Morglez Member


  • Guessing is called guessing for a reason. You could still have consumed more calories than you thought. I agree with being more accurate in your logging before cutting calories. Also, like someone else said, it could just be a matter of you having too much sodium. I know it sucks to see a gain, but unfortunately it does…
  • I 100% agree with others who are saying do NOT stop your medicine unless guided by your doctor. Some medications can really harm you if you quit them cold turkey, and require that you be "weaned" off them. As for the sweet cravings... I understand that as I have a HUGE sweet tooth. What helps me is eating healthy sweets. I…
  • There isn't a set rule on weighing in. Do whatever works best for you, as everyone is different. I personally just weight once a week, because I know that my weight goes up and down on a daily basis. I tend to get discouraged if I see a slight gain, so I wait till the week is over. However my mom (when she is trying to…
  • I have mine set at a 1 pound per week loss. I haven't been successful at sticking to the 2 pound per week. It's definitely not cheating. It's still a calorie deficit!
  • When I was at a nice thin, healthy weight, I was ALWAYS cold. One of my managers at the time joked that I was like a reptile and had to bask in the sun just to get warm. Not so much now that I have loads of extra insulation, lol. In fact I have the opposite problem... hot too easy!
  • Wow, congrats on your loss! So inspiring! I have been on this journey several times and have gotten off track just as many times. However, now I am taking it more seriously. My motivation is my knees. Carrying all this weight has really done a number on them. I am no longer able to kneel down or squat down. (I carry a TON…
  • Are they friends that you have just added? There is a bug that keeps us from liking or commenting on new friends' posts. It usually resolves for me the next day. Quite annoying.
  • I have my meals labeled as time frames on my diary instead of names like "Breakfast" and such. I am a night owl, so I stay up late and wake up late which means I tend to eat my last snack or small meal after midnight. I have a separate "After Midnight" meal listed, and I add any food I eat after midnight to that spot. But,…
  • I have well over 100 pounds to lose and am pushing 40, so I know that I will have the loose skin. I'm not looking forward to it, BUT in the end I will still be much happier because I will be healthy and will actually be able to get active and move without panting and limping! As of right now, my knees are in bad shape…
  • I have over 100 pounds to lose, so I am in the same boat. Feel free to add me. I am active on MFP and post regular status updates! My diary is also open.
  • There are certainly enough places to eat in the Orlando area that you shouldn't have to drive an hour! I used to live in Orlando, but its been a while since I have been over that way. Not sure what places are best anymore, but you should be able to eat pretty much anywhere. Just make healthier choices when eating out. I…
    in FLORIDA Comment by Morglez March 2016
  • I'm a little surprised by how many people are telling the OP that it's not anyone else's problem, and to basically get over it. I totally understand what you're saying, and that in the end, we are solely responsible for what we eat during the day... not anyone else. And I personally would NEVER expect anyone to eat only…
  • I don't know if this has anything to do with your issue, but I surprisingly found how clothes can affect the numbers on my scale. I normally weigh naked, and one day I wasn't thinking about it and weighed with a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Realized it, and took them off and there was a 1 lb difference. I was quite…
  • I tried WW for a bit several years ago. It worked for me while I was on it (which wasn't very long), but I wasn't in a position financially to keep at it. Then I found MFP and realized I could do basically the same thing for free. I've heard a lot of complaints over the years about WW changing their points system. That…
  • I am the same way. My "food mood" as I like to call it, changes by the hour. I track whatever I eat right as I am fixing it. If I don't do it then, I am likely to forget to track it. The only time I pre-track is if I am fixing a packed lunch that I will be taking to class the next day.
  • The more accurate you are in your logging, the more successful you will be. Little things like dips, butter, toppings, etc all add up. I log EVERYTHING.
  • I wouldn't worry too much about sodium unless you have a specific reason too. Personally, I like to keep an eye on how much I take in, because of hypertension. I also have bad knees, and too much sodium makes them hurt and swell. But that's a choice tailored to me.
  • Those look like they are so much fun! Once I get to a point where I can even think of running, I would love to go to one! Good luck to you!
  • Great job! I had to resist temptation just a bit ago. Pizza was brought into the house and I had to resist.... It was torture! But I did it!
  • I have almost completely given it up, but I am not opposed to having some drinks now and then. I decided to mostly stop because I have been on and off this weight loss wagon way too many times. Every other time I didn't restrict my alcohol intake and I failed miserably after a couple days every single time. This time I…
  • Deleting the app doesn't delete the info. As far as I know, the only way to wipe your past weight loss is to go in and delete each entry one by one.
  • Just sent you a friend request. I am currently 288 lbs, but I have been over the 300 mark many times. Hoping to keep going down and down! I know how hard this journey is!
  • Is the arthritis due to being overweight or is it something else? Just wondering, because I know when I was at my heaviest (314lbs) about a year ago, my knees were hurting so bad that I had a hard time walking most times. It was so painful. It has gotten better as I have lost some of that weight, but I am still 288lbs, so…
  • I will be 40 in June... not sure if that count's as "older", lol. (I like to think not!) I have over 100 pounds to lose, so this new journey of mine is going to be a long one! I just started back at this again a couple weeks ago and have lost about 12 lbs so far. I am always looking to add people and have people add me, so…
  • I don't think you could always access the forums from the mobile app. I'm not sure how long the option has been there now, but I know it wasn't there when I originally used the app a couple years ago. But on that note, welcome!
  • Lakeland in the house!
  • I do have a food scale, and I use it for almost everything. I normally weigh everything in grams, but when I scanned the bag, there wasn't an option for grams, ounces, etc. It was just cups and fluid weights. (It seems weird to me to weigh solid foods in fluid weights... I feel like it would be inaccurate.) I guess I need…
  • I have a HUGE sweet tooth. I have found what works for me, is eating "healthy sweets". Every day I make a smoothie. In fact, I just had one with spinach, fruit (frozen no sugar added), coconut greek yogurt, vanilla protein powder, and unsweetened cashew milk. In reality, it probably still had too much sugar than most…
  • Weigh EVERYTHING! You might be eating more calories than you think. A food scale can be your best friend on this journey! I eat lots of fruit (it helps keep my cravings for sweets at bay) and I also enjoy a smoothie (sometimes two) just about every day. And I am still loosing. Granted, I have a ton more to lose than you…
  • I have been much more successful without drinking alcohol. There are a couple reasons for that. A... I usually drink super sweet drinks that tend to pack a HUGE amount of calories per drink. B... When I get tipsy or drunk my will power bottoms out and I eat ALL the things, lol. Not too mention that I am overall feeling a…