NJDad Member


  • @sher6648 are you using one of their coaches? I had one assigned to me and she is great. Not pushy with sales and she is helping with nutrition.
  • It's very hard to bulk up unless you are genetically predisposed. That's why body builders spend years doing crazy routines and some resort to steroids to bulk. Plus none of the programs mentioned are focused on hypertrophy (bulking). You will get very strong, help prevent osteoporosis, improve your hormone balance,…
  • Well, 5 days in and I'm down a pound so, so far so good. Re diet regime. Tried paleo, lost like 8 pounds in a month but didn't like it honestly. I don't doubt the science, is hummus really the worst thing in the planet if I'm eating whole foods? Now I'm doing 80% vegan during the day and adding lean animal protein (chicken…
  • To follow up on what others said-- it is kind of nuts. I borrowed a DVD and couldn't do it at all, at least not yet. But I know people that like it. BUT I just started Focus T25, also from Beach Body. I like it a lot. It's super hard, but it has modifications. By the end of the workout, I'm dripping in sweat even with the…
  • What she said. Also consider Starting Strength. And in addition to strength, you might want to do short, high intensity workouts a few times a week.
  • Just started Stronglifts. Why do you like it better than SS?
  • That will help with the lingo. You can also look on YouTube for how to videos. Here's a video explaining Starting Strength. https://youtu.be/ttbAAZOd3EM
  • I second Stronglifts and Starting Strength. I don't know New Rules of Lifting. If you are going to a gym, you might try a strength and conditioning gym that fits your personality. They usually combine some kind of weight lifting with a short, high intensity workout. CrossFit gyms are an example of that, but there are…
  • I'm trying T25 because of time. There are quite a number of programs that are fairly short you can do. P90X3 is 30 minutes. You can look up 30 minute workouts on YouTube or Fitness Blender. Then you can use this app to watch calories or do something like weight watchers online.
  • Feel free to add me.
  • I use a Vitamix. find that one smoothie a day helps me. Typically it is almond milk, kale or spinach, a fruit, protein powder or Vega One powder (or you can use the Beachbody stuff), and if I'm not going to get enough fat later in the day, a nut butter or coconut oil. Avocado could work, but I don't like it in a smoothie…
  • Woo hoo! Welcome back.
    in Back at it Comment by NJDad August 2015
  • Maybe add a high intensity workout in the morning you can do in your room and limit your "bad" meals to one a day. It won't even be that bad if it is moderately bad. As long as you don't go crazy unhealthy, so what if you gain 2 or 3 pounds? You can correct that when you get back.
  • Used wake up at 4am. You just got used to it. I made sure I had a solid workout in the morning so by the end of the day I was exhausted and passed out by 9pm.
  • Good luck to you! Welcome back!
  • Back when I was that close to my goal, I just jiggled around the routine until I got it. Now I'm far away from hat point, but when I was there it was a matter of changing it up. I know some folks that swear by the 21 Day Fix/21 Day Fix Extreme program. Did you try something like that? Some people swear by adding calories…
  • Not that juice is all that great for you, but it's certainly less than soda if you only use an ounce of juice with 7 oz of seltzer. An oz of OJ has 13 calories and 3 grams of carbs. If you like the flavor and the fizz, that might do it for you. But yeah, sugar is an addiction. You might try doing a detox type thing so you…
  • Sister from another...wait, that doesn't work as well brother. Good luck to you too!
  • I'm right there with you! Starting over again and 75 pounds to go. What are you doing?
  • My WHY is 6 years old and she's going to the first grade.
  • Maybe 3 weeks. Maybe try making you own soda to get it to be a little healthier?
  • I do like pools, but that involves gyms. That is what I'm trying to get way from because of my schedule and why short, intense workouts are attractive to me. Let's see how attractive they are to my body.
  • Great job. Yeah, T25 is a little rough. I'm on day 3 (I got the streaming service so I was able to start right away). I'm going to have to modify for the time being.
  • Looking to lose about 75 myself-- not quite 100 but it's up there.
  • Always looking for motivated people. Why not?
  • What programs are you guys doing? I have a hard time getting to the gym with my work schedule (lounge commute), so I'm trying at at home program. I was thinking about one of the P90s, but finally opted for the T25. Just started but I like it. It's only 25 minutes but it's killer.
  • @Fraz1self -- I wasn't getting to the gym so I picked up Focus T25 to do at home. I like it so far. Maybe you want to check it out. If you live in NJ, SI, or near LA check out a boot camp called Max Fitness or The Max Challenge. It was pretty good and very motivating.
  • motivation=good