bunnyhugger2015 Member


  • I wouldn't see it as quitting in any way, shape or form. You aren't ditching it to become a slug. You outgrew it and want to raise the bar instead of spinning your wheels not getting the results you're after. Maybe look at it as though continuing with JM is the "failure"? You're not stepping it up when you could be.
  • I'm just getting back in the saddles, too! I think it depends on what kind of riding you're doing. I've definitely had my heart rate up there with sitting trot and jumping, but trail riding, not so much. Right now, my horse and I are just getting back to work and I'm trying to get control of my limbs so I don't count it.…
  • Fanncny0626, I am one of your biggest admirers!!!
  • Oh, wow, I am SO glad I asked! The weights I'm doing probably aren't heavy for most of you but I'm getting to the point where they're challenging for me. I've been just jumping in and starting. This is such good info! Thank you!!!
  • Well, it's become obvious that alcohol was causing my weight-loss plateau. :s Sun was "easy" because my horse got sick and I was up with him all night, no time to open the wine. Mon was harder. Last night, DH and I got into a tiff over said horse's vet bill so I broke down, but I only had one glass. Poured it and took it…
  • Licorice does not sound good to me at all, lol. I always throw away the black jelly beans... Forgoing the wine gives me a few calories to play with so maybe I'll try hot cocoa. It's supposed to get down in the 30s tonight. This is a hard time of day for me - I love to have a glass or three with my dinner. :/
  • I'm hoping that abstaining on school days will be a good compromise - not giving it up, just restricting. Has anybody substituted something for settling in at the end of the day and wanting to treat yourself for making it through alive, lol? As it gets colder, I'm thinking maybe a hot mug of coffee (decaf) with flavoring…
  • I want in! I'm sure it's the wine that's keeping me from losing those last 5 pounds. And working out. :neutral:
  • Ugh, @thisnewmenow plantar fasciitis can be disabling - and overdoing it can set you right back to square one. Btw, I keep reading your name as thisnewmeow, lol.
  • Hi, all. I'm 52, but post-menopausal by a couple of years. My step-son lost 42 pounds on mfp and turned me onto it (he's only 16. I'm so happy for and proud of him!). I've had a tough time on WW before because I just get too freaking hungry. I'm a software engineer and sit at a desk all day so I considered myself…