cmjlavallee Member


  • THIS IS SO ME!! I do HIIT 5 days a week and yoga every Saturday. I'm up like 10 lbs from where I really should sit and keep doing it to myself over and over again especially on the weekends. Would love to start up a group! We should be able just to use this thread or create a new one to follow.
  • You look amazing! Well done!
  • Medium roast, flavored coffees. I'm now using Nutpods after doing Whole 30 in January! Really enjoy them!
  • Hi all been gone for a bit! Just checking back in and it looks like everyone is doing really well! Congrats all! I've been eating better and got down to 156 but now around 158. Girls are out of school a few more days so hoping I can get back into a more regular routine at that time and things will start coming down more!…
  • Hi Lesley! Welcome! I have been trying to lose 10 lbs I feel like for the last 4 years since I turned 40, HA! Trying to eat more "clean" and be more diligent about calorie counting. Do great working out (Burn Boot Camp that I love) 5 days a week but you can't out train a bad diet! Like most weekends are a killer as I love…
  • Oh @2tall4thisworld sorry you are going through such a tumultuous time! First off moving and becoming a graduate student is a huge amount of stress. Any big change like that is. And I'm very sorry to hear about you and your ex. Even though you are making complete sense and have a great view on the situation, I know it is…
  • Was starving yesterday! I mean I could not get full. Not sure if it was from the leg day workout at boot camp or what. Did pretty well all day but then finished the night off with a cup full of cinnamon life cereal and a few m&m's. Hoping today will be better. Both my daughter's were born in August so birthday month is in…
  • Best of luck!! You can do it! I know with both my pregnancies I managed to gain like 70 lbs (could have been the donuts, burgers & BBQ...but who knows :smiley: ) and I was able to get it all back off. Now be kind to yourself because mine did take close to 9 months if not more for all of it to come off. slow and steady!
  • So glad I'm not the only one who went a bit haywire this weekend! Ah when the cocktails flow its hard for the food not to follow. Good news is even though I didn't stay totally on track this weekend I did do better than my normal weekend. Didn't weigh today but will weigh Thursday. Thus far I'm down 4 lbs since I started…
  • Oh what is calorie happy pizza @rianneonamission ? Has anyone tried the cauliflower crust? I love the cauliflower rice but use it like just that...rice, not sure how it would work as a crust. Also love zoodles! I can easily give up pasta and eat those or eat bread instead which I love! Was going to get up a run this a.m.…
  • Awesome job! You look amazing, glowing and younger!!
  • ah @formaggio I hate the thought of giving up wine completely. It makes me sad. This week I've had a glass (or two) every night but have been still around my calorie goal. Last night the wine did lead to the grab of an M&M or two but not many. Going to see what progress I make and if its still not moving will need to drop…
  • Ah haven't driven a stick in so long! But do remember those days. Hubby wants to teach our girls how to drive one, one day (still only 10 & 11) but you barely seem them anymore but I guess a good skill to have just in case :smile: Hope you are feeling better soon and back to running in a few. Better to rest up (although…
  • glassofroses amazing work on your weight loss! when did your journey start? So far so good, Monday was a good eating day and Tuesday is starting off the same. I did have a glass of wine last night but had leftover calories so no biggie but I slept like crap. Going to try and avoid it for the next few nights and see how I…
  • Hi all, I'd like to join. I've been off and on MFP for a couple years now. I'm currently sitting around 160 and would like to get down to 150. Every since turning 40, 4 years ago it has been quite the battle to lose weight! In Feb. I joined Burn Boot camp so def. feel like I've been toning over the past couple of months,…
  • Hi all! I'm in the same boat. I need to lose like 10 lbs and this is the same 10 lbs I've needed to lose over the last 2-3 years since turning 40. I'll do good for a bit then put it right back on. I need to stay focused. I've been working out so that's not the issue, its the eating and drinking on the weekends. Kills me…
  • I love spiraled zucchini, squash, etc. (zoodles) or riced cauliflower so I'll often saute one of those add some turkey sausage, or chicken and some fresh salsa or Sharwoods Indian cooking sauces and done in 5 minutes. My local stores offer zoodles and the cauliflower pre-cut. Easy peasy!
  • I love Boot Camp as well. Joined Burn a couple weeks ago and love how it is so different every day, lots of different times offered, challenging but they show modifications and I'm always the good sore afterward and sweaty! But biggest thing is finding something you like and will stick to! Good luck!
  • You look great! Amazing work!
  • I see huge changes as well! You look awesome! Great job!
  • There are a few things I have tried and enjoy... I really like chicken breakfast sausage (alfresco is the brand I use, very yummy) I like baked chips or veggie straws for my chip cravings I've used the Olive Oil based Mayo that has less calories and have recently found and fell in love with yogurt dips that have only 25…
  • I love baked chips but they aren't for everyone. My go to these days are the Veggie Straws (not really veggies, but like chips). You can eat 38 for around 130 calories. I'm a salty girl so find these very satisfying!
  • Love them both! Turkey bacon is great when you need something fast and from the microwave!
  • Congratulations! My babies are older now (9&10) but like you I also put on a good 70 to 80 lbs when I was pregnant. I loved donuts and took advantage of the whole eating for two deal. It is hard to eat healthy foods at first as I remember so many people bringing over casseroles and baked dishes loaded with cheese, cream,…
  • Great seeing all the losses this morning! Keep up the amazing work all! I lost 1 lb, but am thrilled with that. Was at the lake for the long U.S. 3 day weekend so anything not going up is a huge success in my book! Have a great week! Starting Weight: 161 lbs Current Weight: 158 Septembers goal: 153 Ultimate Goal: 148…
  • Thanks for the post! Was going to ask the same question as mine is always way over the recommended amount in the tool.
  • I'm in too! Just started MFP 2 weeks ago and down 3 lbs so far. Would love to keep it going and slow and steady is where its at!! I already weigh in on Tuesdays so just adjusted the days accordingly! Starting Weight: 161 lbs Current Weight: 158 Septembers goal: 153 Ultimate Goal: 148 September 6th: September 13th:…
  • Ah reading this resonates quite a bit with me. When I turned 41 I just could not take weight off like I used to and now its continued to climb and remain on me even after the holidays. I'd love to lose 10-15 lbs. I do great during the week (well most days) but the weekends kill me. Need to stay strong and keep with the…