Traveler120 Member


  • Make sure you check your cholesterol after a few months.
  • I'd be more worried about the meat than the salad.
  • You can't fix this with magnesium. The only solution is to reduce the activity that is causing it. Your shin bones are just not used to that level of stress given your weight or previous inactivity. So don't aggravate the situation by keeping on with the same activity. Go a few days doing non impact stuff like elliptical…
  • Several things: -At 4'11", 147 lbs, you're 2 lbs away from being obese class 1, so no, you're not small. The ones who find it harder to lose are those who are already on the low end of the normal bmi range. So when you get closer to 100 lbs, that's when you'll find it harder to lose. -Low carb or low sugar doesn't mean…
  • It's possible. Weight lifting doesn't burn many calories. On average ~200/hr. And she's doing 4x/wk for 2 hrs so that's about 1 hr/day on average, so about 200 calories/day. And at 5'4", 140, her bmr is around 1350. Standing for 8 hrs (teaching) adds just 200 calories more than if she had a sitting job.…
  • CICO is CICO. A deficit is a deficit. If you want a 500 calorie deficit, you can keep your activity the same and eat 500 less. OR You can keep your intake the same and do 500 calories of cardio or other exercise. OR a little of both. Which one you choose is a matter if preference. ALL of these WILL lead to a deficit and…
  • I don't think the AMA would lower the desired blood pressure ranges or any other measures of health, just for kicks and giggles. So if you have high blood pressure now, then yes, your health has declined. Clinging onto standards from 30 yrs ago in order to convince yourself that all is well, is just odd.
  • I've never logged on a daily basis and I've never used a food scale. Labels are enough. I simply needed to learn how much food I eat on a typical day. Did that for a week or so and after that I would just count the total calories of my weekly food shop and divide by 7. After several weeks of once-a-week count, I took the…
  • LOL. Just because people undo their deficit by eating too much, doesn't mean that cardio doesn't work for weight loss. Unless you want to imply that doing cardio automatically will result in a person eating too much, which is just silly. Many of us have used cardio as the primary way to increase energy expenditure and…
  • If wheat and grains were bad, or low carb advantageous to weight loss, how come billions of people live healthy lives and are of normal weight in countries that are predominantly high carb? I for one, eat lots of grains (corn, rice, oats, wheat) at every meal, my diet is high carb (75%) coz I eat those grains with starchy…
  • Yeah, and increased risk is usually classified as when a 1st degree male relative gets a heart attack before 55 or 1st degree female relative before 65. So considering his mum had hers later, it appears that his diet played a huge role. You'd think he'd have paid more attention to his cholesterol. And when he did a 1-2 yr…
  • Being fat is unhealthy. Being anorexic thin is unhealthy. But you can aso be normal weight and be unhealthy. Biggest Loser trainer Bob Harper has one of the fittest bodies anywhere and yet he got a heart attack in February and had to quit eating his paleo diet which caused his high cholesterol. He said he's switched to a…
  • What's truly boring is going to the gym to lift a barbell and put it down. I detest the idea and scoff at those who insist you should do it, as if it's the only way to get strong and build muscle. Same with treadmills. Different strokes for different folks. There are many ways to skin a cat.
  • Yes, if the only way to keep from financial ruin is by obsessively checking my account every single time I buy a candy bar!
  • Next time just give them the finger.
  • That's around 10% of your diet. I don't see what the problem is. Especially if it's from healthy sources and supplying omega 3s. Plus there are studies that show you don't need gobs and gobs of fat to absorb fat soluble vitamins. Usually the problem is that people who are deficient are simply not eating enough vitamin rich…
  • Air popped popcorn!!
  • High meat diets are the definition of a western diet and raises your risk of various diseases like heart disease, colon cancer, IBD, kidney stones etc. Very unhealthy regardless of one's weight. Blood type diets are just another fad. You can lose weight and build muscle on ANY diet. You just need to create a deficit by…
  • This all sounds like a massive overanalysis and overthinking of a simple matter. The girl said she's "completely satisfied" and just wondering if it's harmful to eat 1000/day. If she feels fine, and her food choices are providing essential vitamins and minerals, then the simple answer is NO, even if she did that for say, 4…
  • If she was consistently undereating she wouldn't be overweight! And there's nothing 'broken' about not feeling hungry even though one hasn't eaten much on a given day. That's perfectly normal. People who have weight to lose especially, should not force themselves to eat when they're not hungry.That makes no sense.
  • True, but it seems the OP's hunger signals are functioning normally given she said this: I say yes, it's okay. For people to tell her it's harmful to eat the amount she's eating and yet she's satisfied eating that amount, is essentially telling her to overide her own body's natural signals and instead eat more according to…
  • Yes, you'll have to keep eating at a deficit to drop more body fat. There's no way around that. And I wouldn't worry about losing muscle. You're getting more than enough protein and you're exercising, so there's no good reason why your body would give up its muscle when there's plenty of excess body fat available to use…
  • Just because YOU do it one way doesn't mean it can't be done any other way. A person can pack a lot of vitamins and minerals in 1000 calories if they're clever about food choices such as nutrient dense fruits and veggies with very little processed foods, added oils etc. And you don't need a dietician to tell you if your…
  • My advice is to listen to your body, not random people on the internet. All you need to ask yourself is -Are you losing at a reasonable rate? How does your body feel? What do your lab tests show? etc. If all is well, then all is well, regardless of what people say here. Plus, you said 1000 NET, which to me means you're…
  • Ask Janet Jackson. But seriously, here's what you need: -Good genetics -Diet high in whole/unprocessed plant foods. My skin looks better now than it did before I changed my diet to 95% plant based. -The sun is good for vit D but avoid sun exposure to your face, always wear a hat if in the sun for hours. -Don't wash your…