Any older men or women who have weight to lose?

I'm talking a substantial weight loss here, so anyone willing to travel this long road with me?


  • Malenurse51
    Malenurse51 Posts: 181 Member
    Who you calling "old"? :D 64 here, 188 down from 264.
  • barbaradavies66
    barbaradavies66 Posts: 10 Member
    Haha! I'm impressed with both your stats ;)
  • KitchyWitchy
    KitchyWitchy Posts: 57 Member
    edited February 2016
    I'm 47 and I still have about 60 pounds to go. Here for the long haul.
  • barbaradavies66
    barbaradavies66 Posts: 10 Member
    Yes a long journey but we can do it x
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    I was 56 thru 58 years old when I lost 75 pounds. Kept it off for 5 years. We can do it.
  • NancySDA
    NancySDA Posts: 73 Member
    I am 55 and lost weight in the past. But it has been 5 years, job loss, and a divorce later and I gained it all back plus. SO NOW, I am finally at that place where I am crawl out of my funk, take charge of my life again. I am determined...and I can be stubborn. LOL! I have 81pounds to lose.
  • barbaradavies66
    barbaradavies66 Posts: 10 Member
    We are still beautiful. Nancy, I'm there too.... Let's take charge and do this x
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    You got this!
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Yes, the body is an amazing thing. These legs have walked, carried us for a lng time, the heart ever beating. Gratitude and peace.
  • 15lbsthinner
    15lbsthinner Posts: 4 Member
    Hey guys, I'm 58 want to lose 35 lbs. seems impossible, no matter what I do the scale doesn't seem to notice! This is a restart for me and could really use the support from similarly situated friends!
  • Hello everyone. I'm 40 and I have been overweight most of my life. I'm tired of the rollercoaster with my weight.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Hey guys, I'm 58 want to lose 35 lbs. seems impossible, no matter what I do the scale doesn't seem to notice! This is a restart for me and could really use the support from similarly situated friends!

    Open your diary, please. Add me, and we can do this. If you can learn from the experiences of others, this is the site for it.
  • Steviemac64
    Steviemac64 Posts: 9 Member
    HI all 51 and looking to lose 50 pounds , I have tried in the past and failed but now the blood pressure is a problem so I am ready for a fight
  • tdaniels54
    tdaniels54 Posts: 55 Member
    I am 61. It took me 4 years to lose 65 lbs. I have 10 more to go. By taking it slowly I have had the time to change my eating habits. It's all about portion control and choosing healthy alternatives and exercise. I walk 3-6 mi./day. Now that I am close to my goal, I've joined Myfitnesspal to track my food. Good luck on your journey! You can add me as a friend.
  • Hi, I'm 44 and fed up of wearing the big frumpy clothes to hide the ever growing 'love handles' & belly!! I am in need of support to do this as I can hear the twinkies calling me.........
  • LaurieB0310
    LaurieB0310 Posts: 8 Member
    Me me me me! Can you add me as a friend. I'm new here and trying to figure this out. I'm 51, in California and trying to get back on track.
  • MarziDeThrall
    MarziDeThrall Posts: 98 Member
    46 with about 77 lbs to go. Add me if you like and good luck on your journey. :)
  • Morglez
    Morglez Posts: 46 Member
    I will be 40 in June... not sure if that count's as "older", lol. (I like to think not!) I have over 100 pounds to lose, so this new journey of mine is going to be a long one! I just started back at this again a couple weeks ago and have lost about 12 lbs so far. I am always looking to add people and have people add me, so anyone is welcome to send a request.
    Good luck everyone!
  • jenfitness00
    jenfitness00 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm talking a substantial weight loss here, so anyone willing to travel this long road with me?

    Would very much like to be your friend.

    I'm Jen. 64 years old -- and tired of the yo-yo dieting.

    I still look somewhat younger I am told and I just want to be fit as I get older and
    not be like some who really go down hill. I enjoy seeing Betty White and Dick Van *kitten* --
    they are growing old gracefully. That's want I want to do!

    Please contact me to be buddies on here. Let's set a goal, keep in touch and DO IT!!!

    Thank you! Jen
  • barbaradavies66
    barbaradavies66 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you all. Good to know that there are others out there with the same struggle. I've added you all. Let's do this together x
  • bp_ng
    bp_ng Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2016
    I'm 51, i lost 25 lbs in 3 months. It's not impossible.
  • franksilva1962
    franksilva1962 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a 54 year old truck driver and with my lack of exercise and totally crappy food choices out here not to mention it's also my choices here and at home. It's bad enough to be single and think you may die alone the last thing I want to be alone and fat!!! So I'm putting this out there not for sympathy but with the hopes of support from the people on here and to motivate myself by making it public, and to admit I'm FAT and sick of it!!! I wish the best for everyone on here let's do this and finally make a stand once and for all, I'M NOT GOING TO BE FAT ANYMORE!!!!
  • jaebennetti
    jaebennetti Posts: 44 Member
    I am 52 and have lost 80 so far but have a long way to go. I am looking for friends to travel this road with me!
  • sandyb
    sandyb Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I am 49 and lost 100+ lbs, with another 30 or so to go. I am trying to eat clean, no processed carbs, no wheat, no dairy, low sodium and sugar. Also I exercise quite a bit. I run (when the knees don't hurt too much), spin, strength train and walk. I feel healthier than I can remember! Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Panda_brat
    Panda_brat Posts: 291 Member
    I'm 41, and have lost over 160 pounds.
  • JATreats
    JATreats Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am Mike a few weeks from 70 years old. 150 days ago I was taking blood pressure meds and weighing about 215 now I no longer need meds BP fine, current weight 188 but want to be at 180.

    By using this app with full disclosure of intake and a fitbit to track calories I have achieved current results. I have changed my diet to reduce sodium, increase anti-inflammatory foods, increase potassium rich foods, higher protein intake, cutting back on processed foods and trying to draw from food groups properly. I also try to achieve a 2770 a day calorie burn as many days as possible. Last thirty days or so I have bounced from 186 to 189. I crash 2 or 3 times a month because of my cravings for sweets, a few days ago it was an entire Patti LaBelle sweet potato pie. Those are always bummer events because the whole time you are indulging yourself you are also berating yourself which kinda cancels the pleasure, not to mention the physical after effects. I am becoming fearful of crashing, right now I know am writing this to stall my exercise event for today!!!

    Maybe this group will keep more of us on track, I am in.
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    57 years old, active, and fighting to keep my weight under 220 lbs. at 5'8". Add me if you please.
  • bubbajoe1066
    bubbajoe1066 Posts: 95 Member
    56.... just over 100 lbs to lose. started 64 days ago and have dropped 35 lbs as of this morning. . i cut out all added sugar ,salt and all processed food. i eat as clean as possible. pretty easy seeing i'm chief cook and bottle washer for this family. i walk and walk and walk some more. with my trusty fitibt strapped to my wrist. couldn't make the 10 k steps the first few days but i push myself and do as much as i can. i add a little more each day .a little more each week.. hit 100k mark working on 125 now.. Let me tell you something... if i can do this, so can you...I'm not going to wish anyone Luck... it doesn't take luck, it takes determination and hard work. More than happy to help anyway i can. i'm here every single day.
  • danielwilliams233
    danielwilliams233 Posts: 81 Member
    51, looking to loose 40 to 50 lbs. been working on it but I need to get more aggressive about it. Looking for friends to communicate and trade ideas and inspiration.
  • ncurtis888
    ncurtis888 Posts: 8 Member
    I am 52, and would like to drop from size 16 to size 8. I was very fit for many years, but put on 6 dress sizes with a bad job and subsequent illness and depression. I want to get myself back, and my love for exercise and eating healthfully. I'm looking for friends that are dedicated to their plan(s), and who are similar in age to me.