3 months Post partum ....need to loose 80 pounds HELP

I'm 26 and I gave birth 3 months ago and I'm so down about my body i gained 71 pounds while i was pregnant it's hard to eat right because everything I eat is microwaved I bought hydroxycut but havent started them yet HELP !! ADVICE?


  • stc1982
    stc1982 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I had a baby just over 3 months ago and gained about 60 lbs while pregnant. Juggling being a new mom and trying to take care of myself has been a struggle, especially on so little sleep. I eat whatever I can prepare and eat with one hand which usually isn't very good for me. Hoping it gets easier as I get into a routine with the baby but in the meantime, I feel horrible about my body.
  • jondspen
    jondspen Posts: 253 Member
    Exercise and nutrition.

    Exercise...do baby exercises.

    Nutrition : microwave isn't bad per se. Granted, fresh veggies/fruits and baked meats (chicken, turkey) are the best, but as long as you're logging your food and watching calories, the LBS will come off. Just know prepared foods have LOTS of sodium, so you will be retaining lots of water.
  • Jonna13
    Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
    First-get rid of the hydroxy cut you don't need it. Start counting your calories and use mfp everyday. Record everything you eat even condiments, and make sure you are actually measuring your food, not just guessing. I would also recommend investing in a good kitchen scale so your able to record everything you eat accurately. It sounds tedious, but will get easier over time. Also, set a realistic goal. Aim for 1-2lbs per week.

    Good luck!
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    Steamer bags are a god send. You can buy pre made stuff (the other day I ate some lentil, bean, corn, green bean and cheese thing out of a steamer bag. 'Twas good). Or you can just buy the steamer bags and load them up with veggies.

    My mom also gave me this great tip. She makes a big batch of cheese sauce and then freezes it in an ice cube tray. Then she has a small serving of cheese sauce she can throw in with cauliflower or broccoli in a steamer bag.

    Crock pot meals are also incredibly helpful. Prep time is usually relatively short, you can make a large amount of food and then you've got a few meals with minimal time commitment.

    Congrats on your new baby!!
  • fattothinmum
    fattothinmum Posts: 218 Member
    Nothing wrong with a microwave if you put the right things in it, and try to avoid as much high sodium food as you can. I use my microwave often, but mostly for veges, soups etc.
  • cmjlavallee
    cmjlavallee Posts: 28 Member
    Congratulations! My babies are older now (9&10) but like you I also put on a good 70 to 80 lbs when I was pregnant. I loved donuts and took advantage of the whole eating for two deal. It is hard to eat healthy foods at first as I remember so many people bringing over casseroles and baked dishes loaded with cheese, cream, etc. At that point I just tried to limit my portions but do try to work in as much fruit and veggies as possible. Maybe splurge on pre-cut options for the time being. Lack of sleep and lack of time can be brutal. I also did get out for walks as much as possible for exercise and to keep my sanity! And of course one of the best things to remember is be kind to yourself and give yourself a good year to take the weight off. It really will take awhile. Hang in there!
  • MorganMoreaux
    MorganMoreaux Posts: 691 Member
    I'm 26 and I gave birth 3 months ago and I'm so down about my body i gained 71 pounds while i was pregnant it's hard to eat right because everything I eat is microwaved I bought hydroxycut but havent started them yet HELP !! ADVICE?

    May want to reconsider taking supplements if your breastfeeding - a lot of that stuff isn't high quality or tested and may pass through breast milk to your baby. The only thing you need to do to lose weight is eat fewer calories than you burn. Get a scale and accurately weigh all solids and use cups/spoons to measure liquids and log them. You really don't need weightloss supplements ;)