emodavis Member


  • The aero press is so fun.
    in Coffee??? Comment by emodavis July 2015
  • That's why I hide it with cheese. ;) It always tastes dirty (or "earthy") if it's not very heavily seasoned or hidden behind fat. Soooo I don't usually eat it.
  • Oh, gosh, this and the anxiety, pretty much identical.
  • http://www.bestkettlebellworkout.com/the-turkish-getup/ Favorite kettlebell exercise! Tabata with sit-ups and planks during the rest, push-ups (diamond push-ups are my favorite; keep your elbows up against your body too) with actual rest. Holding a single squat with good form for as long as possible, doing as many squats…
  • Yes. Pineapple and cute little bacon wrapped filets and ribeyes. Allllll the ribeyes. Preferably bone-in. I order meat from this awesome place in Colorado that's all pastured and grass fed animals and the bone-in ribeyes are melty and delicious.
  • There's a drop-down tab on the link that gives options for raw and different types of preparation.
  • Don't stretch when cold. Get a foam roller and learn how to use it properly. A day or three of rest, stretching, and more rest isn't a bad option either. Throttling back is better than months of physical therapy.
  • I disagree. I would vote for push-ups.
  • No because my first priority is not to lose weight but to be more aware of what and how much I'm eating. I know what I need to do but am still a little resistant to actually doing it. I hate counting calories so I'm trying to focus on getting the ratio of carbs, protein, and fat that work best for my satiety and happiness…
  • I'm extremely competitive with myself and like being just a little faster or lifting just a little more. Also, carrying in all of the Costco purchases in one trip.
  • It's almost half a pound. 580 sounds pretty accurate when you look at the USDA info. http://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/beef/show
  • I love that one too but I prefer it iced. :) My husband and I get most of our coffee from a local roaster and the fair trade Ethiopian is my favorite. I'm sure the conventional is also delicious but for coffee and chocolate I try to stick to fair trade when possible and practical because coffee farmers deserve fair pay and…
    in Coffee??? Comment by emodavis July 2015
  • Are you perhaps pregnant? Like TOTM but a smidge late?
  • Your basal metabolic rate tells you the numbers of calories you burn just by sitting there and doing absolutely nothing. For instance, my BMR is 1735. Because I'm not trying to lose weight at a rapid pace, I aim for 1700-2200 calories consumed per day. The amount I eat varies according to what kind of physical and mental…
  • Third generation Air Force (and three of Army before that) veteran married to active duty Air Force. We basically live for planes with props.
  • My butt is getting bigger (no "mom butt" here) and my thighs are bigger (but oh so solid). Again, lifting weights, but my arms are way less flabby than I expected them to look and actually have a fair amount of definition.
    in Loose skin Comment by emodavis July 2015
  • JHC. How do you not have a heart attack? :/
  • Then eat your maintenance calories (all of them) and keep working out at the intensity you are now. Anecdotal evidence alert: I'm just over 200 lbs. I work out 2-5 times per week. I need to eat about 1700-2200 calories a day (based on what I'm doing for exercise) to lose weight at a moderate pace (1-1.5 lbs per week). I…
  • Honestly, OP, I wonder how much of it is being told that you can't have something. Maybe add in some more fat for satiety. I go light on the carbs whether actively watching macros or not because I can't handle gluten and sugar makes me want even more sugar. A spoonful of coconut oil or handful of pistachios is helpful to…
  • You should also know that it can make anxiety worse.
  • 1) i would hope it was prescribed for the anxiety. It's one of the few antidepressants that doesn't add to weight gain but it's not an appetite suppressant. 2) I'd recommend therapy before trying meds for anxiety. Identifying the root cause of the anxiety (and why you tend to overeat when anxious, if that's what you do) is…
  • They will all scale (crossfit is for every body type) and, although the co-owners can't do gluten and one can't do dairy, there are very few mentions of paleo and gluten-free. We bring lettuce for cookouts and other people buy the buns because some of us can't do gluten or choose not to consume it and the majority prefer…
  • I've typically gone for D3 and D4 but that is prob because that was the majority of the men in the military I was surrounded by in my early 20s. Then we all progressively drank more.... I look like none of the women in those pictures. I have the leftover skin and belly fat of 40% but my thighs and butt are extremely…
  • The binge isn't necessarily related to the calories. 1) you're not eating enough calories to maintain your weight. 2) I would very highly recommend seeing a therapist who deals with eating disorders and a nutritionist who deals with eating disorders.
  • This. I mix in a drop of lavender essential oil for my face (and pits if it's right before bed or I'm not going anywhere) because both the lavender and the coconut oil are supposed to have antimicrobial properties. For low heat, I prefer coconut oil ( but only if I'm using a ton of spices to cover the coconut flavor). I've…
  • How many servings of veggies are you getting per day?
  • Do you have a source for this? I feel a thousand times better with high fat, moderate protein, and low carbs when losing weight. Just curious if your advice is anecdotal.
  • 21 Day Sugar Detox ketchup. There are tons of paleo barbecue sauce recipes that can be made pretty low sugar. Melted butter and hot sauce.
  • I love Tessamae salad dressings. All of them are awesome but green goddess is my favorite. Mixed with egg and cheese and pressed into a muffin tin (liners recommended), baked, and dipped in pasta or tomato sauce is great.
  • Incorrect. Most fruits and fats (lard, many oils, etc) are completely sodium free.