

  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    Awwwww. Puppies are so cute!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Barbie - Sasha, Brandy and Bernie are beautiful!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • relater2000
    relater2000 Posts: 43 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Barbie: I love the cantering horse! I need to find the code so that I can use it, myself. :heart:

    There is an MFP regular named Susannah who just posted a link to an article about using DVD's to exercise. I know that some of you love DVD's and others do not. I thought I'd post the link and find out what you think about it.

    Exercise DVDs could be psychologically harmful for users, new research shows http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/01/160108083733.htm


    I have checked out some dvds from my library but haven't purchased any yet.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    happy anni barbiecat!!!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Beth and Mia, I should have mentioned that the man who came in and offered me the molds was a local businessman in town who owns the flooring company which did the floors in our most recent remodel. He wasn't exactly a stranger, and of course, that is no guarantee of safety, but this is such a small town I figured I'd be OK. When I got there I found a full crew of workers starting to remodel the house. Thanks for worrying about me though. I'm not as careful as I should be, that's true.

    I went to watch DGD#2 in her spelling bee today. She was eliminated in the second round, but I was still very proud of her for getting up in front of the whole school and trying so hard. So after school we all met grandpa at the ice cream store to celebrate. It was fun.

    Tonight hubby and I went over to Joplin to get gas ($1.45 per gallon!!!) and we went to a furniture store to browse. The lady on facebook who was selling a table may have flaked out on me, so we went to look at a store instead. I think I've convinced hubby that it would be nice to have a table that would seat everyone. We saw a couple that were interesting, but I think I'd like to look around some more.

    Tomorrow after we swim our laps I'm going to take the kids to the studio for a couple of hours to do craft stuff.

    Good night everyone!


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    stats for the day:
    Jacobs ladder- 10.08min, 601ft, 39ftpmin, 143mhr, = 97c
    Nustep machine- 15min, 85stm, 66aw, 115mhr, .70mi = 87c
    Stairclimber- 5min, 189aw, 5flpmin, 213ft, 25fl, higher than Taj Mahal, 134mhr = 51c
    other - physical therapy- 45min = 97c
    total cal 332
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    oooh tomorrow is CRAB dinner night at the community center. I am eating that crab, some french bread with butter and some coleslaw! I have PLANNED for it! Hugs all
    Mrs. Crab Eater
    in Oregon
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Kim – DEAL! Bought 3 new toys for Cracker, canvas but still squeaky. She likes the knotted rope that I got her. She misses her big squeaky reindeer; but, she pulled the squeaker out of it within 2 days. I could not get it back into the fur, so it went into the trashcan (or toy heaven). I don’t do the bread sticks from Olive Garden, either, would rather have more salad.

    Janetr – Nah, just got carried away …

    Miriam – Our JTP (R.I.P.) loved cat food and we’d sprinkle some on the carport floor for her each time we fed Tux; I think that Cracker has found some, that the dogs next door spill when they get out and come down to terrorize the cat. I think she thinks that we need to give her some as treats. A few minutes ago, she was asleep on her back in a most ‘unlady-like pose’. I wish I could get my cell phone out to take a picture of her. She’s a light sleep; so if I move I wake her up. Our JRT had 2 stones that she would treat as her babies. She’d retrieve them, no sticks though; and, then she’d fuss at them until she could get the turned around so she could get them ‘in her mouth’.

    Drkatiebug – need to change the size of the font; even with readers on … I see the same thing. LOL!

    Miakoda40 – Have you tried one of those little red laser lights up the wall? A friend of mine had one and we enjoyed watching her jump up the wall, then wonder where it went when we ran it to her and cut it off. I was the only one that got slapped in the face with her tail when I sat down on the sofa and she was sitting up on the back of it.

    Terri_mom – There is a radio show here called “John Boy and Billy – The Big Show” (6:00am – 10:00am, 6 days a week. They’ll call up people and play pranks on them. Once they were talking about picking up the phone and the person asked for a particular person, so they said that they had just called a crime scene and asked how he knew him, what their relationship was, was it sexual, and told them that they had the call traced and someone would come pick him up to bring him into the station. It went on and on. Funny. I’d bust a gut trying to do that now. As a teenager, would not hesitate to make prank calls.

    Crabiecrab – You can count coffee as water would be counted. Probably could count UN-sweet tea as well.

    DSK2019 – Unless you want your email to be full of junk, I would NOT suggest going to this site. I got 20+ a day for several days until I ‘unsubscribed’ to it.

    Gotta go ... "Blue Bloods' just came on.


  • crabiecrab
    crabiecrab Posts: 14 Member
    Michele, about your foot, they have a thing you can wear at night to hold your toes towards your knee, works great. also get to the shoe store and get a good pair of walking shoes with a cradle for your heal. (less that $100.) and they will help while your on your feet. don't go bare foot and no no clogs or flip=flops
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    Bootz says nite
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi Ladies
    Feeling better but not good yet. Alas it's off to work I go tomorrow. On the other hand...yay! I have a job I really like which burns plenty of calories for me each shift! Hooray! (Sucking it up and putting my big girl panties on). Have read up..awesome to hear from everyone especially the newbies. Keep coming back girls it works if you work it!
    Barbie. Happy Belated Anniversary! Your pics are beautiful.

    Tracie Hi and Welcome!

    Kimses and Rori Happy Belated Birthdays! Here's to your best health this year!

    Ugg too many coughing fits to continue...posting one of my girls Lulu. We adopted her from Tenessee in 2014. She has no front teeth top or bottom so when she sleeps her tongue sticks out to varying degrees. Tonight just a little bit.m0lgiar4x1mw.jpeg
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Miriam: My dog is like yours. He does like certain doggy treats, though. Wilderness Salmon Treats, Milk Bone brushing chews and doggy peanut butter cookies are the ones he likes. He gets one of them several times a week, if he has cleaned up his plate. :wink:

    Terri in Milwaukee: I need to try the tuck and roll, but during both falls I fell over backwards. Thinking of trying falling backwards from a standing position is pretty scary but maybe I can start from a squatting position and work my way up. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Happy Anniversary! :heart: :heart: :heart: Sasha and Brandy are cutie pies. Dogs are the best sort of people. :bigsmile:

    Michele: DH uses foot orthotics and has really benefitted. His are custom made and he's had them for years. They were pretty expensive at the time but have remained in excellent condition. Scholls has a diagnostic machine and you stand on it barefoot or in your socks. It has a flat surface that measures your foot and analyzes what support you need. I tried it & bought what they recommended to use inside my riding boots. They aren't perfect but they're certainly better than wearing the boots without them. DD also has problems with her feet and I think she got hers there, too. You can move the orthotics from one pair of shoes to another. On another subject, I record most of the shows I like to watch and I fast forward through the commercials, too. :smiley:

    Becca: Crab is healthy and low calorie, but thousand island dressing & Louie dressing are another story. Enjoy your crab dinner. :flowerforyou:

    We just watched Star Wars in 3D at our local theater. I enjoyed seeing some of the original actors and props. Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, & Mark Hamill were all there along with the new young heroine and hero. It was fun seeing the Millennium Falcon, R2D2, and C3PO, too.

    Tomorrow is my riding lesson. Yay! I am a little nervous about the wrist, but I'm sure I will be fine and have a good time. I will be wearing my wrist brace.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Mindy - Lulu is precious! What breed is she? I was thinking a bloodhound.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Mary yup! That she is!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele, my podiatrist ordered my orthotics for my plantar faschitis (SP?) Yes, they are very expensive and insurance doesn't cover any of it. But they sure help a lot.

    Lisa, my daughter works in this real neat place. It is a cave and also houses Hybridge spring water as it has a natural spring inside the cave. So there are actually 2 companies there. Hers does digital storage. Theya lso make use of the cave to store RVs, cars, vintage cars, etc. They have a huge room that is dedicated to a dehumidifier. It's kind of eerie. They took us on a tour one time and you will think you are coming to a part of the cave that is empty and you shine your flashlight and there will be an RV! They also have a concert series in there several times a year due to the acoustics.

    Getting a bad sinus infection. I am literally eating my Halls drops just for the sore throat. Nothing feels inflamed like it would be strep throat. It's just all post nasal drip. So salt water gargling and Halls.

    Pip, I guess I didn't realize you had a cat. Sorry.

    Didn't mean to get in trouble talking about politics. I mute it all!

    Cold wind here today. Yucky.

    Nite, nite, Joyce, Indiana
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited January 2016
    Speaking of politics, they recently had a debate with the leaders of all the political parties in Sweden. The next day it was broadcast again but with subtitles for those who needed them. Problem was, somebody goofed up and the subtitles weren't for the debate, but for a children's program. So when the leader of the Green party was speaking, it looked as though she was saying:

    I have two pairs of boots. One red pair and one yellow pair.

    and the leader of the Liberal party said:

    I'm going to build the best sandcastle in the galaxy!


    I'm off to choir practice all day... Catch you later!
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Michele - I use very cheap things you can buy on Amazon. Just a wide elastic band with a little rubber thing to go under the arch. Sounds crazy,but they have changed my life! Arch supports. I change them now and then as they compress over time, but they are sooooooo cheap. I also do exercises every day for pf that I found on Google.
    Sounds like you've got a rip-off merchant there! :flowerforyou:

    DH got home ok, but was very tired. We slept well. I am happy to have kept to my calories both days, with a struggle, but did it. Also had no alcohol Friday. Hooray for me! o:)

    Love Heather UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Penny - I was doing a "Leadership" course once and one of the tasks was to make ten deliberate mistakes. Some people were extremely inventive! One guy was a news and continuity announcer on BBC Radio 3, our most stuffy and posh classical music channel. One morning he started his day's announcement with "Good morning girls and boys . . . . " Nobody ever said anything about it. :laugh:
    He was one of the most uptight and conventional people I've ever met, so it was a huge deal for him.
    I'm ashamed to say my mistakes were very tame.

    Heather UK

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    michelle fellow pf sufferer here...dont go spending hundreds! There are plenty of great shoes with a supportive arch and deep heel cup, vionic, clarks etc. I buy athletic insoles and change regularly. No more barefoot for me! Since making these changes including stretches and rolling my feet on frozen water bottle i am pain free. And i would think about switching to a doc that knows how to communicate better!!!

    joyce are you drinking enough hot liquids???? Sounds really painful, take care of yourself.

    After one more cup of coffee i am headed to gym and then off to tackle the basement hardware mess

    o:) karen from ny