zane856 Member


  • I do drink a lot of ginger and peppermint tea for my stomach and it is amazingly beneficial stomach condition wise. I'm guessing that isn't going to help me with this hunger problem, but maybe you are on the right track with this tricking my brain idea. I might also have to pick it back Up and stop it again slowly as some…
  • 3 mugs of black tea a day. Which doesn't sound like a lot, it doesn't feel like a lot, but I have Crohn's disease and my stomach seems to be doing worse the more I consume. So I'm trying to give It up for a while to see if it helps. But it may be counter productive if I stuff my face and my stomach disintegrates that way…
  • Thanks everyone! I like the idea of cutting down on it gradually- it totally sucks like this. I don't drink coffee, only tea, but a lot of it. I am guessing because it's just tea its not AS bad as quitting coffee or sodas, but the hungry aspect of it sucks! I can deal with the rest. While I generally eat healthy snacks and…
  • Thanks guys ! That is all super helpful. I do only weigh myself once a day as some suggested, since i know it can go up and down, but the day to day fluctuations is what gets me. Sometimes I don't care but other times it makes it hard to know what the real weight even is. I'll focus more on finding a window to stay between…
  • Same! Getting married in June, trying my hardest to lose 25 total (down 10 so far) and started this past August. My biggest concern is what happens when the wedding is over, does life go back to normal and the weight slowly creeps back on? It is a sad scary thought. And how do you keep from going nutso on the honeymoon…
  • So if typically people eat more than they think and burn less than the app says, wouldn't it be okay to aim for 1000-1200 a day?? I weigh 2/3 of what I eat but since I'm losing I'm not super meticulous about it. If I stop I will be though !!
  • Thanks guys! I am a female, I exercise 5 days a week (either 3 mile runs, 90 min hot yoga, HIIT classes, more runs, walks, thats about it) but I only log the running since I am keeping track of how long/often I run. Everything else is just bonus calories I guess? Sometimes I lose, sometimes I don't, but it's trending down.…
  • I have Crohn's as well, I had a bowel resection and am on Humira so I am technically in remission, but still have a lot of stomach issues resulting from it. My biggest advice on bad days/weeks is to move around. Go on long walks, just whatever you can do to keep from staying stagnant. I know its easier said than done when…
  • I juice frequently because I have an autoimmune digestive disorder and it really really helps keep symptoms under control, but I have gained weight from it. I had to learn how to calculate the juices calories as well as lower portions from other meals to keep it all under control and am slowly losing it, but I had to take…
  • I have crohns. Its been in remission for 3 years thanks to a bowel resection and Humira, but my stomach has been very messed up ever since and I have to be very careful about my diet. I juice vegetables 3x a week (heavy in ginger) and that helps significantly, as well as staying away from dairy and fatty meats. Especially…
  • Take a more realistic look at your calorie level. Did you happen to choose to lose 2lbs a week? That's too aggressive for wanting to lose 16 lbs. If you can change your goals to lose .5 a week, you may get some more calories to spend on beer. You Are right. I need to readjust it, trying to lose for my upcoming wedding but…
  • I hear you- I'm about a growler deep eating crabs listening to music. Nothing is worth giving this up !! No wonder I can't lose weight haha
  • Thank you all!! It's so nice to see that people have success and it doesn't have to be an all or nothing. This weekend I made sure to up my exercise and be very vigilant about my calories during the day. I still messed up and did fun drunk eating but the scale didn't reflect it wildly like it has in the past, so hopefully…
  • The more I learn about counting calories the better it's sounding ! I was really hesitant about starting it but it's not turning out to be so bad. Thank you !
  • I was wondering about the "banking" calories. Does it really work that way? I'm all for saving an extra 100-200 calories a day and forgoing snacks if it leaves me extra for the weekend, but wasn't sure if it does work on a weekly basis that way or only a daily basis ??
  • Oh and bonus points for the girl who told me to drink fun beer instead of light beer!! Best advice ever, I'll be getting some ciders tonight ! :)
  • Thanks everyone !! I have a question for those who said to make it fit in the calorie allowance for the day. I know logically this makes sense but in practice seems impossible. So if I get 1200 calories, and I know 600 is going to be spent on beer, I make sure each of my 3 meals is only 200 calories ? I think that would…
  • Thank you everyone! I just made my first juice where I actually got to choose how many calories I wanted it to be and put things in accordingly, which was a great feeling! Hopefully now some of this weight will come off. I appreciate everyones help/input! Marilynxmonster good luck getting back into it! Hopefully it goes…
  • Wow thank you heather!!! That is super helpful. I was thinking about logging the whole vegetable too if I couldn't get an exact science down just because I'd rather think it was more calories then it really is than less, but this will be really helpful. I really appreciate you finding that! It is a centrifugal juicer, when…