jtitus311 Member


  • It is possible. Just requires vigilance, consistency and support. You got this
  • The first few weeks are the hardest. I have struggled my entire adult life with weight and following through with my plans to get healthy... to the point that no one really believes me anymore when I say I am making a change. MFP has been critical to my success so far. It keeps me on track and it really works. Plus the…
  • Fanatic job. You look great! You should be pretty proud of yourself
  • Listen to @PinkPixiexox she is dead on. Use him as inspiration and motivation but do this for YOU!
  • You are in the right place. This place is filled with support, motivation and ideas. Don't ever give up. We are here to support. You got this!!
  • All I can say is you are in the right place. There are awesome people on here to keep you going and give you motivation. Just take things day by day and if thats too much to start, go meal by meal. It isn't easy but it is possible. I am seeing the numbers decrease on the scale for me and I couldn't have done it without the…
  • Mine isn't either. How can you manually update the steps taken?
  • Clearly they don't know what the definition of a friend is. All of us on here have had an experience in life that made us stop and say to ourselves... "enough. This is MY life and this is NOT how I want to live it." and I think you just had yours. It is amazing to me how those little comments are meant to be so innocent…
  • Things are good for a Monday today. I was able to move my belt one notch this morning. Small steps!
  • Wow. Didn't really intend on creating an argument on here. I wad just seeking understanding and see if anyone else experienced the same. I just thought I would be feeling better, more energetic etc not tired. There were a lot of questions asked but here is what I am doing. I'm maintaining under 1900 calories a day and not…
  • I drink water and eat carrots. It isn't great but it works
  • Motivation is a finicky thing. When I start to feel it slip, I think about my goals and how great it will be to hit them. I have a chart that has milestone days over the next year (birthdays, anniversary, annual Dr checks etc) and the weight I will be at if I continue on my new lifestyle journey. That usually is enough to…
  • I'm trying but I'm moody as hell and that doesn't fly too well with the pregnant wifey
  • I'm 34. Weigh 295 and I'm just shy of 6'3. I'm eating between 1700 and 2000 calories a day and exercising for about 1.5 hours a day
  • My 3 year old son started crying imagining if daddy went good bye forever.. Who would be his daddy? Rocked my world and determined to change my life
  • Hey! I am 2 weeks into my life change. I am 34. SW:303. CW: 297. GW: 225. The more support the better right?