
  • katiegud
    katiegud Posts: 25 Member
    Aren't Thai people often pretty slim? They must have a good variety of healthy food options.
  • NJDad
    NJDad Posts: 37 Member
    Maybe add a high intensity workout in the morning you can do in your room and limit your "bad" meals to one a day. It won't even be that bad if it is moderately bad. As long as you don't go crazy unhealthy, so what if you gain 2 or 3 pounds? You can correct that when you get back.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    You have been counting your calories, so you know your approximate portion size for most foods already. Use your knowledge and eat within reason, some things you can just have a taste of, not a full serving.
    Holidays tend to be quite active with all the sightseeing. Use it to your advantage and walk where you can.

    I love cruise ship buffets, some of the best salad bars around. Load up on that and some chicken or fish at lunch time.

    There are usually heart healthy options, and plainly cooked options on the dining room menu. Opt for those most nights, but do allow for the extravagant meal also. You are on holiday after all.

    I did a Singapore- India- Oman- Dubai- England- Scotland 3 month trip earlier this year that included a cruise. I got home with a 5 lb weight gain that disappeared within the month, most was water, a little was fat, but getting back to my regular lifestyle had everything back on track pretty quickly.
    (I tasted everything I wanted to, and moved a lot on port days; sea days were recovery days.)

    When one is lucky enough to have such wonderful travel opportunities, one should enjoy every aspect, including the food.

    Cheers, h.
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    i've never gained any weight beyond airplane bloat while on vacation...chill the feck out and enjoy your trip to Thailand...or I could possibly take your place if you're really that concerned...I'd have a good time.

    My thoughts exactly. Going on a cruise in a week and intend to enjoy everything!
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    Only YOU can control your weight.

    The minute you stop externalizing and blaming anything other than yourself, that is the very minute your long term success is guaranteed. Until then, you are doomed to fail.

    If you blame your vacation, then you will fail.

    If you take responsibility and blame yourself, then you have a chance.

  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    Just don't pig out?

    I'm going on vacation in 2 days. When I go, I will log an estimate of my calories and I'll be targetting maintenance. If I go 500 calories/day over I'm not concerned. 1lb of gain will take 1 week to lose. Not a big deal as I'd rather enjoy my week. 500 calories/day over maintenance will be ~1250 calories over what I'm eating now, so I doubt I'll even manage that. (as for how I got fat, it was 5 years of eating 100 calories over maintenance on average so its not like I have a huge eating problem).
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I will be going to Thailand in a few days and I'm super concerned with my diet. I have already been putting a few pounds recently and do not wish to continue along the trend. Any useful tips or reminders?

    P.S I cannot bare to imagine how much calories I will be consuming in night markets and shopping malls

    You shouldn't look at this as a diet & more so a way of life that will help you sustain your weight for the rest of your life. One day, a few days, or even a few weeks won't mess up your overall weight loss by much. If you happen to gain a few pounds while on vacation just go back to how you normally eat & it should even itself out in the end.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Oh lawd. Be happy you're getting a vacation.
  • faurotann
    faurotann Posts: 424 Member
    edited August 2015
    Enjoying the food of other cultures is part of the joy of traveling. I'd concentrate on limiting portions rather than doing without something. Eat half of everything you get. And remember that tomorrow there'll be something else new to try. It's never the " last " time you'll get to eat.
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    My cousin and her family lived in Thailand for a couple of years. Believe me there are lots of healthy options available even at the street vendors. Here is a link with suggestions for substitutions and healthier options. At the end of the article you will find a list of popular street vendor and small restaurant foods complete with pictures and calorie counts. Tons of yummy options

    Enjoy your trip :)
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    I'm going to Paris and the south of France in a month for 2.5 weeks. Whenever I go on vacation my husband and I end up walking like 25,000 steps a day, so that will help. My plan is to take a MFP break and try to eat reasonably but enjoy myself. I bet when I get back I'll have gained 2 - 5 lbs and then it will take me like a month to lose it. Oh well, I've never been to Europe! I want to enjoy food and wine.
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    We are going to the beach for a week - we do it every year. Last year, my goal was to not gain any weight. I didn't log calories, but my goal was to hit as many steps as I could every day and just be mindful about what I was eating/drinking. I didn't gain any weight that week :)

    A few weeks ago, we spent a little over a week road tripping around the country... I was really concerned since we were going to be sitting in the car so much and eating out at least every dinner. My goal was to hit my 10K step goal (yes, I marched around hotel rooms) and continute logging (albeit lots of estimating)... I didn't gain any weight :)

    So, decide what you want to do - live it up and pay the consequences so to speak or moderate yourself and try to maintain.

    This year's beach vacation will hopefully be like last year - I probably won't log in MFP that week, but I'll be trying to hit an average of 20K steps a day and being mindful of what I'm eating.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Thai food is pretty healthy! Walk around a lot. Maybe ride a bike. And try not to eat like it is the last meal ever. :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,446 Member
    I will be going to Thailand in a few days and I'm super concerned with my diet. I have already been putting a few pounds recently and do not wish to continue along the trend. Any useful tips or reminders?

    P.S I cannot bare to imagine how much calories I will be consuming in night markets and shopping malls

    Exercise ... lots and lots of exercise.

    My holidays are almost always much more active than normal every-day life.

  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    We did a a vacation with extended family. The SUV left every day for the gym at 9:00.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    Oh lawd. Be happy you're getting a vacation.

    So much this!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I will be going to Thailand in a few days and I'm super concerned with my diet. I have already been putting a few pounds recently and do not wish to continue along the trend. Any useful tips or reminders?

    P.S I cannot bare to imagine how much calories I will be consuming in night markets and shopping malls

    I thought the same thing last year when I went to Ireland. I had a lot of different foods, including treats, and was pleasantly surprised that I did not gain actual fat. I had some water retention but it was gone within a week.

    I did not log while on vacation but I worked hard to stay conscious of how much I ate. I was active, though, because we walked a lot and did not rent a car.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    edited August 2015
    Well then, I guess you made it eh?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I guess I should ask if you're back and how it went. :smile:
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    I will be going to Thailand in a few days and I'm super concerned with my diet. I have already been putting a few pounds recently and do not wish to continue along the trend. Any useful tips or reminders?

    P.S I cannot bare to imagine how much calories I will be consuming in night markets and shopping malls

    One holiday doesnt make you fat
    Overeating on a regular base does

    Go on holiday eat what you like and enjoy it ( maybe some common sense of course) and enjoy the hell out of your vacation
    Back home...well back on track

    Normal life you is there to be liven