Burnt out. (vent)



  • JD2000
    JD2000 Posts: 16 Member
    On your cardio days go for a run. That is what I do with this program. I haven't turned on one of her cardio DVD's yet.
  • judydj1220
    judydj1220 Posts: 79 Member
    I did the P90X program once and hated every.single.minute of it! I hated being inside, I hated that I had to do what they told me to do, and I especially hated that I knew I would never continue it when I finished the program. Now, I bike and I walk whenever, wherever and how ever long I want to. I also enjoy the elliptical.

    The point is, when you find an activity you enjoy, you look forward to exercise. I hope you find your happy activity!
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    You're not married to the DVDs. It's not quitting if you continue to exercise in a different way. Do what you enjoy.
  • bunnyhugger2015
    bunnyhugger2015 Posts: 12 Member
    I wouldn't see it as quitting in any way, shape or form. You aren't ditching it to become a slug. You outgrew it and want to raise the bar instead of spinning your wheels not getting the results you're after.
    Maybe look at it as though continuing with JM is the "failure"? You're not stepping it up when you could be.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited April 2017
    kenzienal wrote: »
    JenAndSome wrote: »
    Will you feel disappointed that you set a goal and didn't finish? If it's not challenging you the way you want to be challenged, not helping you attain your goals and interfering with your life and your happiness, then I would stop beating yourself up about it and go join the gym.

    Yes. I will be disappointed in myself that I couldn't complete the journey I started and gave up so close to the end. That is my only hang up on why I haven't just thrown the DVD's to the side, and moved on to something better.

    Its like the disappoint versus the dread, and they are neck and neck. I feel like there is just no winning with either way I decide, thats why I reached out for advice here.

    Not being able to complete something is different than knowledgeably choosing not to finish something. Sometimes, there is a power and confidence in recognizing that something isn't working for you that can make you feel better for stopping than continuing. The key is to have a plan as to what you will move onto. If you can set a new goal with exercises you like and stick to a new regimen that you decide on where you get the feelings you want, then you've got it made. Maintaining fitness is as much about following a plan as it is about changing it up for interest for some people.

    Just wanted to mention, sometimes, the noodly feeling or the next day soreness will go away regardless, purely because your body has become accustom to doing something. But it doesn't mean that your body isn't working hard and getting results.

    If after trying a new regimen, you decide the disappointment is too much, then just go back and finish those last 2.5 weeks. They will still be there.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    On the bright side, you've uncovered two major truths:

    1) Workout DVDs are mostly marketing fluff
    2) Weight loss is mostly diet

    If you like the traditional strength exercises then find a program that focuses on them. Get strong without wanting to blow your brains out. It seems you're already working towards that with your Stronglifts plan and will soon be uncovering major truth #3.

    You can't leave us hanging like that... :/

    3) Being strong is f*cking awesome.

    I thought 3 was lifting weights won't make women into She-Hulks. Or is that #4?
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    I found it beneficial to drop to 5 days a week of exercise from 6. It's an extra rest day I look forward to, and overall I've found I gain more muscle because of it. I tend to do full body workouts, not split things up into legs/abs/upper/etc. so 6 days a week was just not giving me enough recovery time. My body was always in a state of being worn out. I don't know anything about the OP's program she's following but the same may be true, 6 days a week may be too much. Don't get me wrong, I feel like a fat bloated lazy *kitten* on that extra rest day but I get over it. The very next day I feel energized and ready to hit it hard. So it might be something the OP would want to consider.

    I also calculate my calories using iifym.com and add in my exercise so that I eat the same every day of the week whether it's a rest day or not. So that means when if I figure in 90 minutes of exercise 5 days a week at a specific intensity level with IIFYM's calculators, then that's what I have to do. I also delete any calories that my apps or MFP adds back into my diary or change it to 1 calorie after it auto-adds. That way my macros stay the same all the time and so do my allotted calories. It makes rest days that much more enjoyable as well, because I don't have to eat less because I'm not exercising.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    I found it beneficial to drop to 5 days a week of exercise from 6. It's an extra rest day I look forward to, and overall I've found I gain more muscle because of it. I tend to do full body workouts, not split things up into legs/abs/upper/etc. so 6 days a week was just not giving me enough recovery time. My body was always in a state of being worn out. I don't know anything about the OP's program she's following but the same may be true, 6 days a week may be too much. Don't get me wrong, I feel like a fat bloated lazy *kitten* on that extra rest day but I get over it. The very next day I feel energized and ready to hit it hard. So it might be something the OP would want to consider.

    I also calculate my calories using iifym.com and add in my exercise so that I eat the same every day of the week whether it's a rest day or not. So that means when if I figure in 90 minutes of exercise 5 days a week at a specific intensity level with IIFYM's calculators, then that's what I have to do. I also delete any calories that my apps or MFP adds back into my diary or change it to 1 calorie after it auto-adds. That way my macros stay the same all the time and so do my allotted calories. It makes rest days that much more enjoyable as well, because I don't have to eat less because I'm not exercising.

    Ah yes that's a good idea too. 5 days instead of 6 might be a good compromise for this JM program.
  • dparizeau
    dparizeau Posts: 10 Member
    edited April 2017
    [/quote]She already knows she wants to do Stronglifts. No need to try to dissuade her.[/quote]

    Except that she asked "What do you recommend?" and I was answering her question.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    I don't see this as a failure. I think you have outgrown the program. That's a positive thing and it sounds like it's a good time to move onto something more challenging.
  • kenzienal
    kenzienal Posts: 205 Member
    edited April 2017
    dparizeau wrote: »
    She already knows she wants to do Stronglifts. No need to try to dissuade her.

    Except that she asked "What do you recommend?" and I was answering her question.

    My "What do you recommend?" question was not in regards to which style of workouts I should move to, at all. Which 99% of the rest of the replies seemed to catch, and respond to.

    "What do you recommend?" was in regards to whether I should quit my program I am currently doing due to major lack of enthusiasm, or wait it out.

    No interest whatsoever in Crossfit, but thanks.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    <Grandma Hat>
    You have listed all the right reasons to switch fitness programs mid-stream. You have accomplished much. You are stronger and fitter than when you started. Time to sit down and design your own program, incorporating the parts you enjoy. I suggest two changes. Cardio every other day with a full rest day in between. Your muscles will transform from rubber. And set a new challenge like a Tough Mudder to regain that sense of accomplishment.
    </Grandma Hat>
  • Leyshinka
    Leyshinka Posts: 54 Member
    I am on the minority side on this one... ride it out! I look at it as only 15 more days of 30 minutes exercise - 7.5 hours in total
  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    I see the point of people who say to ride it out because you can push through. I think you can probably force yourself to push through, but there is no point if you are miserable. Part of this journey (as many people have said) includes finding something you enjoy doing- it is trial and error. I like running a lot but found I need variety- so I signed up at a small gym and I got to classes in the AM and the style shifts- from tabata to pilates to kickboxing to trx. I am not bored and the different styles keep me interested and my body guessing. And I look forward to going! I still run 1-2x a week but I know what I like now.

    I hope you find the exercise type you like and enjoy to make it a part of your life. Don't worry about stopping- there is no point prolonging your misery. Good luck!
  • InCHarmsWay
    InCHarmsWay Posts: 103 Member
    I get the feeling of "I have to finish this!" I lugged my weights on road trips and worked out Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. just because I couldn't skip a day of a workout program I was doing. Lately I've been trying to be a little more balanced about my workouts. If I have to take an extra rest day, I do. If I want to spend more time with my family rather than working out, I do. I'm still pretty obsessive about it, but I am doing the best than I can, and that's what matters. Just try to be as kind to yourself as possible.

    That being said, I've never finished a Jillian Michaels program... They're really just not for me, and maybe they're not for you either? Do whatever exercise program you like! Think of it as transitioning, not quitting. Good luck!
  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    kenzienal wrote: »
    JenAndSome wrote: »
    Will you feel disappointed that you set a goal and didn't finish? If it's not challenging you the way you want to be challenged, not helping you attain your goals and interfering with your life and your happiness, then I would stop beating yourself up about it and go join the gym.

    Yes. I will be disappointed in myself that I couldn't complete the journey I started and gave up so close to the end. That is my only hang up on why I haven't just thrown the DVD's to the side, and moved on to something better.

    Its like the disappoint versus the dread, and they are neck and neck. I feel like there is just no winning with either way I decide, thats why I reached out for advice here.

    Don't think of it as quitting think of it as moving on to the next step (stronglifts) early. It's not a failure for you to move on from something you dread and doing something you enjoy.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I am fully of the mindset you need to find something you love to do. I have found over the years I absolutely love kickboxing and boxing I can't afford the gym right now, so I do a lot of the moves (roundhouse kicks and shadow boxing) without the bag. If you don't like it and its tedious you are eventually not going to want to do it and give up. But I am also a proponent of listening to our bodies, I workout every day in one form of the other, even my rest days I like to do yoga, but there are times (shark week, rainy weather) whatever that I feel very lethargic, like my body just doesn't want to do it and I almost feel like I will be sick if I continue down the path because I'm so run down, so I don't do it and I don't feel bad about it. Listening to my body and getting back at the grind when I feel a little better makes me feel better as a whole because it again doesn't feel like a chore its something I want to do.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    OP - I did Insanity a few years ago and felt exactly as you did. What made things all better was switching to every other day workouts (as opposed to 6 days a week) which gave my body time to recover. It took twice as long to complete...but I did complete it and did not give up.

    Good luck!

    My cousin loved Insanity and I loved P90x. I hate cardio so much that Insanity looked literally like torture to me.

  • lovefriesam
    lovefriesam Posts: 33 Member
    aylajane wrote: »
    Well, the ultimate goal is to create a lifestyle you can sustain, that will keep you in the body and health you want. If you are dreading this that much, there is 0 chance you are going to "sustain" it. We all need temporary "tools" to help in weight loss, but they can be looked at as temporary. THis was a great tool to get you into some discipline and routine and in that regard was totally successful. Quitting this particular program right now is only a failure if you lose those lessons.

    So be sure you translate them to something closer to what you can maintain, or to something that interests you right now. You are happy that you are exercising every day? Good - pick a different exercise that you enjoy and continue to do it every day. When you dread that, change again. If you are upset that it makes you turn down other activities, figure out a way to incorporate them, or pick a different time to do them. Exercise first thing in the morning so the rest of your day is free (and no temptation to skip - its over before you wake up, and the rest of the day you know you already did it). Dont like being glued to the TV - go for that run instead? WHy is that not as good? Still want the muscle intensity of the workout but running does not give it to you? Pick a different routine that is much simpler that you can "memorize" then watch whatever you want on tv (i.e. drama, sitcom, etc) while doing it or put headphones on and listen to music instead.

    The purpose of this routine was never to get you muscles then stop and let those muscles atrophy. So think through how you WANT to maintain the muscle you have and the discipline you have in a way that fits into your life. Pick up a new hobby that requires exercise - i.e. handball with a friend, geocaching (hiking with purpose and friends), pullups in your bathroom doorway every morning and night (takes five minutes), etc.

    You just need a new perspective- look at the purpose of this - to gain muscle, discipline and routine - which you succeeded at, even if you stop now. What prize are you going to get when you finish this arbitrary program you hate in 2 weeks? Who else but you will care or be disappointed in you? Will you care? If you really do care and cannot bear the thought of the disappointment in yourself, nothing anyone says here is going to make any difference to you. In that case, grit your teeth, finish it, then never put yourself in that situation again where your self worth rides on something so arbitrary.

    I just had to say, finally someone with my name. Also, I agree with what you said.