stephanie_queen Member


  • Fruit is my go to. They are naturally sweet and still good for you (in moderation of course). Sometimes if I feeling really bad I have chocolate covered fruit for the extra 'yum'. Fruit is natures candy :)
  • Oops. Just checked, it's @fitgirlsguide
  • Well they seem pretty good. Well people that use them at least, do really goo on losing weight and converting to a healthier lifestyle. They post a lot of before and after pictures as well as a few recipes and inspiration quotes. I recommend checking them out @ Fitgirls
  • I drink a lot of green tea. It tastes great, has zero calories and is good for you :)
  • I am 5'4. I started at 165lbs and am now at 151.5lbs (13.5lbs down). I still have a long way to go but haven't been at this long. Wish me luck:)
  • I am the same way but for the past pew days I have been replacing all snacks with green tea. I end up drinking around 4-6 cups a day. Now the tea it's self won't make you lose weight but for me, it made me feel full and not hungry therefore helping me snack less. Honestly, by doing that and exercising an hour a day, I have…
  • I have actually done this overnight (you're supposed to sweat away inches while you sleep) and honestly, I lost an inch or two but it didn't last long. I'd have to say the effort of putting the lotion and plastic wrap on then keeping it off your clothes is way more than it should be, therefore not worth it
  • Thanks, even though it should have been obvious to me, that really helped put the senerio into perspective :)
  • It is a 'game night' with five other friends. We will be making sweets like candy apples and caramel corn and one of them want to got into town for some candy. We are not handing any out
  • Mine is weighted and yup, I have bruises on my hips. I took me a second to realize where they were from. Haha
  • I've actually considered bringing some veggies and keeping them in my purse... Is that weird? But then I could snack on them and not a candy, etc
  • Yeah if found that to help me too. I seem to be eating less, aka not over eating much anymore, and I can see it maybe helping me