RSavage83 Member


  • I weigh every Monday morning and log it. I check sometimes on Friday to see how I'm doing. So many things can affect a weigh-in though... I don't obsess over the numbers and pay more attention to how I look/feel. I tried doing it daily and the numbers didn't make sense, so I stopped and am much happier.
  • I had/have a considerable amount of weight to lose. I'm 5'7" and started at 280. I'm under 230 now. I lost the 50+ lbs in a year (though technically in about 6 months, but spread out over two different periods of actual calorie counting). I lost it pretty much through just dieting. I wanted to get down to a lighter weight…
  • Very aggressive... I've lost 50 lbs or so over the last year... originally I wanted 2 lbs per week but I fell into a more comfortable and sustainable lifestyle rather than a restrictive diet I can't maintain. Unless you are morbidly obese it's highly unlikely you'll maintain 3lbs/week loss... unless you plan on exercising…
  • I'm 5'7" and started at 280 in Jan 2015. By this Jan I'm down a little over 50 lbs. I've used MFP since September and lost 30 lbs with the aid of its daily food diary feature. My first goal is to hit 200 lbs, my next goal is 175 lbs and then I'll see how I look/feel at that stage. I probably need to be around 130 which…
  • I tend to eat smaller meals earlier in the day so I can have a larger meal and a snack in the evening. I save my soups and veggies for lunch so that I can eat something more filling for supper and not wake up 'starving' in the morning. I eat won ton soup... it's lovely... but I couldn't handle it if that's what I had to…
  • I'm 5'7" and started at 280 in Jan 2015. As of the end of the year I had lost 50 lbs. I didn't notice the weight loss until I was at least 30 lbs down. I noticed it first in the way my pants fit me but didn't actually see it until around the 50 lbs mark. I'm actually a little more than 50 lbs down now and and notice it…
  • I eat Kozyshack rice pudding or tapioca pudding (90 cal), PC chocolate frozen yogurt bars (80 cal), Jello fat free white chocolate pudding (70 cal for a 1/2 cup), Siloette vanilla yogurt with raspberries (40 cal per "pot")... but I'm not really a sweets kind of person normally (just chocolate during PMS)... or just reduce…
  • I had that problem at the start of my journey... but after 30 days, it seems to take a lot less for me to feel "full". I try to drink a lot of fluids throughout the day... mostly water... and I always drink water before a meal to help that full feeling happen faster, with less food (you could try infused water, with lemon,…
  • I'm trying to readjust my mentality towards "junk" foods. I eat light tapioca pudding (1 pot is 90 cal) or sugar free white chocolate pudding (only 70 cal per 1/4 cup). I also eat baked ritz chips with light artichoke dip as my crunchy/salty snack. Over time I'm developing a taste for these new "junk" foods. I don't really…
  • Set little goals and treat yourself? Not with food... but say... "if I lose 5 lbs this month I'll buy this (blank) that I've been wanting"... honestly my motivation is just to lose weight. That's enough for me. I want to fit into the clothes I used to wear 2 years ago... and then lose more weight and go shopping for new…
  • I'm not on supplements. I think you read that from another user. My Dr. has prescribed me meds for my pain. I've tried them all. The ones I take make the endometriosis almost bearable. I was merely asking if anyone who experiences bad cramps finds exercise to be soothing. I've always shied away from exercising during my…
  • Oh my... Thank-you to all the helpful posts. I don't get cravings like I want to eat everything I see... just chocolate (which I don't eat normally since I'm diabetic). I've tried the sugar free chocolates... they're horrible and remind me of what eating wax must be like. Yes, I've read about exercise to lessen pains...…
  • To maintain my weight I get 2400 calories per day. I am on 1400 so that I have a deficit of 7000 calories per week which should equal a 2 lb weight loss each week. I think your calorie intake is too high. I try to keep my meals something like 300 breakfast 300 lunch 600 dinner and under 200 snacks (usually 2 - before and…