

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Penny, that was hilarious about the closed captioning! Are you sure it was a mistake, or was somebody having a little fun? I think our politics would be so much more bearable with those kinds of subtitles. Instead of "you're a stupid ugly loser!" It would say "I have red and yellow boots". I love it!

    Katla, have fun riding!

    Lulu!!!!! :p

    I got a bit of devestating news yesterday. Our town's parks and recreation department puts out a calendar every year and they pass them out to every child in school, plus there are stacks available at every library, grocery store and doctors office in town for people to pick up. Well, my grandkids got theirs this week, and they told me that my picture is in it. Yup, they say I'm Miss July, complete with bathing suit. It was taken at the city pool at the end of summer in 2014. I know that because they said it was from the Penny Hunt, where the lifeguards pour buckets of pennies and other change into the bottom of the pool and the kids five for it. I would have been out of the water, because only kids in certain age groups are allowed in, and they take turns with the different age groups. I have not seen the photo yet personally, so maybe it's not as bad as I imagine, but it can't be good. So I'm trying not to freak out about it, but I did lose sleep over it last night. There are only 20,000 people in town to see it. I thought they would have had to get a signed release or something to use a picture like that.

    Well, it's time to go swimming. Have a great Saturday!

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Heather, I have wondered if those elastic things work! My middle son was born with club feet and has severe Plantar Fascitis. He has doctor ordered and insurance paid for orthotics, but since he spends so much time in his apartment barefoot, he has severe pain that impacts his ability to walk more than a block or stand for more than about ten minutes. I have thought about getting him those but didn't know if they would help. I have also thought about getting him the supports that pull the toes up while you sleep, but he has such problems with sleep that I hesitate to suggest anything that might make it worse. Thanks for all the information from everyone on this subject! I have extremely HIGH arches so have never had that problem. My foot print looks like a heel, and a pad with five toes, nothing connecting them at all.

    Sylvia, get a calendar and look at it before you have a meltdown! The photo won't be nearly as bad as your mind is making it to be!

    Love to all of you!
    Miriam in small town Iowa.

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Thank you ladies for the warm welcome; and many of you are correct, I have gleaned a lot of information in just skimming through the most recent posts!
    I got out in the warmer (32 degree) temps last night and walked a couple miles. Felt really good. Had to wear my headlamp and my Yaktrax as it is dark and slippery in West Michigan right now.
    Exermom- Sorry to read about your plantar fasciaitis. That is a painful problem to have. There are exercises that you can do to help it; I have always found that a new pair of shoes (lots of support) will make it easier to get around!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good morning all!!

    Busy day today - day 2 of the ladies Curling Bonspiel. Hopefully my car starts, I did plug in the block heater - here is our local weather forecast......Cloudy with 30 percent chance of flurries this morning. Clearing near noon. Wind up to 15 km/h. High minus 23 Celsius. Wind chill minus 34 Celsius.
    Tonight Clear. Wind up to 15 km/h. Low minus 30 Celsius . Extreme wind chill minus 41 Celsius. My puppy dog hasn't even come out of his house to say good morning and I don't blame him, he is nice and cosy in there.. :)

    Now that I have ranted about the weather (Canadians love to talk about the weather...lol) I made a deal with the skip on our curling team - if we lost our game I would skip the next one. Well... we lost. So I am already doing the math - if I agree to skip our game this morning I will only make 2 strips up and down the ice each end instead of 6 and I won't get my upper body workout because I won't be sweeping... so I am in panic mode!! How on earth am I going to get my 10,000 steps today? I think I may have to convince her that she did a wonderful job and it is just first game, new curling rink, new team jitters... Do you think it will work?

    Later everyone, must go pack my healthy snacks to get me through all day at the curling rink where there are a lot of greasy foods...

    Lillian in FROZEN West Central Saskatchewan
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Speaking of politics, they recently had a debate with the leaders of all the political parties in Sweden. The next day it was broadcast again but with subtitles for those who needed them. Problem was, somebody goofed up and the subtitles weren't for the debate, but for a children's program. So when the leader of the Green party was speaking, it looked as though she was saying:

    I have two pairs of boots. One red pair and one yellow pair.

    and the leader of the Liberal party said:

    I'm going to build the best sandcastle in the galaxy!


    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif

    :)Penny, my husband almost choked from laughing so hard when I read this to him.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member

    :)Michele, I wear foot splints like this to bed to deal with the nerve compression in my legs....the woman at the office where I went to get them told me that they were prescribed for plantar fascitis. Medicare approved the cost of them (thank goodness because they were expensive)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :)Pip, Bootz looks a lot like my Bernie.....he is darling :)

    :)Mindy, Lulu is darling...she looks very huggable
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    LuLu looks like a love! Is she some kind of hound?

    Wanted to go to 5 yr old's basketball game this morning but overslept as it started at 8 Am and is a 30 minute drive for me. So had my coffee and a bit of leftover chicken instead and will now walk the pom.

    (((Sylvia))) I don't think it was fair for them to use a picture of you without your permission. I am never ever happy with any picture of me.

    I am having trouble with my achilles tendon as I tend to stretch my feet out when in bed and it is very painfule the next day.

    Penny ~ That was too funny! I bet there were some heads rolling for that.


  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 400 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Speaking of politics, they recently had a debate with the leaders of all the political parties in Sweden. The next day it was broadcast again but with subtitles for those who needed them. Problem was, somebody goofed up and the subtitles weren't for the debate, but for a children's program. So when the leader of the Green party was speaking, it looked as though she was saying:

    I have two pairs of boots. One red pair and one yellow pair.

    and the leader of the Liberal party said:

    I'm going to build the best sandcastle in the galaxy!


    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif

    :)Penny, my husband almost choked from laughing so hard when I read this to him.


    Can I vote for the guy with the sandcastle? I wish somebody would do this for our debates!!!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,778 Member
    Sylvia... I figured you knew the man but couldn't resist having some fun ... Reminded me of the old come-on line "do you want to see my etchings?"

    Like Kay ... I see porn for Pom ... Bowel for bowl ... Yes, I need glasses! My 18 yo, however, thinks I'm a child ... Tells me I act like a 7 yo! I consider that a compliment.

    Sylvia ... You do not look the same as you did in 2014 ... Unless they identified people in the photos, no one may even recognize you! And if they do ... They'll only give you props for being so self-confident! Chin up, girl! You know who you are and what you're accomplishing!

    Karen ... The basement ... Which is utter chaos here ... Is in my list this weekend... Blech!

    Beth near Buffalo

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    Michelle~ when I went to podiatrist, I bought inserts from them for 48 bucks, then the next time I needed them I looked on line and got them for half of that..
    also wore a splint when it was really bothering me.. had cortisone shot in the side of my heel, that worked wonders..
    Well Tom and I had a chat..
    I am just feeling so exsausted right now...
    he said he cant change the way he feels and that no shrink is going to tell him how to feel.
    he is deeply devoted to me and wants to stay with me,but there is no emotional connection.. and he wont go speak to someone about it either, said it is my choice either live the way we are living and hope that things change or split up and work on how to split stuff up so both of us can survive..
    I do NOT want to split up and I can't make him change the way he feels.. and I am just emotionally spent..
    Please~ I know how you all feel.. get out and be on your own you say..
    I understand that I really do.. but there is just to much at stake to leave .. maybe I am the one who should be seeing someone to work things out for my own sake..
    Happy Anniversary Barbie and Jake xoxo
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,360 Member
    Miriam - they work really well for me, but the club feet thing may be a whole different story. I like the way I can wear them in sloppy slippers around the house. I used to be really crippled with pf. Sometimes I couldn't even put my foot to the floor.
    I paid Scholl for some very expensive orthotics and they were good, but, as you say, sometimes you do more damage just being on your feet around the house. I swear by these. Why not buy one pair for him and give it a try. They were so cheap I reckoned I had nothing to lose.

    Heather UK
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Sylvia - I agree with Beth, all will be able to see what you have accomplished. Great big (((hugs))) I do understand tho, I always hate pictures of myself. I had not been in a swimsuit in 20+ years until September if 2014, after I lost weight.

    Janetr okc
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Allie - the best thing you said was "maybe I am the one who should be seeing someone to work things out for my own sake." Do it. Get some advice from someone who's objective. We're not, 'cause we love you.

    I lived with an emotionally unavailable man for 27 years. They don't change. I'm sorry, so terribly sorry. You deserve to be loved, fully and without reservation. Not used, which is what he is doing. I wish you felt good enough about yourself to know you deserve more. But, until I looked at my ex- and thought "I'd rather die alone than live with you," I wasn't ready to leave. You aren't yet, either.

    Love you, girl,
    Lisa in West Texas.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited January 2016
    Allison - hugs sweetie. You may have hit on a good idea. You talking with someone about the situation may be of great help. The only person any of us are able to change is ourselves. We love you and are here for you and will back you 100% in what ever you decide.

    Janetr okc
  • Youruniverse1
    Youruniverse1 Posts: 6 Member
    Penny that story is hilarious!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,719 Member
    morning peeps

    bootz is a girl :0)

    grandmallie - "he said he cant change the way he feels and that no shrink is going to tell him how to feel" he has the wrong idea on what they are for.. they help him discover WHY he feels how he feels and suggest what he might try doing to change how he feels IF he wanted to.
    Yes, we all love you. i AM objective but some of us have been where you've been so we know what it's like to be treated like shi*t. maybe you could suggest to him to become platonic roommates. of course, if you met someone, you would feel free to allow yourself to take it as far as u wanted to. he would do his own meals as you are sharing the house, do his own laundry. you just wouldn't be his maid anymore.
    yes i love you, yes i am objective, yes, leave his *kitten*.

    type to you later peeps.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,719 Member
    kirby says the physical therapist says he may be doing that for a few months.
    got a spine doc app on the 22nd. lets see how that goes.
    we sold the pinball machine (did i tell u that?) sold within the hr of posting it.
    listed the VW on fb. will finish and post on craigslist today probably.
    listed a unique cd holder.
    things are slowly going.....
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! I'm at DGS'S basketball tournament today. I was supposed to do Stronglifts today but with limited time I did Kettlebell swings.

    Goblet squats- 3x5x25
    Kettlebell swings- 22x7x25


    Mary from Minnesota
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Well Tom and I had a chat..
    I am just feeling so exhausted right now...
    he said he cant change the way he feels and that no shrink is going to tell him how to feel.
    he is deeply devoted to me and wants to stay with me,but there is no emotional connection.. and he wont go speak to someone about it either, said it is my choice either live the way we are living and hope that things change or split up and work on how to split stuff up so both of us can survive..
    I do NOT want to split up and I can't make him change the way he feels.. and I am just emotionally spent..
    Please~ I know how you all feel.. get out and be on your own you say..
    I understand that I really do.. but there is just to much at stake to leave .. maybe I am the one who should be seeing someone to work things out for my own sake..

    Allison, I marked the part of what you said that interested me.....it would help a lot if you were to write down what is at stake that is so important that you can't leave and then write down what is so challenging for you to be in the relationship and decide which has more weight.....if there is more weight on the reasons to stay, then stop suffering over the things that won't change and be grateful each day for the things that are important to you for staying....and if what's wrong with the relationship is too painful to put up with, then be willing to pay the price of giving up those things that are at stake if you leave.

    <3 you are really important to me and I want what's best for you.