Need to stick to it!

Ooh gees, I always say I am going to start eating healthier and exercising but I do it for 3-4 days and go back to my same old unhealthy ways. I need to stick to my guns. How do you do it!???


  • SandiMejiaLucy
    SandiMejiaLucy Posts: 3 Member
  • mbarmuta
    mbarmuta Posts: 165 Member
    Hi I do that too. I do really well for a week then fall off the wagon. This time I am determined to lose the weight.
    Good luck with change of lifestyle and if you mess up a little don't throw the bath out with the bath water. Just log it and start over with the next meal. Don't punish yourself. You can do this xxx
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    You need to ask yourself how badly you want to reach your goal - that's the only way I stopped 'quitting'. My goal soon became more and more important to me as time went on and my weight increased, so giving up simply became 'not an option'. I've lost 30 lbs by reminding myself where I want to be and how I want to look.

    Good luck
  • craigyallan
    craigyallan Posts: 37 Member
    ^^ Couldn't have put it better :)
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You need to be patient.

    You need to have realistic goals.

    You're in this for life. Make a plan that you can see yourself not just following, but be happy with, for years and years. There is no "eating right" or "perfect plan". Life happens. Do the best you can with what you really got. Several small improvements of daily habits are worth much more than any "lifestyle change".
  • myfitnesspal5577
    myfitnesspal5577 Posts: 3 Member
    This sounds like me lol!!
  • jtitus311
    jtitus311 Posts: 20 Member
    The first few weeks are the hardest. I have struggled my entire adult life with weight and following through with my plans to get healthy... to the point that no one really believes me anymore when I say I am making a change. MFP has been critical to my success so far. It keeps me on track and it really works. Plus the people on here are super supportive and keep you going!! Just take it a meal at a time and the next thing you know, you will look at the scale and the pounds will be coming off and more importantly, you will feel better and healthier.
  • stephinator92
    stephinator92 Posts: 162 Member
    I've been struggling with this two. I made a decision about 2 weeks ago to start to get healthy (again) and when I weighed myself this morning I was definitely discouraged. Instead of letting it ruin my day, I'm using it to become more motivated to do what I have to in order to become healthy and get to oa healthy weight. I'd love more friends to inspire and motivate on this journey.

    Feel free to add me.
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    I am same way, am at my heaviest. I am good 3-4 days then fall off again. Been a stressful year and gained 35 lbs back. Could use some friends to help motivate!
  • mattyc772014
    mattyc772014 Posts: 3,543 Member
    Self awareness. Remind yourself of your plan and goals. Laugh about something and find something to occupy your time. And if you should fall...pick yourself up, brush off the dirt and get back on track.
  • SandiMejiaLucy
    SandiMejiaLucy Posts: 3 Member
    Gosh, thanks everyone for your replies. I came to the doctors and I'm at 132. I've had enough! It's time to make a difference, I do care about my health and I do want to feel great about myself. Going Going to take in all your suggestions and approaches to keeping in line.
