emmalpoppy Member


  • I use isagenix for breakfast. I only go through 3 canisters every two months at worst so it's not expensive for me. I haven't found a protein shake that is gluten free, soy free and contains the amount of protein and vitamins I need besides isagenix. I have to be gluten free and watch soy intake for health reasons. I'm not…
  • Time for a new Endocrinologist. You may never lose the weight but a good endo would be trying different medications. Also if you are taking a generic, switch to name brand. How your body absorbs it makes a huge difference depending on manufacturer. Generic doesn't do crap for me but synthroid seems to help. Tirosint was…
  • "Hormones. When it comes to functional endocrinology, one of my mentors is Dr. Janet Lang, who during her seminars would frequently tell the attendees that “hormones are stronger than diet”. What this means is that if you have a hormonal imbalance, which many people with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis have, then it will be…
  • It is entirely possible to eat at a deficit but still gain weight or not lose with hashimotos.
  • As someone with hypothyroid and hashimotos on top of that just because a doctor says your thyroid is fine does not mean it is. And with this wonderful disease it is possible to gain weight in a calorie deficit. Not all doctors are created equal and unless they did the whole battery of tests that are required for thyroid…
  • I do not eat back all of them but am netting 1200 calories. Basically I eat when I'm hungry. I never said anything about all calories just carbs and sugar.
  • Do what in 8 weeks? How much weight do you want to lose? What are you eating? And what do you consider low calorie? I'm a woman but am sustaining 1200 calories while exercising 6 days a week. Now I only do intense workouts 3 days a week but do still incorporate some muscle building the other 3 days. I keep a very high…
  • I have protein shakes 1 to 2 times a day. But the majority of my calories come from food. For me it's to get all my vitamins and minerals since I have never been able to get it from food alone. And because it's easy for breakfast and still healthy. I have never had any issues with my stomach or colon for that matter lol.…
  • Lol do not eat sugar, cut back carbs. And make sure the carbs you are eating are healthy carbs. The more bread and crap I eat the more sugar I crave. I've always had a serious sweet tooth but can really lessen the cravings by eating less carbs and mainly just those found in veggies and such.
  • I was gluten free for 3 years, it helped but not completely. Since moving to the south it's been hard but I'm back to being gluten free, only a week though so I won't see results yet. I was tested but because there is no test that can accurately and 100% determine if you have it or not who knows. My brother is celiacs…
  • I'm sorry but life with hashimotos is not easy to live with or to medicate. I have an amazing Endocrinologist that took years to get. The medication that works best for me is far to expensive. And no I can't cut back elsewhere as I'm already on bare minimums and paying for my blood work and doctors is extremely expensive.…
  • Nope but my body tells me there is. My antibodies skyrocket when on a gluten filled diet and my body has serious water retention issues. Not to mention my brother is severe celiacs. It doesn't do anything about thyroid function but it does lessen the swelling which helps in not choking on all my food.
  • I'm actually having a hard getting enough calories. I eat healthy and nutrient dense foods but at the end of the day can have a huge (400-700) calorie deficit. I have to be gluten free which is where most my weight came. I started eating gluten again and because of how it reacts with my system I retain tons of water, among…
  • Thank you both. Can't remember all my numbers but tsh is about 2.8 now. Was 2.1 when put on medication and it went the wrong way. We are aiming for 1 or when I feel better. T4 and t3 are normal range, exact number I'm not sure, but my anti thyroid antibodies are about 2,000 and only continue to rise. What is rt3? I was…
  • Haha okey. They have classes just at odd times so getting to them might be hard. Most are mid day when most people are working or around 8pm when I'm getting ready for bed.
  • I have a BMI of 24 right now and know exactly how you feel. I have various reasons for letting myself get out of shape but mostly because of a previous back injury and an autoimmune disease that breaks down muscle faster than normal people and causes extreme exhaustion. I think your next step should be going to a doctor to…