tank1539 Member


  • I love em. I'm in the gym at 5 am and they absolutely help me. I use anarchy.
  • this is what first got me introduced to the idea http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/of-whooshes-and-squishy-fat.html/
  • Agreed. The diet looks unhealthy to me and I have to imagine that OP's body is eating at muscle tissue to compensate causing flabbiness.
  • Are you supplementing with amino acids so your body can use the protein appropriately? I don't see any complete protein in your diet. Not good. Read this and try her suggestions to try and change your body comp.…
  • That's the idea. No ones exactly sure on why it happens but there are theories and the one I wrote about above is the one I've read the most research on
  • That's not all bro science. There is some research and theories out there, done by the smart people that suggests that right before they completely collapse, our fat cells, as a last ditch effort, retain lots of water. Then one day, poof or "whoosh" they collapse. Thats why some say, as you loose fat if you push in on your…
  • Haha I call this the "chainsaw" effect. Right before a chainsaw or weed whacker etc.. Runs out of gas it revs up really high for a short bit while it runs on fumes before it shuts off. Now that's my quote so don't ask me if its true or if there's any science about it. Just some similarities I've noticed over the years haha…
  • I'm in the gym at 5am every morning except Sunday so like isaack said, I need that kick. I'm a creatine fan and also l-carnitine. If you choose supplements then you're in luck these days because everything is "micronized" and it's usually all in one container. The pre and post "jym" stack has all of the above In a few…
  • Hahaha. I do the "roll of shame" all the time! Never heard it called the "roll of shame" till I got on here. If you look at it that way and think of it that way it will mess you up mentally I look at it as progress. As for your lack of weight gains on lifts, the way I understand it is if you're in a deficit you have the…
  • I had the same type of day today. Bench suffered the most. I dropped another 450 cals off my intake yesterday though. Also went to sleep late so caused me to get into the gym 2 hrs late. I've just learned to except that the bad days exist. There's too many variables
  • Bro science! Hahaha there is a lot on there. And also remember that they will ALWAYS try and sell you supps to help your program along. Now don't get me wrong, I buy all my supps from them but as a beginner all you should even consider would be a protein powder (IMO)
  • I don't use their programs but I've looked at a lot of them and they're solid plans. You don't have to do there meal plans but I would look at the macros of their plans and try and stick around them. BB.com is also good because they have a video database of every lifting move you could imagine so as a beginner you'd be…
  • Maybe try a "Re-feed" day? but if you do, do it smart.
  • Leg day twice a week for me and oh, look, legs tomorrow B) i love when i cant walk down the steps at the gym. haha
  • x2 what this person said! I say work out as long as you can and you're hydrated but just like people coming into work sick ( I blame the higher ups for that) I can't stand when people are in the gym sick. We all sweat on the same stuff, touch all the .... Well you get the point but by all means, sweat it out (just by…
  • From www.incredibleegg.org "...A wealth of research has shown that eggs do not have a significant impact on blood cholesterol levels, so it’s not necessary to avoid egg yolks and you can use egg whites freely."
  • Hahaha! I here ya on the whiskey good sir.
  • I always go for extra bananas, hard pretzel and my favorite, rye bread. Mmmm
  • The way that I've researched it is that on a Re-Feed your goal should be to bring your leptin levels and other hormones back to normal. Research shows that dietary Fat has little to no effect on leptin and protein's effect isn't much better but high glycemic carbs have a profound effect on leptin levels. Just so we're all…
  • I do but lighten, shorten and change the routine. I find that you never know what that weight room is going to look like so I just prepare to be adaptive. I go look at it the day of arrival then go back to my room and make a plan for the week or however long. I try and get out of there by 45 min
  • That's awesome, congratulations! The mental boost is fantastic too!
  • Don't look at it as a "cheat" day. I look at it as a structured part of my diet. My fat and protein macros stay the same and all extra calories come from doubling my carbs with high-glycemic carbs, bananas are my favorite :) and the frequency of Re-Feeds has to do with BF% as well. The higher the BF% the less frequent they…
  • Everything in the weight loss/exercising community is going to have point counter-point so I'll always try anything once (if the science is sound) and if it works for me, great. If not, time to move on. Re-Feeds (if done correct and cleanly) can boost your metabolism and almost do a sort of "kick start" on your fat loss…
  • You could always try this http://www.fitlink.com/fitness-locations To see if you get lucky and have a park around with fitness equipment there
  • Personally, ultra peptide casein cinnamon roll is my favorite. Mmm, mmm