write down the pro's and con's.
    He has never hit me,last 6 months or so no yelling,
    We still do what we need to do for the sake of the house's.
    Lenora, we have 2 homes one in ct.one in Florida... And when Tom was away in November I had a USB drive and copied all our financials for the last 13 yrs,my DSIL has that in her safe at the house.
    Right now I have 2 adult children that don't live with us.
    So yes financially there is alot at stake.one thing I would never do is leave my dogs and neither would he...Tom knows that if we divorce what I would ask for and with him wanting to retire in a couple years it would ruin his chances of enjoying a good retirement financially.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    KJ - I'm really sorry to hear about your sister. I hope the path is not the same as it's been before, and that the chemo/radiation get her to remission.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    edited January 2016
    KJ - sorry to hear about your sister. I do think it's really hard to be the bystander. :flowerforyou:

    Alison - I have two close friends who are still married to men they are "separated"from and it works fine. It depends on the two people, but it does require good will and friendship between the two. They both did it for financial reasons, not least the pension arrangements. My only worry is that it has prevented them "moving on" and creating a new life for themselves. I wouldn't say they were unhappy, but to me they feel "stuck". Both have quite a lot of money at stake and to me it feels as if they had sacrificed their autonomy and integrity to money.
    However, nothing is perfect, but it can be done. They live apart from their husbands, but cooperate and socialise with the children etc. They certainly don't do their husbands's chores and can see other people if they choose.
    As I say, it does require some very grown up decisions and talking.

    DJ - Hooray for the drawers! ! I threw away a pair of holy socks this morning! I have just read Marie Kondo on my Kindle and when I told my husband about it he thought we had all gone crazy!!! I said she wasn't crazy and was now a millionaire. :laugh: I enjoyed the book, but more as an inspiration than gospel. The main thing is she writes very well and has that inclusive and intimate style that Gretchen Rubin has so you feel like you are talking to a friend. I wish I could pull off the trick and take the world by storm!
    My favourite tip from Gretchen Rubin is, if it only takes a minute, do it now. That has certainly changed my life. I now put things away, straighten the cushions, take things upstairs, fold laundry etc. Makes life much easier. She also has a 5 minute tidy up suggestion. That is also excellent. My house is now tidy on the surface, but there are still cupboards that need getting to. We have kept the bedroom tidy since it was decorated over a year ago. :D We never used to make the bed - now we do. WE EACH MAKE OUR OWN SIDE! :drinker: :laugh:

    Going to have Tandoori Monkfish for dinner. Yum! I must do some writing this afternoon as I promised.

    Love Heather in the slightly warmer UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    remind me never to have 4 cups of tea and especially not caffinated ones at night.. slept very sporadically,lots on my mind..but I have to say the mediation seems to have helped.. well I got in the car to go to the grocery store and they didnt open until 7... well hell's bells I left and stopped to see my DB before he left, they are on there way up to the airport now.. I say God Speed as this will be one of the hardest things he will ever have to face, but as he told me he wants the monkey off his back..I know my mom,and his biological parent's will be up in Heaven rooting him on..Jean will fly down at the end of session which will be Valentines weekend and guess they will fly back together.. I will be taking care of Faith that weekend..
    will leave in a bit to take care of DFIL and then go up and take care of Faith...from there I will grocery shop, I know the store will be more crowded which I dont like,but will do my meditation breathing and get through it..
    I have to look at life a little differently I guess...
    I am truly blessed to have food on the table, 2 beautiful homes, my health for right now, the health of my family.. the love of dear dear friends,my doggies.. sure things aren't perfect, nothing ever is.. as they say in a certain program ,Let Go~ Let God and so it shall be..
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Beth funny you and I both ignored the basement mess and turned to the kitchen cupboards. I reorganized the pantry and saw the silly amount of repetitive purchases, do I really need that many bags of quinoa and when if ever will I start to cook with it? I did make a slow cooker turkey chili with white beans and it was yummy.

    The new year has brought out a lot of folks who are tidying up, my latest impulse is to reflect on my food purchases, both at the grocery store and restaurants. No clear resolutions, I want to look at it and consider how much waste I am responsible for. I know it is a hot topic right now and some of you ladies are excellent cooks; I am trying to get a handle on what spoils in the fridge so no grocery store trip this weekend for us except for milk and eggs.

    DH has been to the doc and has been told to drop 10 lbs, I am keeping quiet but inside doing the "I told you so" dance :p No more making him his favorite buttermilk cake >:) We are all going out today to purchase presents for the family he and dd are visiting in February. DD and DH are visiting India for 2 weeks in Feb. I am not going by choice and because of work!

    Last word on Plantar Fasciatis, there is a great online/catalogue company call "Foot Smart" kind of pricey but you can get great ideas for those night splints, and can start shopping around, they are pricey.

    Karen from NY
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    edited January 2016
    Inspired by the decluttering bug I went to my overflow wardrobe and have put in a charity bag my second wedding clothes! They are lovely, just nice party clothes in black and pink, (we married in November) but they are MUCH too big for me now and I have been hanging onto them for sentimental reasons. Also managed to weed out some other sentimental stuff and some party stuff I haven't worn in decades. I ran the wedding stuff past DH , but he was not remotely bothered.
    It feels sooooooo good not to have redundant stuff sitting there in a wardrobe I could be using more efficiently.

    Love to all. Going to make DH an Allbran loaf this pm. :love:

    Heather UK
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    KJ, I am very sorry about your sister. Your situation brought back a lot of memories for me. I took care of my mentally retarded cousin, and he developed a brain tumor. We did not discover it until it was the size of an orange since he had a lot of empty space in his skull so no symptoms. (He had his left frontal lobe of his brain removed when he was 10 to control his severe epilepsy.) At that point, surgery and/ or chemo and radiation were really pointless. So I did hospice care with him for 6 months. BUT his situation was entirely different from yours. Praying all goes well.